Oh, and a question about that protein formula body weight x 2 = amount in grams to be consumed on a training day.
How much should I be consuming on non-training days? |
EverQuest II
I like PVP, but I hate whiners. My point of view about PVP is you know what a PVP server is, if you don't like it, don't play on that server. If you're just going to whine about it, go to a PVE server.
There's no harm in announcing it, and asking your side for help, but there's no fun if you're whining about it every 10 seconds. It also sucks when a high lever enemy faction player comes to a low level area to camp, it doesn't help them at all. Although, I have to admit, I'm guilty of doing this at one point in my MMO-career. Has anyone played Camelot? I heard in that game, you can actually capture towns and things like that for your faction. |
EverQuest II
I don't know which server. How do I check (haven't been playing much).
My Fae's name is FaeFael (yeah, original name I know). |
I'll refer him to HIIT.
I can't seem to get heavier than 150...
Any Girls into Nerds?
It's already out...has been since Thanksgiving...
unfortunately no WiFi, only ad-hoc. |
How about him? He wants to get cut. Is it just harder for me to get big, and harder for him to get ripped?
I'm actually contemplating single for life...
...after all the hardships, and sorrow felt from heartbreak...do I really want to go through it again? Then again...you know, when love calls you, it's hard to say no. |
Oh...it's not as "tutorial" friendly as WoW. I didn't play it long, probably play it more later.
It plays very much like WoW, but I don't like how you loot in this game. Graphically, it looks nicer than WoW on highest settings. |
Rather than emailing you, how about just posting here to share with everyone?
That's a lot of protein...I'll have to wait until payday after Christmas to afford that. I mostly use free-weights as it is, but, when it gets to heavy, I gotta go machines because you can help yourself out when it gets a little to heavy. I'd do all free weights with a spotter, but that's not always an option for me. My sister's boyfriend says I can't get any larger, it's not my body type. He told me I have the body type that gets lean muscle, and can easily get ripped, but I will have a hard time getting larger, if I even can. He said he's the opposite, and can get large, but has a hard time getting ripped. Any truth to that? |
Are you kidding me? Pac-Man is like...the hardest game ever!
Goals are growing large, and wide. I got the ripped part, that's like natural, but actually getting larger is the challenge.
Why through NO-Xplode out? Seemed to have worked...like, feel the burn, feel the fatigue, but you can keep going anyway.
I challenge all to Tekken! U're too far away |
i can play video games anytime with u dude Whattaya wanna play? |
i'll play video games with u anytime, but they gotta be rpg's or gt3 or 4 Diablo II? |
EverQuest II
I'm a Fae Wizard...haha
It's fun being a fairy. |
EverQuest II
Wii,you've got a long patch ahead of you Didn't take that long...total download and install time was 45 min. (less than 1 hour) |
Avatar - The Last Airbender
I bet Zuko becomes Aang's Fire-bending teacher Told you so! |
I'm using NO-Xplode and multi-vitamin. I get a protein shake free at the gym after each work out.
Is there anything else I should be taking? |