Community > Posts By > HappyDude111
Mine is telling me: Things are happening for a reason That true love cannot and will not die To open my mind and do whatever must be done! ![]() Shizz......this is exhausting! Wise words. Unconditional love is everything. Check this out to see more on that.. |
Proof of sixth sense with science. Enjoy! |
Meet the Liberal Elite!
Here is part 2 to the first link I posted: ENJOY!!!
You can call me--idea-man! |
And I take all of their independent research and organize it on my computer for easy finding. Most people are addicted to media, so I use media as the primary tool to get the message across since hardly anyone reads anymore. All I have done for the last 10 years is research independent studies performed by doctors, so I guess there is nothing else I can say...
Do you really know how many different news reports came out regarding mercury being one of the ingredients in the flu shot by independent study? Why should we trust a flu shot at all? Who added mercury to it? Mercury only lowers IQ and weakens the immune system. I will go toe to toe with these corporate-trained doctors all day any day.
If Jesus were real....
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Sat 12/04/10 05:42 PM
you must be a troll. So team troll, to deny factual evidence based on reasons of opinionated credibility is insanity. If my credibility is destroyed with you because I quoted Einstein, are you saying that Einstein was not one of the greatest geniuses to have ever lived? Who has the lack of reasoning now? Me or team troll?
Now, do you notice how the link you provided is a .gov site? Just because of the .gov, the information found on the site is a WASTE of my time. Thanks for your input. Here is a better link for you:
Pay attention to that link and LEARN. This is part of AGENDA 21! INVESTIGATE! |
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Sat 12/04/10 05:30 PM
Yes, we must go back to the basics. Go back to nature. Hemp has over 25,000 different uses. Now think to yourself... Would someone really be trolling around preaching hemp can cure the economy if that person had a selfish agenda? NO! WHY? Because you can grow it, and anything that can be grown is NOT PROFITABLE to big business. Hierarchy will crumble to the ground, and equality will remain. It is the way.
Are all athiests male?
Here is a video I made based on my own research. It's called, "Cures to the World - Ways to Find God."
This video is designed to convince Atheists that God is real, and he can be proven through modern science. Enjoy. Also, see this URL: |
Does it ever get to you?
Here is a video I made based on my own research. It's called, "Cures to the World - Ways to Find God."
This video is designed to convince Atheists that God is real, and he can be proven through modern science. Enjoy. Also, see this URL: Now you will see that A+B=C Archie.. Ahem. *cough* and proven with science. |
If Jesus were real....
Here is a video I made based on my own research. It's called, "Cures to the World - Ways to Find God."
This video is designed to convince Atheists that God is real, and he can be proven through modern science. Enjoy. Also, see this URL: |
Here is a video I made based on my own research. It's called, "Cures to the World - Ways to Find God."
This video is designed to convince Atheists that God is real, and he can be proven through modern science. Enjoy. Also, see this URL: |
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Sat 12/04/10 05:17 PM
Ideas are what societies are founded upon. When we have corruption all the way up the chain in government, I look for people with good ideas. We are a creative people, and we need to stop relying on the federal government to guide our lives. Did you know that the FLU shot you probably received contains mercury which is a very poisonous heavy metal that lowers IQ drastically. I bet you already took the flu shot didn't you? RESEARCH AND OVERCOME!
Here is part 2 to Curing the World. It's called "Ways to find God." This video is based purely on factual information and my own research. Enjoy. I know you will. |
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Sat 12/04/10 05:12 PM
No product is gonna cure the world economy silly. Did you watch the video??? I guess not if that is your response... It must be one of those "too good to be true" scams right??? Here's a few tips: 1. Open your eyes 2. Don't take it from me, do your own research. 3. Take ideas at face value and use them ONLY as a guide for your own research. If you learn those three steps of how to seek reality, then you will prosper. I promise. |
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Sat 12/04/10 05:08 PM
All I can tell you is that Wikileaks would not have hit mainstream media, and it would have been shut down by the NSA immediately after the documents were released--that is, if they were really intended to remain top-secret. This was planned in order to get a chaotic, anarchist, and violent response from the people of this country. If you don't think that this was pre-planned, you still have much research ahead of you. For example, look at what our Jesuit elite have planned for us...
Project Blue Beam Documentation- There will indeed be a show in the sky, and you will see "Jesus" in your brain being projected electromagnetically with sophisticated HAARP technology. Video Project Blue Beam pt1- Video Project Blue Beam pt2- It's called Problem, Reaction, Solution. 1. Problem: The government Elite create a problem(Global Chaos and UFO's) 2. Reaction: The people have a scared reaction("Help us world leaders, oh NO!!! My family! We'll do anything!!! We'll give up our rights!!! Just help us!!!) 3. Solution: "OK! We will help on the condition that you accept the New World Order and forget about the constitution" I really hope you guys are prepared. Stop competing over who has the best argument, and face the facts. Wikileaks is all part of the plan to make you become a chaotic people with violent reactions, so you will become the problem, and the "aliens and NWO" will become the solution. Investigate. This, I am afraid to say, is the truth. If you think I'm crazy, then look at the links I provided you... Don't take it from me... Do your own research. Be your own investigator and quit relying on fake-media like Fox News and CNN. Love, Ryan |
Sad yet true. Please do some research for yourself, and you'll know it to be true.
| for some real news.
Julian is being accused of sex crimes so people will link the sex accusations to his sudden release of "top secret" documents thus giving Assange more credibility for the documents that were released; however, this is all part of an Illuminati plan to give credibility to documents that give a false message. The documents mention nothing about the global elite and the Jesuit Illuminati that really rule the planet, and there is no way Julian could have gotten away with releasing these documents on Wikileaks for so long and not have been captured. He is a government paid operative to spread disinformation, and I can prove it. Check this out... ![]() All I can tell you is that the Illuminati wants you to become a violent anarchist, so when things are in pure chaos, the UN will come as our "saviors" with a New World Order. Believe what you want, but I've been researching these topics for several years now, and if you know me, you'll know that I've been predicting this moment of chaos for quite some time. Obviously, they have you right where they want you like a pawn in chess. Keep it up by focusing on the negative, and that's all you'll get. The war needs to end, but more violence and chaos is not the answer. A wise man once said, "Love your friends, but love your enemies even more, for they are a part of you." We are all one brother, and until you realize that, you will become a victim of the Illuminati's plan. How does it feel being a victim and a slave to the NWO? |
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Wed 12/01/10 03:17 PM
This video pertains to all my fellow hemp/MJ lovers!!! I love you guys! Happy dude is back ![]() Thinkin hemp can save our economy.... Here's your link It can totally save the economy. We got this junk! 420 forever! |
take a good look at who began all this dogma.