Community > Posts By > fireflysgirl
best wishes to all mingle fathers and theirs this toast was originally made by my excellent friend tazzops on st. patrick's day, but i like it so much,i'm using it for father's day There are good ships, and there are wood ships, The ships that sail the sea. But the best ships, are friendships, And may they always be. Thanks Ese grand friend indeed. I think it can be used for everyday of the year. Fathers are indeed the greatest of friends. Not just dads but Fathers. Wishing every Father here on M2 a very wonderful grand Father's Day. To the Fathers over the world, who gave their time and love to heir children. ![]() ^^^this, some of the best dads I know are fathers of children they didn't contribute to biologically! Those children are loved and blessed to have them as their daddy ![]() |
Rihanna..."I love the way you lie part 2" |
What are you here for??
friends and good times
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And who in the heck
Uncle Brocca!!! Can we play Scrabble? If I win, you buy the ice cream? shshshshshshshhhhh! Laundry rules are finders-keepers, right?! Dad must have forgotten he had some extra money in his pocket ![]() So who wants ICE CREAM ![]() |
I want someone balanced. The whole, yin-yang thing. Sometimes it's good to be passive, sometimes aggressive for both of us. Now, where's that riding crop! ![]() whip me and i'll bite ![]() gotta get out the frying pan to keep this one in line...LOL love them Texas men ![]() |
meet a friend
Can I ever in this life meet a trustworthy friend? takes one to know one (you must be a friend with the qualities you desire to have one with the same) |
I need a lesson in dating site etiquette. I recently had someone view my profile and message me. (and I was as surprised as you are!) The only thing she said was 'Hi'. Am I being a crumb by not saying Hi back? I do feel a little guilty by ignoring her. But I also feel like, if she really wanted to make friends with people, she'd muster up a little more than a 'Hi'. I'm a guy, true, but I'm one of those odd few that enjoys a meaningful conversation. Don't feel bad...if hi is all they write then they are likely not great at holding a conversation! I don't answer the hey there, hi sexy, hello beautiful, or less appealing like "are you freaky" messages & do not feel bad at all about it! |
my older sister slept in a dresser drawer and then later on down the line my parents got my dads syblings crib which my other sisters and i slept in it my kids slept in it my nephew and great nephew slept in it so you know how old that crib is.. that's awesome that it stayed in the family so long |
![]() Your not born to know everything about being a good Dad? Its always that in your hands learning as you go,,that makes you a good dad and allows your baby to grow and feel your love inside them. All of you older dad's here KNOW this bond, and have learned your child through these first days and weeks of their lives. Through every face, of laughter and painful cries,,they show YOU their deepest feeling inside them...And US DADS freak sometimes when we DON'T KNOW whats wrong and we worry and say,,,,,,HONEY----COME-MERE SOMETHINGS WRONG!:) Then our wives show us or explain to us what it might be?,,,Thats parenting..and THATS the LOVE of you three to live, feel,and be. For all of you who might be avoiding those baby duties,,,,,,,STOP-IT,,,because trust me here fellas,,THAT BABY KNOWS YOU THROUGH THEIR EVERY CRY ANSWERED,,,lol.. ![]() Dads share the many MALE aspects of growing in a child's life,,the hero's thinking in your children,,that hard tough man with brutal super hero tactics and muscle, able to lift houses off their foundations,,,:),,WE don't really TRY to be this,,but in your kids minds,,through growing,,they may see us as,, ALL-THAT. We dad's are the bad guys many times,,as our wives give us that hat to HELP them control the actions of our children when they are having some tempered issues arising from them not want to follow Mother's rules...But their father's rules as well Then,,when you have both did your best, and your child graduates High School. Your so proud of them,,as the tears roll down your wifes face, as you turn and swallow and keep thinking,,I'm not going to do this,,(tears),,So you hug her and wipe away her tears,,knowing YOU could flood the halls with the ones your choking back.:) Then as they leave for College, or go out on their own to work and start their lives as young adults,,,,YOU DAD,,,will never be the same again,,inside you THEY shall ALWAYS REMAIN YOUR BABY....EVRY EVENT THAT MATTERS TO THEM IN THEIR LIFE, YOUR BE THERE,,and YOUR feel that same,,hold-back,,on them tears..and that SAME first loving infant you saw and held when they were first born.. Many Parents do not make it through to their child's being grown and an adult,,because they split-up and get a divorce..I my self went through this,,and THAT IS NO DIFFERENT to your child sharing YOUR LOVE WITH THEM..TO BE REAL HERE,,THATS WHEN YOU AS A FATHER NEED TO BE MORE INVOLVED WITH THEM,,as they feel your absents and NEED to know your BOTH STILL THEIR FOR THEM,,ALWAYS<3 I'm not writing this because I feel I was some kind of a PERFECT DAD,,because there is NONE of them ever born...:) But as for my thoughts to share with all of you whatever your feelings are about YOUR Fatherhood? You helped make this Human Life Be ALIVE,,and it is YOUR responsibility to see THEY KNOW AND HAVE YOUR LOVE, no-matter the struggles to MAKE THAT BE,,,You and your wife can slit-up,,and both get re-married,,MANY,MANY TIMES if that is the case,,but your babies made,,NEED YOU,,in their lives,FOREVER ![]() ![]() I just needed to express this today,,as father's Day arrives Sunday,,Many of you may be in difficult times in showing or knowing your children's thoughts of you? So may I say congratulations Dad's for making your child or children KNOW YOUR THERE FOR THEM ALWAYS, by giving them your support and Love through a desired GIFT of HEART not because you ever felt YOU HAD TO..but because YOU FELT THEY HAD TO HAVE YOU IN THEIR LIVES!!!! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() This is very sweet Iam4u and true! If I had a dollar for every "Jaime's crazy Daddy story" I've heard I would be set up nicely...LOL! He was never easy to handle or get along with, but he was always in our lives & did things with us (hunting, fishing, camping, monster trucks, wrestling, etc)! We all knew he loved us no matter what & bless my parents for sticking it out! Dad delivered me and 2 of my younger sisters @ home! When I was born they didn't have a crib. He made me a bed in a dresser drawer and slept with his hand on me every night until they moved to Texas and got a crib for me (~2 months)! The last conversation we had I had drove back home for his birthday party and he told me how proud he was of me for not quitting school when life got rough. I miss my Daddy! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Happy Fathers Day to all Dads and Dads to be ![]() ![]() To be honest here with me,,and my dad,,,HE was provider,,and he gave me life,,,but he was wicked in everyway, and a drunk,,who took out his pains on EVERY family member,,and for that I will never forget HIM,,,as for ANY love shown,,,,, our Mother also stuck it out with HIS SORRY AZZ,,,we suffered many bad times.. And none of my siblings will ever forget his MADNESS,,or his mind.. But see,,THIS is how I see, If it wasn't for me being beaten,,smacked and brused,,I wouldn't KNOW what THAT FELT LIKE,,so then maybe I to would have grown to be THAT? And as for me and my three kids,,they NEVER felt a hand on any part of their bodies,,except their butts...and those more scared them getting one than they really hurt.. IF my dad had not been such a poor excuse for a Father,,then I wouldn't have wanted so desperately to be a GREAT DAD to all mine.. There,,,lays the riddle to human understanding, and progressing through liefs wrongs...and MAKING THEM RIGHT! ![]() He was much rougher with my older brother and I than my younger sisters, but he didn't just beat us for no reason or anything. However, his tool of punishment was a razor strap...ouch! He was still a great Dad and taught us how to take care of ourselves. He even taught my best friend how to check all the fluid levels in her car...LOL! He was very comical and fun to be around, but could be an azz about the smallest things (heaven forbid I cut my hair & donate it :) Thanks for being a good Daddy Iam4u! I never knew the feeling of ALONE until my Daddy passed ![]() ![]() |
![]() Your not born to know everything about being a good Dad? Its always that in your hands learning as you go,,that makes you a good dad and allows your baby to grow and feel your love inside them. All of you older dad's here KNOW this bond, and have learned your child through these first days and weeks of their lives. Through every face, of laughter and painful cries,,they show YOU their deepest feeling inside them...And US DADS freak sometimes when we DON'T KNOW whats wrong and we worry and say,,,,,,HONEY----COME-MERE SOMETHINGS WRONG!:) Then our wives show us or explain to us what it might be?,,,Thats parenting..and THATS the LOVE of you three to live, feel,and be. For all of you who might be avoiding those baby duties,,,,,,,STOP-IT,,,because trust me here fellas,,THAT BABY KNOWS YOU THROUGH THEIR EVERY CRY ANSWERED,,,lol.. ![]() Dads share the many MALE aspects of growing in a child's life,,the hero's thinking in your children,,that hard tough man with brutal super hero tactics and muscle, able to lift houses off their foundations,,,:),,WE don't really TRY to be this,,but in your kids minds,,through growing,,they may see us as,, ALL-THAT. We dad's are the bad guys many times,,as our wives give us that hat to HELP them control the actions of our children when they are having some tempered issues arising from them not want to follow Mother's rules...But their father's rules as well Then,,when you have both did your best, and your child graduates High School. Your so proud of them,,as the tears roll down your wifes face, as you turn and swallow and keep thinking,,I'm not going to do this,,(tears),,So you hug her and wipe away her tears,,knowing YOU could flood the halls with the ones your choking back.:) Then as they leave for College, or go out on their own to work and start their lives as young adults,,,,YOU DAD,,,will never be the same again,,inside you THEY shall ALWAYS REMAIN YOUR BABY....EVRY EVENT THAT MATTERS TO THEM IN THEIR LIFE, YOUR BE THERE,,and YOUR feel that same,,hold-back,,on them tears..and that SAME first loving infant you saw and held when they were first born.. Many Parents do not make it through to their child's being grown and an adult,,because they split-up and get a divorce..I my self went through this,,and THAT IS NO DIFFERENT to your child sharing YOUR LOVE WITH THEM..TO BE REAL HERE,,THATS WHEN YOU AS A FATHER NEED TO BE MORE INVOLVED WITH THEM,,as they feel your absents and NEED to know your BOTH STILL THEIR FOR THEM,,ALWAYS<3 I'm not writing this because I feel I was some kind of a PERFECT DAD,,because there is NONE of them ever born...:) But as for my thoughts to share with all of you whatever your feelings are about YOUR Fatherhood? You helped make this Human Life Be ALIVE,,and it is YOUR responsibility to see THEY KNOW AND HAVE YOUR LOVE, no-matter the struggles to MAKE THAT BE,,,You and your wife can slit-up,,and both get re-married,,MANY,MANY TIMES if that is the case,,but your babies made,,NEED YOU,,in their lives,FOREVER ![]() ![]() I just needed to express this today,,as father's Day arrives Sunday,,Many of you may be in difficult times in showing or knowing your children's thoughts of you? So may I say congratulations Dad's for making your child or children KNOW YOUR THERE FOR THEM ALWAYS, by giving them your support and Love through a desired GIFT of HEART not because you ever felt YOU HAD TO..but because YOU FELT THEY HAD TO HAVE YOU IN THEIR LIVES!!!! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() This is very sweet Iam4u and true! If I had a dollar for every "Jaime's crazy Daddy story" I've heard I would be set up nicely...LOL! He was never easy to handle or get along with, but he was always in our lives & did things with us (hunting, fishing, camping, monster trucks, wrestling, etc)! We all knew he loved us no matter what & bless my parents for sticking it out! Dad delivered me and 2 of my younger sisters @ home! When I was born they didn't have a crib. He made me a bed in a dresser drawer and slept with his hand on me every night until they moved to Texas and got a crib for me (~2 months)! The last conversation we had I had drove back home for his birthday party and he told me how proud he was of me for not quitting school when life got rough. I miss my Daddy! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Happy Fathers Day to all Dads and Dads to be ![]() |
One great guy!
nice guy like that gotta be from texas ![]() Right! Good Luck to you and your friend mg ![]() |
Edited by
Sat 06/18/11 06:54 AM
Hey, hey now! My dad was the milkman! Seriously, he was a dairy farmer up in Michigan. LOL! People who take the little things too seriously, and the big things not seriously enough. Those afraid to work, or who play up the "icky and afraid of everything" part to much. It's really irritating to see a guy squeal at a snake thats in eating the chicken eggs when all one has to do is just reach in, grab it and take it for a walk back in the pasture and turn it loose. My newest one was the guy friend who jumped, squealed and then started cussing a blue streak at a frog that flung itself across the sidewalk. ex's brother in law is super scared of horses! They came here to visit a few years ago & I rode up from the pasture into the lot by the barn on my little paint mare...he literally ran & jumped in his truck and would not come out! I about died laughing & he has never returned...bawahaha!!! ![]() I can't stand people that whine & complain constantly and blame everyone else because their life isn't perfect! People that constantly judge, ridicule, or put down other people are turn offs. Drug addictions, excessive drinking, negative attitude/outlook! |
so, anyone have any weekend plans?? ![]() ![]() soufie+krupa ~ enjoy the awesomeness of you both. ptooooies!!! and don't do anything i wouldn't do, which leaves it wide open!! ![]() ![]() and ptooies red and morning stoners!!! I for one am happy to have a slow weekend! Agenda today is laundry, tanning, and going to see green lantern with the baby grad students. |
Why is it that some men want a PASSIVE woman....just so they can run over that woman and control her? [/quoteI might agree with That,,if you also feel that many women want a "NICE-GUY" for that same reasoning,,,,, ![]() Yup...some people feel like they need to control others! There are plenty of people not like that so just keep searching for what you want ![]() |
Doobie doobie doo peoples. Happy Friday everyone. haha...Howdy Lion, Red, Bastet (hehe, yes, yes, I luff peoples!), Soufie & Krupa (congrats ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() I had a happy day submitting a fellowship application, water cardio in the outdoor (salt water) pool, & then tanning on the back deck & reading for an hour this evening! Now I'm headed to go play volleyball with the baby grad students! Ya'll have a great night. |
Guetten taag Ye of the Rastafari. FlyGirl is right....Texas is heating up. Our official high at the airport was work it hit 116. Supposed to be hotter tommorrow cause it is only supposed to drop into the mid 80's for a low. Welcome to summer. Makes it even better that in TWO days, I wing it up to Oregon to have a REAL Mingle rendezvous. I am happier than I can describe. (Like a giant chihuahua with a monster boner on his birthday.) Much apprecieation John. Because of you, I do hearby swear that I will no longer schittalk those sneaky Canadians. Sup Lion? Hope life aint giving you the finger bro. Enjoy your time with soufie krupa ![]() |
firefly!! where you been girlie?? ![]() hey lions, doins goods, you got plenty of potent potables over there? ![]() Hey girl ![]() Working more so I could take a long weekend so from Friday until Tuesday I was visiting family and friends! Went "home" and chillaxed like I still lived there :) It was awesome! Got to spend quality time with all my family including a couple aunts and a great aunt from out of state. Saw a few friends I hadn't seen in a long time, including one that I have searched for & vice versa for the last 13 yrs or so. |