Community > Posts By > the_one_for_u

the_one_for_u's photo
Thu 10/14/10 01:47 AM

^^^ that is too much noise. noway
the red guy is you
so I've heard whoa
good representation of your name lol :thumbsup: drinks rofl rofl :thumbsup: drinks
:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: pitchfork
drinks drinks drinks drinks drinks drinks drinks drinks drinks drinks drinks drinks drinks rofl :thumbsup: drinks rofl :thumbsup: drinks rofl :thumbsup: drinks rofl :thumbsup: drinks rofl :thumbsup: drinks rofl :thumbsup: drinks rofl :thumbsup: drinks rofl :thumbsup: drinks rofl

the_one_for_u's photo
Thu 10/14/10 01:45 AM

^^^ that is too much noise. noway
the red guy is you
so I've heard whoa
good representation of your name lol :thumbsup: drinks rofl rofl :thumbsup: drinks

the_one_for_u's photo
Thu 10/14/10 01:42 AM

^^^ that is too much noise. noway
the red guy is you

the_one_for_u's photo
Thu 10/14/10 01:35 AM

you people are keeping me awake yawn
so were doing our job :thumbsup: drinks rofl :thumbsup: drinks :thumbsup: drinks rofl drinks drinks drinks drinks drinks drinks drinks drinks drinks drinks drinks drinks drinks drinks drinks drinks drinks drinks drinks drinks drinks drinks drinks drinks drinks drinks drinks drinks rofl drinks rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl :thumbsup: drinks rofl :thumbsup: drinks rofl :thumbsup: drinks rofl :thumbsup: drinks rofl :thumbsup: drinks rofl :thumbsup: drinks rofl :thumbsup: drinks rofl :thumbsup: drinks rofl :thumbsup: drinks rofl :thumbsup: drinks pitchfork

the_one_for_u's photo
Thu 10/14/10 01:23 AM

i'm thinking about touching it.
really and how long have you known him drinks :thumbsup: :thumbsup: drinks rofl rofl :thumbsup: drinks rofl rofl rofl rofl drinks rofl :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

the_one_for_u's photo
Thu 10/14/10 01:19 AM
:thumbsup: drinks rofl :thumbsup: :thumbsup: drinks rofl :thumbsup: drinks rofl :thumbsup: drinks :thumbsup: drinks :thumbsup: drinks

the_one_for_u's photo
Thu 10/14/10 01:16 AM

plus, we are not really sure he was who he said he was-ith!
drinks rofl drinks rofl drinks rofl drinks drinks drinks drinks drinks drinks drinks drinks drinks drinks rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl drinks rofl drinks rofl drinks rofl drinks rofl drinks rofl drinks rofl drinks drinks drinks drinks drinks drinks drinks rofl rofl rofl drinks rofl drinks rofl drinks rofl drinks rofl drinks ok maybe i over exaggerated

the_one_for_u's photo
Thu 10/14/10 01:11 AM
What about the codpiece or jockstrap? I'd want THOSE parts protected too... rofl drinks drinks rofl drinks drinks drinks rofl drinks rofl drinks rofl rofl rofl rofl drinks rofl drinks drinks drinks drinks rofl drinks rofl rofl rofl drinks drinks rofl rofl rofl drinks rofl drinks rofl drinks

the_one_for_u's photo
Thu 10/14/10 01:02 AM

Uh oh, don't get me started yall!
drinks rofl drinks drinks rofl drinks rofl drinks drinks drinks rofl rofl drinks rofl i feel like a stick of butter on a tall stack of flap jacks

the_one_for_u's photo
Thu 10/14/10 12:57 AM
drinks rofl drinks rofl drinks rofl rofl drinks rofl drinks pitchfork :rose:

the_one_for_u's photo
Thu 10/14/10 12:49 AM
try the religious debate im in it's fun to mess with there heads rofl rofl rofl rofl

the_one_for_u's photo
Thu 10/14/10 12:46 AM
i am in a religious debate lol im claiming that god was an alien lol and he keeps quoting the bible lol rofl

the_one_for_u's photo
Thu 10/14/10 12:41 AM

the_one_for_u's photo
Thu 10/14/10 12:37 AM

technology gives you power as well and as for god he could have been an alien from some other part of the galaxy doing a cloning experiment and we are the out come so how can you hold truth to a book that's basically a bunch of he says she says bull crap

Technology gives no one power of anything. Technology only gives us a way to control some of the power God has given us freely. We have the power to learn and critical thinking. And is why we've evolved so much further then the animals of this planet. We have the power of knowledge.
well if your talking about the half ape half human remains thay discovered and all that stuff then here is my thoughts on that before when i said that we were the result of a cloning experiment well the flood the is talked about in the bible could be the way thay got rid of the ones that did not turn out right

the_one_for_u's photo
Thu 10/14/10 12:18 AM
still here just jumping through the threads

the_one_for_u's photo
Thu 10/14/10 12:12 AM
technology gives you power as well and as for god he could have been an alien from some other part of the galaxy doing a cloning experiment and we are the out come so how can you hold truth to a book that's basically a bunch of he says she says bull crap

the_one_for_u's photo
Thu 10/14/10 12:00 AM

what? huh

the_one_for_u's photo
Wed 10/13/10 11:58 PM

they are lost in shipping!

yeeeeeaaaaaa rofl :pitch fork:
i mean yeeeeeaaaaaa rofl pitchfork

the_one_for_u's photo
Wed 10/13/10 11:57 PM

they are lost in shipping!

yeeeeeaaaaaa rofl :pitch fork:

the_one_for_u's photo
Wed 10/13/10 11:52 PM
question how do you draw power from words in a book that's like saying if i want to gain magical powers all i have to do is read a harry potter book

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