Community > Posts By > Rachel78745

Rachel78745's photo
Fri 10/08/10 07:07 AM

and what of their investment in this home,, hundreds of thousands allowed to go in flames over 75 dollars

$75.00 seems like a very reasonal amount to spend to keep your house from burning down.

One can only hope they are up to date on paying insurance for the home.

My question is why would the insurance company pay it when it's the homeowners fault the house went down. If you leave your doors unlocked and you get robbed you can't claim a robbery with your insurance co. Same as leaving your keys in your car and it being stolen, police will not arrest the thief for grand theft auto only joy riding. It makes people more responsible with their stuff.

Heh, I work in home insurance...yes they will pay off for theft, door locked or the police will take a report and treat grand theft auto whether the keys are in the vehicle or not. Where do you get these absurdities from. Really?

You are lying and their is an actual APD officer here on this site. I will get him to tell you himself. You have to give the person 14 days (not sure on that number) to return the vehicle. AND before that you have to send the person a letter that you want the vehicle back. I had to go through this when a shitty person took my truck. The only way it's different is if they JACK the vehicle from you while you are in it or with a gun ect..
It is not that easy to file a grand theft auto report when the thief has the keys.

I am about BS. Whether THERE (BTW) are keys or not it's still stealing...egads already, "merely knowingly exercised control or possession of someone else's vehicle without consent, then it's a Class 5 felony"

Ok this is where I was wrong. You see I had my vehicle stolen by a man I rented out a room to. (I am a landlord) When I went to make the report they wouldn't allow me to file it as stolen due to him living on the property, I had to give him 10 days to return it. I misinterpreted this as being due to the fact he stole the keys. However after I just spent 30 minutes on the phone with APD, what I found was that I was wrong. The only reason they didn't file it was because he lived in the house and that made it different. Not the keys being involved. My mistake blushing

That must be APD then, because here in Ennis, a father had his son arrested for taking his truck, despite the fact that the young man was living at home and on the family insurance.

So, what happens to you, seems to be only what happens to you rather then a state as a whole.

Yes the officer did tell me that it varies county to county but I invite you to call Austin police non emergency and ask to be transfered to the Austin auto theft department. When you speak to the officer (who was very nice and helpful). Ask him the steps necessary to file a auto theft report on someone who lives in your home and who has resided there longer than a month and stole your keys and took your car.I promise, the law states if you know the person and/or have let them borrow the car before(whether they live in the house or not) you have to give them time to return the vehicle. Chances are what you saw was the child get arrested for joy riding which is usually reserved for children who have stolen their parents vehicle. Or maybe it's just a county thing. Either way feel free to verify everything I just said.

Rachel78745's photo
Thu 10/07/10 09:14 PM
But this is by far the best!!!

Now that's funny right there I don't care who you are ! LOL

Rachel78745's photo
Thu 10/07/10 09:09 PM
Edited by Rachel78745 on Thu 10/07/10 09:12 PM
Now this is funny!

This also made me chuckle

Rachel78745's photo
Thu 10/07/10 08:43 PM

Rape stats as applied to inter-racial are skewed.

White women are far more likely to report rape by a black male than black women are to report rape by a white male...

Social-ism vs Capitol-ism...

A community can survive with money as a bottom line (however those at the bottom of the pile suffer greatly so a few prosper much).

A community can not survive with only good will and 'fairness' as the bottom line. (everyone would eventually starve cause most people would take more than they give and the 'givers' would eventually run out of 'gift').

Good point.

In the 1940's in Memphis, Tennessee a black officer caught a white man raping a black woman. At that time since the officer was black he could not arrest a white man. The police captain came to the scene then drives the white man home with no charges.

This thread is just another Stormfront instructed attempt to promote their racist and hateful agendas. The "socialism" charge is aimed at the black man in the White House...nothing more.

Don't be fooled people....if we have socialism it's already here with Corporate Socialism. Look at the special interest in this election year: Big Corp is trying to buy our country if they don't already own most of it.

Screw them.

Of course, all those white women lied. Those rape stupid rape victims and their lying ways!rofl

Rachel78745's photo
Thu 10/07/10 08:38 PM
Edited by Rachel78745 on Thu 10/07/10 08:41 PM

Is it my appearence or my profile?? I'm so confused because I don't want a relationship with an older man. I find it kind of they think I look their age??

I get it a lot too, but to be honest older men are where it's at. They are more mature, play less games AND they have more experience so sex is usually better if they can last. I like a man that is smarter than myself. Someone with the life experience to help me along the way as well. lol

Rachel78745's photo
Thu 10/07/10 08:33 PM

not long ago, over here, a woman slipped and fell on the sidewalk in front of a bakery in the downtown area..anyone who lives here, can tell you that the sidewalks are troublesome because the tree roots have lifted all the concrete... within minutes an ambulance showed up, tended to her injuries, took her to the hospital...

the cost to her...0

what did she have to show to get the service and not pay for it..? nothing..its a service provided by the city...

is the bakery going to get sued for the slip and fall? of course not, the woman admitted to not looking where she was going and took personal responsibility for her actions...

meanwhile, over there in the more "advanced" country, peoples homes are allowed to burn down because they fail to pay a 75 dollar annual fee and are blamed for not being "responsible"....

Where do you live that you don't have to pay for an ambulance ride? Seriously!

Since this site is more saturated by right-wing republican minded people, I expect to be attacked and others possibly find some sinister conspiracy theory lying beneath what I'm about to say, or just simply call me a liar, since I know for sure, most people in USA who has never visited any other countries have absolutely no idea.

Most developed (and undeveloped) countries you don't pay for ambulance rides, neither pay for doctors' visit (ok there is a small visitor fee, equalent of 5 dollars) and neither pay for firefighters, so just guessing, most people viewing this anywhere else but USA are more amazed than usual.
Granted, you pay more taxes though, but you get almost totally free medicare and you are not neck-deep in debt.

(same with the colleges too, most of them cost a fraction of what it costs in USA, or doesn't cost anything beside some fees.)

Pregnant women receive money and doesn't have to go to work, up to 4 years, and then they reduce it to another amount and lasts until the kid is 7 and becomes a first grader.
I still go back to my dentist to Hungary, a root canal costs me about 40 dollars, an cleaning is about $5.00.

And yes, I doubt USA ever have anything even close to that. Not anymore.

Ok then my question is why are you here? I am not trying to be rude but if it's so much better why choose to live here?

Rachel78745's photo
Thu 10/07/10 08:29 PM

And if an indictment for murder was even remotely similar to being elected President of the United States by a landslide, that statement might mean something.

-Kerry O.

In the context it was used in it did go perfectly. Sorry it went over your head.

'Fraid not, mon cherie. It was an obvious attempt to 'poison the well', a common debating tactic amongst the loud and less adept at making a case based on merits. But that's Birthers for you-- anyone who doesn't see things their way is an idiot.

Which is why Birther-in-Chief Orly Taitz was cited for contempt of court. You know, if you really feel this strongly about it and aren't just blowing smoke, why don't you exercise your Constitutional right to seek redress in the courts? Take him to court. Or write your Republican Congressperson and DEMAND they impeach Obama when they win a majority in the House this fall. I mean really, you already have half the posters in the Current Events forum on Mingle^2 convinced, right? :) What could go wrong?

-Kerry O.

LOL rofl

Nice try, but you still missed the point. I have grown weary of arguing people who are incapable of offering a legitimate argument. Personal attacks and opinions are useless on me. I am above that type of petty arguing.

Obviously not. Most of your answers include posturing and veiled insults. Like this one.

Newsflash: The Internet is lousy with snarky posters who say they are soooooo weary--but nobody gives a crap about that sort of posturing. They only care about what you write, not how smart you contend you are or pretend to be. Or your history at getting people to see your point of view on loud rhetoric as opposed to through persuasion based on verifiable facts.

And history has shown me that the Birther movement is one big loud Fail. Not a single court has rendered a verdict in the Birthers' favor.

-Kerry O.

-Kerry O.

LOL I am the only one who posted facts. Is your tactic to try insulting me and distract from the truth that you have no valid point other than not liking me?
I tried to tell you that the personal attacks won't bother me. It only shows me how desperate and angry you truly are. That may work with other people from here but not me.
:thumbsup: Some love to beat around the bush.

Normally I am all for beating around the bush laugh Sorry that was a naughty joke rofl

Rachel78745's photo
Thu 10/07/10 08:25 PM

Dogos were originally bred to hunt razorback, yeah..they tend to be on the big side...:wink:

Yea My dogs were also bred for hunting wild boar bigsmile

Rachel78745's photo
Thu 10/07/10 06:06 PM
Edited by Rachel78745 on Thu 10/07/10 06:10 PM

not long ago, over here, a woman slipped and fell on the sidewalk in front of a bakery in the downtown area..anyone who lives here, can tell you that the sidewalks are troublesome because the tree roots have lifted all the concrete... within minutes an ambulance showed up, tended to her injuries, took her to the hospital...

the cost to her...0

what did she have to show to get the service and not pay for it..? nothing..its a service provided by the city...

is the bakery going to get sued for the slip and fall? of course not, the woman admitted to not looking where she was going and took personal responsibility for her actions...

meanwhile, over there in the more "advanced" country, peoples homes are allowed to burn down because they fail to pay a 75 dollar annual fee and are blamed for not being "responsible"....

Where do you live that you don't have to pay for an ambulance ride? Seriously!

Ah, the Argentine dogo, I always wanted one of those dogs. So Argentina, then.

Saw this one at the park here. Made my dog look small and my dog is 110lbs LOL.

Rachel78745's photo
Thu 10/07/10 06:03 PM

and what of their investment in this home,, hundreds of thousands allowed to go in flames over 75 dollars

$75.00 seems like a very reasonal amount to spend to keep your house from burning down.

One can only hope they are up to date on paying insurance for the home.

My question is why would the insurance company pay it when it's the homeowners fault the house went down. If you leave your doors unlocked and you get robbed you can't claim a robbery with your insurance co. Same as leaving your keys in your car and it being stolen, police will not arrest the thief for grand theft auto only joy riding. It makes people more responsible with their stuff.

Heh, I work in home insurance...yes they will pay off for theft, door locked or the police will take a report and treat grand theft auto whether the keys are in the vehicle or not. Where do you get these absurdities from. Really?

You are lying and their is an actual APD officer here on this site. I will get him to tell you himself. You have to give the person 14 days (not sure on that number) to return the vehicle. AND before that you have to send the person a letter that you want the vehicle back. I had to go through this when a shitty person took my truck. The only way it's different is if they JACK the vehicle from you while you are in it or with a gun ect..
It is not that easy to file a grand theft auto report when the thief has the keys.

a couple of oddities here

if they are your keys, just like its your car, how is that evidence a THIEF had permission to have them?


how could you possibly write a note unless you KNEW the person who had that truck? sounds like a reasonable defense some scum would use to say you gave them permission(assuming you know them)

I din't make the laws so I don't have to explain them to you. And yes you are right, we have the sweet right to shoot you if you try to take something off our property.

Excuse me madam, it was claimed and insisted on that stealing a car (because the crook found the keys) was not illegal, not grand theft auto, and furthermore it was claimed that a police officer was to post here and confirm that.

I have seen nothing and have to assume one is FOS. Also I find it comical that since one "din't (sic) make the laws" then they must not

Cute how old are you again? I made a mistake as you can read from my post it was based off of a legitimate experience. I don't have a problem admitting my faults or when I am wrong. Unlike most people commenting in these threads.

Oh and I was wrong it's not this forum my cop friend is on it's on an auto forum. Also my mistake. Feel free to laugh it up I don't mess up on debates often so get a good laugh full.

Sometimes the most important thing we can learn from our personal experiences is that a single personal experience does not make us experts on the experiences of others.

I got a law wrong. My opinions are not based solely on my experiences they are backed by facts. Like the one's I posted to support my ideas and opinions.

Rachel78745's photo
Thu 10/07/10 03:44 PM
Edited by Rachel78745 on Thu 10/07/10 03:46 PM

and what of their investment in this home,, hundreds of thousands allowed to go in flames over 75 dollars

$75.00 seems like a very reasonal amount to spend to keep your house from burning down.

One can only hope they are up to date on paying insurance for the home.

My question is why would the insurance company pay it when it's the homeowners fault the house went down. If you leave your doors unlocked and you get robbed you can't claim a robbery with your insurance co. Same as leaving your keys in your car and it being stolen, police will not arrest the thief for grand theft auto only joy riding. It makes people more responsible with their stuff.

Heh, I work in home insurance...yes they will pay off for theft, door locked or the police will take a report and treat grand theft auto whether the keys are in the vehicle or not. Where do you get these absurdities from. Really?

You are lying and their is an actual APD officer here on this site. I will get him to tell you himself. You have to give the person 14 days (not sure on that number) to return the vehicle. AND before that you have to send the person a letter that you want the vehicle back. I had to go through this when a shitty person took my truck. The only way it's different is if they JACK the vehicle from you while you are in it or with a gun ect..
It is not that easy to file a grand theft auto report when the thief has the keys.

a couple of oddities here

if they are your keys, just like its your car, how is that evidence a THIEF had permission to have them?


how could you possibly write a note unless you KNEW the person who had that truck? sounds like a reasonable defense some scum would use to say you gave them permission(assuming you know them)

I din't make the laws so I don't have to explain them to you. And yes you are right, we have the sweet right to shoot you if you try to take something off our property.

Excuse me madam, it was claimed and insisted on that stealing a car (because the crook found the keys) was not illegal, not grand theft auto, and furthermore it was claimed that a police officer was to post here and confirm that.

I have seen nothing and have to assume one is FOS. Also I find it comical that since one "din't (sic) make the laws" then they must not

Cute how old are you again? I made a mistake as you can read from my post it was based off of a legitimate experience. I don't have a problem admitting my faults or when I am wrong. Unlike most people commenting in these threads.

Oh and I was wrong it's not this forum my cop friend is on it's on an auto forum. Also my mistake. Feel free to laugh it up I don't mess up on debates often so get a good laugh full.

Rachel78745's photo
Thu 10/07/10 03:42 PM

and what of their investment in this home,, hundreds of thousands allowed to go in flames over 75 dollars

$75.00 seems like a very reasonal amount to spend to keep your house from burning down.

One can only hope they are up to date on paying insurance for the home.

My question is why would the insurance company pay it when it's the homeowners fault the house went down. If you leave your doors unlocked and you get robbed you can't claim a robbery with your insurance co. Same as leaving your keys in your car and it being stolen, police will not arrest the thief for grand theft auto only joy riding. It makes people more responsible with their stuff.

Heh, I work in home insurance...yes they will pay off for theft, door locked or the police will take a report and treat grand theft auto whether the keys are in the vehicle or not. Where do you get these absurdities from. Really?

You are lying and their is an actual APD officer here on this site. I will get him to tell you himself. You have to give the person 14 days (not sure on that number) to return the vehicle. AND before that you have to send the person a letter that you want the vehicle back. I had to go through this when a shitty person took my truck. The only way it's different is if they JACK the vehicle from you while you are in it or with a gun ect..
It is not that easy to file a grand theft auto report when the thief has the keys.

I am about BS. Whether THERE (BTW) are keys or not it's still stealing...egads already, "merely knowingly exercised control or possession of someone else's vehicle without consent, then it's a Class 5 felony"

Ok this is where I was wrong. You see I had my vehicle stolen by a man I rented out a room to. (I am a landlord) When I went to make the report they wouldn't allow me to file it as stolen due to him living on the property, I had to give him 10 days to return it. I misinterpreted this as being due to the fact he stole the keys. However after I just spent 30 minutes on the phone with APD, what I found was that I was wrong. The only reason they didn't file it was because he lived in the house and that made it different. Not the keys being involved. My mistake blushing

Rachel78745's photo
Thu 10/07/10 03:07 PM

not long ago, over here, a woman slipped and fell on the sidewalk in front of a bakery in the downtown area..anyone who lives here, can tell you that the sidewalks are troublesome because the tree roots have lifted all the concrete... within minutes an ambulance showed up, tended to her injuries, took her to the hospital...

the cost to her...0

what did she have to show to get the service and not pay for it..? nothing..its a service provided by the city...

is the bakery going to get sued for the slip and fall? of course not, the woman admitted to not looking where she was going and took personal responsibility for her actions...

meanwhile, over there in the more "advanced" country, peoples homes are allowed to burn down because they fail to pay a 75 dollar annual fee and are blamed for not being "responsible"....

Where do you live that you don't have to pay for an ambulance ride? Seriously!

Rachel78745's photo
Thu 10/07/10 03:06 PM

and what of their investment in this home,, hundreds of thousands allowed to go in flames over 75 dollars

$75.00 seems like a very reasonal amount to spend to keep your house from burning down.

One can only hope they are up to date on paying insurance for the home.

My question is why would the insurance company pay it when it's the homeowners fault the house went down. If you leave your doors unlocked and you get robbed you can't claim a robbery with your insurance co. Same as leaving your keys in your car and it being stolen, police will not arrest the thief for grand theft auto only joy riding. It makes people more responsible with their stuff.

Heh, I work in home insurance...yes they will pay off for theft, door locked or the police will take a report and treat grand theft auto whether the keys are in the vehicle or not. Where do you get these absurdities from. Really?

You are lying and their is an actual APD officer here on this site. I will get him to tell you himself. You have to give the person 14 days (not sure on that number) to return the vehicle. AND before that you have to send the person a letter that you want the vehicle back. I had to go through this when a shitty person took my truck. The only way it's different is if they JACK the vehicle from you while you are in it or with a gun ect..
It is not that easy to file a grand theft auto report when the thief has the keys.

a couple of oddities here

if they are your keys, just like its your car, how is that evidence a THIEF had permission to have them?


how could you possibly write a note unless you KNEW the person who had that truck? sounds like a reasonable defense some scum would use to say you gave them permission(assuming you know them)

I din't make the laws so I don't have to explain them to you. And yes you are right, we have the sweet right to shoot you if you try to take something off our property.

Rachel78745's photo
Thu 10/07/10 02:47 PM
Edited by Rachel78745 on Thu 10/07/10 02:48 PM

"The problem with the race thing is that they're are a lot of white people who will turn against they're own race "

This tells me all I need to know. Yet another Stormfront talking point.

You deny that it happens?

Deny what happens? That Nazi White Supremacists have been spamming threads with their vile racist speak? Then no I do not deny that happens.

laugh devil

self proclaimed capitalists and socialists are two extremes we dont need

a community cant survive with money as its bottom line and it cant survive with out motivating people towards progress

its a midde ground that is most likely to meet standards of 'success'

I believe people should have the opportunity to work and any hard working person should be able to supply their families NEEDS (notice I did not say wants)

this means that taxes are a necessary evil, in my opinion, for individuals to contribute towards their community/country and for those monies to be a collective source to siphon out community needs

so, we have to be contributing to the whole (socialism) and we have to be working to better ourself (capitalism)

Here more proof your race targets white people. Deny those statistics. Thats the entire US!! Not just my little area!
It's not me being immature I post FACTS you DON'T! You have LOST ever single topic we debated on! I beat you with FACTS! Not my opinions LMAO!! Just because there are a lot of liberals on here backing you and talking **** doesn't mean you made a point or proved me wrong.

When whites do violence -- rape, murder, assault -- how often do they choose black victims? Shouldn't a nation of bigots target blacks most of the time? At least half of the time? Of course, it does not. When whites commit violence, they to it to blacks 2.4 percent of the time. Blacks, on the other hand, choose white victims more than half the time. [317]
In those cases in which the race of the killer is known, blacks kill twice as many whites as whites kill blacks. Black-on-white robberies and gang assaults are twenty-one times more common than white on black. In the case of gang robbery, blacks victimize whites fifty-two times more often than whites do blacks. [318]

The contrasts are even more stark in the case of interracial rape. Studies from the late 1950s showed that the vast majority of rapes were same-race offenses. Research in Philadelphia carried out in 1958 and 1960 indicated that of all rapes, only 3.2 percent were black-on-white assaults and 3.6 percent were white-on-black. Since that time, the proportion of black-on-white rapes has soared. In a 1974 study in Denver, 40 percent of all rapes were of whites by blacks, and not one case of white-on-black rape was found. In general, through the 1970s, black-on-white rape was at least ten times more common that white-on-black rape. [319]

Because interracial rape is now overwhelmingly black on white, it has become difficult to do research on it or to find relevant statistics. The FBI keeps very detailed national records on crime, but the way it presents rape data obscures the racial element rather than clarifies it. Dr. William Wilbanks, a criminologist at Florida International University, had to sift carefully through the data to find that in 1988 there were 9,406 cases of black-on-white rape and fewer than ten cases of white-on-black rape. [320] Another researcher concludes that in 1989, blacks were three or four times more likely to commit rape than whites, and that black men raped white women thirty times as often as white men raped black women. [321]

Interracial crime figures are even worse than they sound. Since there are more than six times as many whites as blacks in America, it means that any given black person is vastly more likely to commit a crime against a white than vice versa.


317. "What Should Be Done," US News & World Report (August 22, 1989), p. 54. See also Department of Justice, Criminal Victimization in the United States, 1987 (Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1989), p.7.
318. Department of Justice, Criminal Victimization in the United States, 1987.

319. Gary D. LaFree, "Male Power and Female Victimization: Toward a Theory of Interracial Rape," American Journal of Sociology, Vol. 88, No. 2 (September 1982).

320. William Wilbanks, "Frequency and Nature of Interracial Crimes," submitted for publication to the Justice Professional (November 7, 1990). Data derived from Department of Justice, Criminal Victimization in the United States, 1987, p. 53.

321. Andrew Hacker, Two Nations, pp. 183, 185.

Rachel78745's photo
Thu 10/07/10 02:40 PM

he inherited it ?...last time I looked...he was a Senator for 4 his he was a part of the problem...well...he was elected to fix it and he's made everything worse...

He was a Senator for two years then campaigner for the rest of his term. He missed more votes and hearings then ANY other Senator.

Quick. Tell us how many days Bush spent on vacation away from Washington D.C.

He displaced Reagan as 'The Vacation President'.

-Kerry O.

Nice there you go again! Avoid the point and try to distract instead of facing the actual comment. indifferent

Thats not how you debate, where are your facts? Disproving what the point of that quote meant. This sounds familiar.....Thats how my 5 year old daughter debates. I say you were wrong for hitting, savanah say's "but he was mean to me yesterday". Thats when I explain to her that OTHER people's actions do NOT excuse our own, nor does it make them any less wrong.

Rachel78745's photo
Thu 10/07/10 02:35 PM

And if an indictment for murder was even remotely similar to being elected President of the United States by a landslide, that statement might mean something.

-Kerry O.

In the context it was used in it did go perfectly. Sorry it went over your head.

'Fraid not, mon cherie. It was an obvious attempt to 'poison the well', a common debating tactic amongst the loud and less adept at making a case based on merits. But that's Birthers for you-- anyone who doesn't see things their way is an idiot.

Which is why Birther-in-Chief Orly Taitz was cited for contempt of court. You know, if you really feel this strongly about it and aren't just blowing smoke, why don't you exercise your Constitutional right to seek redress in the courts? Take him to court. Or write your Republican Congressperson and DEMAND they impeach Obama when they win a majority in the House this fall. I mean really, you already have half the posters in the Current Events forum on Mingle^2 convinced, right? :) What could go wrong?

-Kerry O.

LOL rofl

Nice try, but you still missed the point. I have grown weary of arguing people who are incapable of offering a legitimate argument. Personal attacks and opinions are useless on me. I am above that type of petty arguing.

Obviously not. Most of your answers include posturing and veiled insults. Like this one.

Newsflash: The Internet is lousy with snarky posters who say they are soooooo weary--but nobody gives a crap about that sort of posturing. They only care about what you write, not how smart you contend you are or pretend to be. Or your history at getting people to see your point of view on loud rhetoric as opposed to through persuasion based on verifiable facts.

And history has shown me that the Birther movement is one big loud Fail. Not a single court has rendered a verdict in the Birthers' favor.

-Kerry O.

-Kerry O.

LOL I am the only one who posted facts. Is your tactic to try insulting me and distract from the truth that you have no valid point other than not liking me?
I tried to tell you that the personal attacks won't bother me. It only shows me how desperate and angry you truly are. That may work with other people from here but not me.

Rachel78745's photo
Thu 10/07/10 08:29 AM
Here is another study about how we are scared of black people. When you are afraid of something most people's response much like a dog would do, is to attempt to gain their affection by protecting them or doing things to please them and being agreeable. It's just instinct at it's best. Now a provocative new study from Northwestern University suggests that whites who are particularly worried about appearing racist seem to suffer from anxiety that instinctively may cause them to avoid interaction with blacks in the first place.

“The Threat of Appearing Prejudiced and Race-based Attentional Biases,” by Jennifer A. Richeson, associate professor of psychology and African-American studies and faculty fellow at the Institute for Policy Research (IPR) at Northwestern, and Sophie Trawalter, post-doctoral fellow, IPR, recently appeared in the journal Psychological Science.

Study participants indicated that they worry about inadvertently getting in trouble for somehow seeming biased. As a result, the study suggests, they behaved in a way that research shows people respond when faced with stimuli that cause them to feel threatened or anxious: they instinctively look at what is making them feel nervous and then ignore it.

In this case, study participants, 15 white college students, indicated that they were motivated to respond in non-prejudiced ways toward blacks primarily for appearance’s sake because of concern about social disapproval -- rather than because of their internal values.

They then took a standard psychological test that measures attention patterns related to anxiety provoking or threatening stimuli. The white students initially focused on images of black faces with neutral expressions, relative to white faces with similar expressions, and then quickly disengaged and paid greater attention to the white faces.

Participants who were selected for the study first had to complete a Motivation to Respond Without Prejudice Scale. Those who were selected had scores that indicated that they were externally, rather than internally, motivated to not appear racially biased. On a one-to-nine scale, they rated their agreement with statements that included: “Because of today’s politically correct standards, I try to appear non-prejudiced toward black people.”

They then participated in a computer test that featured in all the trials a black face and a white face, with either similar neutral expressions or similar happy expressions. Theoretically, they shouldn’t have paid attention to either of the two faces, one black and one white, appearing on either side of the computer screen, because they were told to keep their attention fixated on a cross in the middle of the screen. But, as expected, they inevitably turned their attention to the faces. Because everything happened so fast, however, they weren’t aware that they had paid different amounts of attention to black faces, compared to the white faces.

When a dot appeared on the computer screen where one of the faces had previously appeared, they had to quickly say whether it appeared on the right or the left side of the fixation point. Finding the dot the fastest was an indication that attention had been directed to the face that had just disappeared from the position where the dot was displayed.

For the shorter trials (30 milliseconds) with the neutral faces, study participants tended to find the dot quickly when it was located behind the black face, which tended to be the initial focus of attention.

During the slightly longer trials (450 milliseconds), however, the dot-probe test indicated that they tended to quickly turn their attention away from the neutral black face to the white face with the same expression.

“Think of it as initially turning your attention to something that poses a threat or causes anxiety and then ignoring it because you don’t want to deal with it,” said Richeson. “These low-level psychological processes happen dynamically, and our tests indicate that people probably avoided the neutral black faces because they provoke anxiety, not necessarily because of racial animus.”

Patterns of attentional biases were eliminated when the faces were smiling. Well-established clinical and cognitive psychology research shows that people process expressions of emotion quickly, and presumably black male faces with smiling expressions did not seem threatening or provoke anxiety.

The article cites a similar study that tested how children with chronic pain responded to pain-relevant words. In short trials, they tended to look at the pain-relevant words, and in the longer trials they avoided them.

Richeson’s study draws from a body of such clinical psychology research on threat and attention. Basically, that research shows that people who have anxiety about various stimuli in everyday life tend to ignore what is stressing them out, unlike people with clinical anxiety, who tend to fixate on what triggers their anxiety.

Richeson stresses in every class she teaches on stereotyping and prejudice that a solution to a problem often presents another problem. Ironically, her study suggests, standards to create a diverse yet harmonious society may unwittingly be encouraging anxious responses toward blacks.

“Norms and standards to achieve diversity are a great solution to undermining racial bias,” Richeson said. “Our research suggests that we now also need to start thinking about creating opportunities to undermine anxieties about living up to those standards, to let people know they are going to be okay if they engage in interracial relationships.”

Rachel78745's photo
Thu 10/07/10 08:22 AM
Read this study, this is what I am talking about. I have witnessed this my entire life. White people tend to be scared of black people for some reason. It makes how we speak to them and view ANYTHING having to do with them. Although this study only covers how comfortable white people are around blacks when it comes to the topic of race.

White people, even children as young as 10, avoid talking about race because any opinion may appear prejudiced, according to new research, but that approach often backfires as blacks tend to view that approach as evidence of prejudice, especially when race is clearly relevant.

These results are from two separate sets of experiments led by researchers from Tufts University and Harvard Business School. Their findings are reported in the October issue of the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology(1) and the September issue of Developmental Psychology(2).

“Efforts to talk about race are fraught with the potential for misunderstandings,” said the studies’ lead author, Evan Apfelbaum, a PhD candidate at Tufts University. “One way that whites try to appear unbiased is to avoid talking about race altogether, a tendency we refer to as strategic colorblindness.”

In one study, 101 white undergraduate students were paired with either a white or black female partner who pretended to be another participant. The pairs were presented with 30 photographs of faces that varied in race, gender and background color. Each white participant’s objective was to guess which of the photographs the partner was holding by asking as few yes-or-no questions as possible.

Even though asking about the race of the person in the photograph was a sound strategy for completing the task, white participants were far less likely to do so with a black versus a white partner. Moreover, when the black partner was the first one to have a turn asking questions, whether she mentioned race had a dramatic effect. White participants whose black partner asked about race mentioned race on their own turn 95 percent of the time. When the black partner never asked about race, white participants only did so 10 percent of the time.

“There was clear evidence the white participants’ behavior was influenced by the precedent set by their partner, but especially when that partner was black,” said Samuel Sommers, assistant professor at Tufts and co-author of both papers. “Whites are strategically avoiding the topic of race because they’re worried that they’ll look bad if they admit they notice it in other people.”

The researchers also wanted to see how outsiders interpreted such interactions. In another experiment, 74 black and white college students evaluated videos of whites engaging in the photo task. The results showed that whites’ effort to appear colorblind backfired. Black observers rated whites’ avoidance of asking about race as being evidence of prejudice. What’s more, when the researchers showed silent video clips of whites from the study to another group of individuals, those whites who avoided asking about race were judged as less friendly, just on the basis of their nonverbal behavior.

“The findings suggest that when race is clearly relevant, whites who think that it is a wise social strategy to avoid talking about race should think again,” said Apfelbaum.

Even children appear to adopt this strategically colorblind approach. In another set of experiments, 101 white children between the ages of 8 and 11 were asked to perform a similar photo task. The children were told that asking as few yes-or-no questions as possible would mean they would get a higher score on the task.

The results showed that the older children, ages 10 and 11, avoided asking about race more than the younger children, even though this led them to perform less efficiently than their younger counterparts on the task. In a control version where all the faces in the photos were white, the older children outperformed the younger children, as expected. “This result is fascinating because it shows that children as young as 10 feel the need to try to avoid appearing prejudiced, even if doing so leads them to perform poorly on a basic cognitive test,” said Kristin Pauker, a PhD candidate at Tufts and co-author of this study.

The authors associated with both studies said their findings offer several important implications. “Our findings don’t suggest that individuals who avoid talking about race are racists,” Apfelbaum explained. “On the contrary, most are well-intentioned people who earnestly believe that colorblindness is the culturally sensitive way to interact. But, as we’ve shown, bending over backward to avoid even mentioning race sometimes creates more interpersonal problems than it solves.”

Rachel78745's photo
Thu 10/07/10 08:14 AM

"The problem with the race thing is that they're are a lot of white people who will turn against they're own race "

This tells me all I need to know. Yet another Stormfront talking point.

You deny that it happens?