just go to the mail filters, there I think you can change to people within a certain mileage of where you live. But if others message you from further away its up to you to tell them you not interested
sunglasses hide you
could be, but cant class all of the guys who wear sunglasses in the same cast, some just have no idea, a woman wants to see your face,your eyes, will have them on when you wake up in the morning by her side,well be mature and serious,if you intend to be I reckon
sunglasses hide you
you can see my face and the rest of me too. very conscious that lots of men don't like bbw, so can see on profile what to expect. But there is more to me than the outer shell, but I don't have sunglasses on in any photos. and where my photos may be 2 years old,they are no older, certainly not 20 years ago as I recently found out to my shock......he was an old man....was not impressed
sunglasses hide you
Keep searching for that one, read profile seam ok, look to profile, plenty of other things, his profile-hes wearing sunglasses, cant see what he looks like properly, smacks of something to hide or thinks he looks cool. Not doing himself any favours cos I just skim across them then. Men say they want to see the real ladies, well we want to see your faces too. Sunglasses are not cool, nor are photos taken 15 years ago, I met someone recently for coffee, he needed to upgrade his photos big time, I was shocked.....still looking