Community > Posts By > Jesselex007
When you follow rules like that you are really not open to what is out maybe best you stay off the market until you are open to follow your heart and not some silly rule...pish posh!
boo. I don't want to be clingy..which just by me thinking these things...I feel clingy...which is soo not the norm for then I chalk it up to being pregnant..and since I have never gone through this...I feel like that must be what the deal is...Im almost to the damn point where I say forget it all..focus on my unborn child..and get a new vibrator. I guess that is what single mom's do? Oh, and it is natural for you to feel clingy right now as a pregnant woman - those are normal feelings...just be mindful of your words & actions. And yanno I get sick & tired for "clingy" getting a bad rap. What is normal is the desire and ability to bond. The INability to bond is what is psycho ur fine hunnie Oh wow..those two words made me feel alot glad im not on the psycho playing field cause lol I sure do feel alittle loopy..and then I keep thinking and then I get myself going more! I seriously went on and on about even posting something for But about him being a coach...heck no! I don't want him to see me like that was hard enough when I got teary eyed in How to train a dragon...which we watched on our first date..and he made dinner... I can smile now and be at peace...ABOUT EVERYTHING...on another is nice to know I can have these feelings again's amazing to think that someone is your life and plan to get married and a blink of an eye...poof your life changes... Life is like a box of chocolates...and some other stuff too..and you really do not know what your gonna get :D <3<3<3 |
Ok, so here's my $.02. First focus on your baby. Also work on making sure you are over the abusive jerk (that can take time believe it or not- it will leave a lasting impression- been there). If this new guy is soo great, then just talk right now. If thinks you may be the one then he won't go anywhere. BUT your main focus needs to be yourself, and your baby. Gt ready for a rocky road mom. Newborns can really be rough, It bad enough with a partner, by yourself- WHEW. So just slow down. You do not to complicate life with a new relationship, new baby, and getting over an abusive relationship. So just step back and enjoy being pregnant, and look forward to meeting that new person, who will be your life. As they say there are ALOT of fish in the sea my dear. Good luck and Welcome to the group. ![]() Thank ya thank feeling much better already...yall should be a support group lol! <3 |
I'd say if it's meant for you and this man to be together great if not then that's just the way life is ya know. And you really do have alot more to look forward to having and raisin your baby and being the best mom on the planet ! Good Luck Thanks to all the kind words...ya know no one tells you life is easy. Or raising a new one at that lol :D |
well in my humble opinion... thats EXACTLY what ya do!!!!! The baby should be your one and only concern right really shouldnt be in your plans for awhile...that baby will take up 24/7 with its needs..and those needs come first...even before yours!! then down the line...look for a man...its not mandatory.... are not gonna be all that attracted to a newborn........most are not...thats just fact so concentrate soley now on being a mom...thats your main job now for a while... ![]() My heart is sooo on that path..but im lonely and since I have been single the nights could not be any more difficult!I had a life and now its like mine is on hold..atleast until my little one is one ever tells you how difficult this process is...specially being alone and doing it! Friends have their own lives,families and what not...and I feel like mine is just about to take I still feel stuck but atleast I know my own thoughts are not crazy and I do know the correct answer it's just a matter of me being strong. Thanks :) |
If you just had a bad relationship, then you need time to heal. If this man you've met is the real deal, he can help you heal AND show you he's in for the long haul. I say, give him a chance....don't build a wall. FnL is right: talk to him. He might unintentionally be exaggerating the "forever" part because he may be a romantic at heart. But, that doesn't mean you should push him away. The two of you may be healthy for each other, even if it doesn't last. There's only one way to find out: stop giving him mixed signals, let him in, and see where it goes. You might just find there's more substance to him than you presently know. If not....if it's all just talk....then you'll have no regrets when you decide to move on. Can you say that about where you are now? I read this over a few just so scared of getting hurt. I put my feelings aside for too long..and I feel im important enough to say what I feel and when I feel it. It took alot of thinking to get to that point alone lol! But ya..I get it..but can't you overtalk a guy? I mean I get sick of talking my damn hard should tryin something new out be? |
boo. I don't want to be clingy..which just by me thinking these things...I feel clingy...which is soo not the norm for then I chalk it up to being pregnant..and since I have never gone through this...I feel like that must be what the deal is...Im almost to the damn point where I say forget it all..focus on my unborn child..and get a new vibrator. I guess that is what single mom's do?
I just got out of a very long relationship...about eh... 2 months ago..and when I mean long..I mean 7 yrs (we were engaged). Anywho im pregnant...and literally about to ex was very verbally and phys. abusive. I just wanted some one to talk to and have been speaking to this man for about a month or so.. he is great super sweet has said some things along the line of being together forever. But he has been single for aloooonnnggg time. So he is pretty self involved. Is it possible to find a common ground? Im so new to the "dating" scene and certainly do not care for it that much but I like him..and I sadly wear my heart on my sleeve. He does his own thing but I am soo not use to being the at home and alone my emotions are nutz!I don't want to push the guy away but I feel like my feelings are valid..bottom line he likes me and he said he is not going anywhere and basically told me to play it cool..but im feeling fake...I want to talk to him but I don't cause im playing it "cool". What should I do. I hate that this is even a concern to me. He thinks im over thinking things..which rightfully about to have my first child,and Im talkin to you...what the heck? Help.Help. Help...I need GOOD advice!
Single Moms
Hello hello...single momma to be :) Got less than 20 days till im due...and it is sooooo lonely.Friends all have their lives to lead which I get it..but to go from being someones priority to having no one is super tough...specially since this is my first baby...blah! But I cannot wait to hold my will make all my pain worth it..I know it <3
Would you do Polygamy
Well, a classmate of mine said the other day that he has ten (YES! TEN!) women that he is "running". Now, allow me to describe his method to this madness. Follow along. First of all, none of the women live near him. The closest to him is six hours from here. So, he has a lady in Chicago, and one in Orlando, and one in Texas somewhere. You can pretty see what he is doing here. Now, how he convinces these ladies he is true to just them I will never know. Perhaps they know and they just want him to tap dat azz. In any case, he feels like a dude who has it all figured out. So, when I asked what he does if one suspects him of having another lady, his response? "I cut em loose!". Now, while I am not sponsoring his method, I will say that he is thorough, and a firm believer in frequent flyer miles. That is just nuts to me...that guy has some can he pretend with all those women? Hmm maybe im just old school at heart but I just want one man to love and honor..I can undertsnd dating but the way you spoke about your friend goof it seems he makes them believe they are the one and only? Oh well to each there own...hope I never meet a guy like that! Besides that he is not into polg. he sounds just to be a man whore :) lol |
Would you do Polygamy
I also watched that show sister wives..Mormons are very nice people however if you do alittle research you might find their relgion alittle off beat. My mother and I had a dis. about this because that man is kinda cute...the 1st wife 16 yr marr. only had one child..2nd produced 5..the one who is prego now recently had a miscar. so thus the reason to bring in a young women..she is 30 and ready to pop them out..for mormons a womens heaven is to be pregnant all the time..from what I understand. Forgive me if im incorrect. But anywho long story might be fun to bring a women in but as far as sharing my man with another women all the time...forget about it. Im pretty sure I can satisfy him all by myself! No rotation needed here :)
are all the good woman taken
Im a good girl...just looking around...this is interesting..however I though this was more like chat rooms...oh well :) Just want to talk... <3