Community > Posts By > incidius

incidius's photo
Fri 10/15/10 08:41 AM
how about stop wasting money on nasa and wars we have no business being in just to name a few examples of wasted tax dollars

incidius's photo
Fri 10/15/10 07:56 AM

The idea of democracy is that everyone deals with self-sufficiency themselves.........In socialism, the government cares for its dependent population.........the problem is when you allow the government to institute more and more policies towards programs helping the people through people that are helping themselves taxes......then you over spend using monies you do not have in order to support those groups, as well as, get more governmental control into your lives and everyday decisions..........and think we have enough fail safes and thats where they should end
im not advocating a total socialistic govt i dont think every living neccesity should be provided. what about a low income family who cant afford ins whose child gets sick should the parents have to work 70 hrs a week to pay hospital bills? and should that same child be denied the chance to go to an institute of higher learning just because of the finacial situation its born in?

incidius's photo
Fri 10/15/10 05:58 AM

well,, homosexual/heterosexual FEELINGS may not be a choice,, but last I checked all lifeSTYLES that adults have certainly are the result of choices (good or bad)
i understand what you are saying as far as chosing to live that way but in a way its almost not a choice i was four years old when i realized i liked girls no one had told me that i was supposed to i was just that way you could argue that hetro is ingrained in our society but at four i dont think i had really picked up on too much of that complex adult world choosing to be gay when i obviously liked women would be like not being able to stand the taste of pork and eating nothing but bacon everyday for the rest of my life. is it really fair to call the lifestyle a choice when the only reason most people would choose a lifestyle that goes agaisnt their core would be to avoid persecution from ignorant a holes?

incidius's photo
Fri 10/15/10 05:22 AM
one of the reasons that i had said i wasnt suggesting an entirely socialist govt is exactly the example you give, the soviet union. i believe that as tax paying citizens we should be entitled to certain benefits thru our taxes namely education and health care,not necissarily the new health care reform,i understand that to accomplish this would be no easw task because your are right that the government is unefficient at spending money. i just have a hard time believing that this could not be accomplished through an overhaul albeit a massive one of our spending agenda. i by no means want our govt to provide regulate or have their hands in every aspect of our basic needs of survival and do not pretend to have the answers. maybe our,or rather our govts,spending bills and plans need to be written out by some third party econmists or congress needs to be put on budget billing it just seems like an awful lot of tax payers money is missused or just plain wasted

incidius's photo
Fri 10/15/10 05:22 AM
one of the reasons that i had said i wasnt suggesting an entirely socialist govt is exactly the example you give, the soviet union. i believe that as tax paying citizens we should be entitled to certain benefits thru our taxes namely education and health care,not necissarily the new health care reform,i understand that to accomplish this would be no easw task because your are right that the government is unefficient at spending money. i just have a hard time believing that this could not be accomplished through an overhaul albeit a massive one of our spending agenda. i by no means want our govt to provide regulate or have their hands in every aspect of our basic needs of survival and do not pretend to have the answers. maybe our,or rather our govts,spending bills and plans need to be written out by some third party econmists or congress needs to be put on budget billing it just seems like an awful lot of tax payers money is missused or just plain wasted

incidius's photo
Fri 10/15/10 04:12 AM
a new resteraunt opened up in town, had reservations,went anyway

incidius's photo
Fri 10/15/10 04:10 AM

two guys walk into a bar
the third one ducks.
i always thought that was a good one

incidius's photo
Fri 10/15/10 04:07 AM
im not as think as you stoned i am

incidius's photo
Fri 10/15/10 04:05 AM
what was the question?

incidius's photo
Fri 10/15/10 02:06 AM
i used to be into s+m beastiality and necrophillia but it was to much like flogging a dead horse

incidius's photo
Fri 10/15/10 01:45 AM
why whenever someone has an idea or a program intended to help out less fortunate people or people down on their luck is it labeled socialistic with intentions to produce a kneejerk reaction born out of some half remembered Mcarthy era red fear? and let me make a few points that im sure will come up 1. im not advocating overthrowing our govt and replacing it with a total socialistic soceity,i think our capitalistic democracy,while not perfect,works well enough and could just use some tweaks. 2. the problems greece and other smaller european socialistic democracys have had i dont think apply. america is one of the richest nations in the world and with the appropriate application of our tax dollars and resources i dont see how some of these safety net programs would be a prob.we waste too much money on nasa,warmongering,overpaying govt officals,the war on drugs,foreign oil,big buisiness tax cuts,and the bail out to name a few 3. yes people do and will abuse these programs,but that doesnt mean we should deny honest people the help they need. people abuse perscription drugs but we dont outlaw them,we dont ban guns because of gun related deaths and murders(im agaisnt gun control btw) the abuse is unfortunate but unavoidable you will always have someone trying to cheat the system or tryin to get a free meal. this just means you must police the application of these systems more diligently 4. im am not advocating a particular or specific bill or program like for instance the health care reform i havent read the bill so i cant say one way or another if it is good or bad the IDEA of this bill and other programs is what i refer to and i know many people feel strongly about these issues and are certainly entitled to their opinion but please no name calling or angry rants im trying to promote intelligent conversation and am not interested in verbal fisticuffs. i have been fortunate to have had steady employment and supported myself,i have worked 40 plus hrs a week 52(minus vacation) weeks a year for the past 20 years but i realize not everyone has and while it is certainly true in some cases they are not all lazy there are a myriad of reasons that someone would have trouble staying gainefully employed

incidius's photo
Thu 10/14/10 05:34 PM
thats really good

incidius's photo
Thu 10/14/10 05:28 PM
johnny deep

incidius's photo
Thu 10/14/10 05:25 PM
3 dobermans are in the pound 1st one looks at the 2nd +askes what u in for? he replies ive been humpin my masters leg 2 much n am getin neutered you? ya same thing he replies they ask the 3 dog what about u? my master is a woman an the other day she got out of the shower n bent over 2 pick up her towel n i just couldnt help it i ran up behind her and gave it 2 her. ah so youre getin neutered 2 huh? no he replied im gettin my teeth cleaned and my nails clipped!

incidius's photo
Wed 10/13/10 08:19 PM
worthless by ministry

incidius's photo
Wed 10/13/10 08:15 PM
i think its a pretty good profile different and interesting. also i like the poem,if there was no language you could only express yourself thru your actions hence no lying would that be such a bad thing. and btw your to hard on yourself while i agree that looks arent everything you are very attractive

incidius's photo
Wed 10/13/10 08:00 PM
long john guy

incidius's photo
Wed 10/13/10 07:50 PM
jane does

incidius's photo
Wed 10/13/10 08:52 AM
while it may be true that they bear some responsabilty its a very slippery slope where do you draw the line between simple racist rhetoric and willful intent?

incidius's photo
Wed 10/13/10 08:28 AM
i completely agree with your opinions on bill o glenn and fox and your right to petition them but you cant blame them for murder just like ozzy wasnt liable for those suicides in the 80 s