So Long A Thanks For All The Fish's photo
Thu 07/05/18 12:09 PM
arm candy i can deal with but if all it is ,is arem candy who would you talk to?

So Long A Thanks For All The Fish's photo
Tue 05/01/18 07:36 PM
then you will never catch him , HA HA HA

So Long A Thanks For All The Fish's photo
Tue 05/01/18 07:35 PM
funny how the answers to this question are broken along sex lines
most females would say no even though the ones who say its wrong are ones who either don't put out because they think they pu$$y is made of gold or are to ugly to have a normal guy take interest in them .
and the guys are so desperate that they would have sex with even the ugly ones .
now i was in a sexless maggage and i did play by her rules for 22 years . what did it get me nothing thats what. so you can tell you wife up front put out or get out . my suggestion is to just take her to a convent and dump her .