Has anybody considered that the president doesn't play a huge part in our government system? If you want to get conservative laws passed then you need to be more focused on the mid-term elections and vote for congressmen and hope to get the house back. The president is there just to sit back and look pretty most of the time and he doesn't deal with a lot. Our whole political system is based on congress so you all should vote in the upcoming mid-term elections. It is important for you conservatives or it's two more years of winter.
Frank Sinatra
I don't want to get technical or anything, but it is spelled Basterds...just sayin'. lol,,yeah,, I think thats the Brit spelling,,,,lol I saw Tarantino on a British talk show(on BBCAmerica), and the host asked why he spelled Basterds that way. Tarantino said he wouldn't give an explanation, that way fans would have something to talk about. of course, controversy sales ,regardless how petty,,lol but seriously, the brits do spell words differently than americans Can't blame him though, fans are still talking about the Band-Aid on the back of Ving Rhames' neck. |
Navy seals
sorry wish I could help I was Army!! But go for it, I knew a couple of Rangers and they were BAD dudes!! The Army Ranger and Navy Seals do cross train later on. There is a lot of "Cross Disciplinary" skills training between our branches of the military including the Marine Mountaineers and Army Rangers too. Navy seals are expected to do inland missions as well. I would never underestimate the capacities of any branches premium soldiers. Very few people have what it takes to survive any of them. Even the Air force has their own Rangers and they are down right scary and well trained as well. Now for the one comment of being with a navy Seal who was a looser, yes some people get this whole idea the world owes them a living for a little bit of work and discrimination and all that crap. You get that BS anywhere you go though in ALL walks of life. At least you didn't get saddled with him! Sometimes the stuff these guys do messes up their heads. Still, I would be hesitant to call a former navy seal a looser to his face if I valued my own existence even if he was a looser. |
Sarah Palin or Joe Biden
Palin should probably go back to being the Govenor of Alaska I think. She was better at that. can you come back after you quit? never had that type of job before,,lol |
I think he asked for advice on a relationship....not sex. lol. And all the guys who say they dont have the time to shave...Us wwomen feel the same but we make time to maintain the look. What if all women did not shave? Would you complain? |
Sarah Palin or Joe Biden
Palin should probably go back to being the Govenor of Alaska I think. She was better at that.
I shave mine because it feels better to me. Some guys might not admit that but it's a better choice for me. Your new chick will love it! ![]() ![]() |
I shave mine because it feels better to me. Some guys might not admit that but it's a better choice for me.
Yes I see. Close up picture and more details about me. Thank you ladies.
This sounds like useful information. Thanks ladies.
Sarah Palin or Joe Biden
Who ya like better for president, Biden or Palin? Hint: This is an easy one. |
Family Guy or American Dad
I don't care what anybody says, Stewy is the best character on Family Guy. He is a baby that acts like Rex Harrison. That is what makes Family Guy a show worth watching. Quagmire is cool too. Giggity giggity. lol.
Jazz, blues, classical music
Lol...Yeah that is the popular music these days. Sex, drugs, money, and robbing banks for more money are the type of things people like to listen to.
Arnold is responsible for gay marraige and marijuana because that's what the people of California want. Gay marraige is not just an issue for gays. People are real interested in this topic and it is an issue that, one way or another, effects the country. They will get their rights too. African Americans won civil rights, woman did too, and in the end this is just a matter of time when gays win theirs. nasa. People are becoming very excited about space. It will become a leading issue at some point. We now know that there are planets that can support life and our technology will continue to increase at a higher rate as time goes on. This is also the age where lazer warfare will come into play. The world is changing and it is doing so very fast.
Obama is starting NASA back up. The Bush administration is the one that ended nasa. Obama "said" that by 2025 we will launch to an astroid and hopefully put some kind of post on the moon. Obama might be in trouble for the Mexicans but yes he did accomplish to get us out of the war. As far as the economy goes, it is starting to look better. Compare us now to three or four years ago. Unemployment is still high but it is down more from that time. The fact is that there isn't enough jobs for everyone out there and that raises a concern. If he helps the cause for gay marraige, abortion, and marijuana then he is doing much for people with those issues.
Jazz, blues, classical music
That's great. Being here in Oklahoma most people listen to country or hip hop. I'm just glad that I'm not the only person my age that doesn't listen to that style of music. I honestly liked hip hop when I was eight, but it took a turn into this electronic dance styled rap. I lost interest in "the cool" music.
Sarah Palin or Joe Biden
Got to go with Biden. He believes that college should be affordable to everyone and is in my mind more educated in certain areas. Not like it matters to anyone but he did lose his wife and a kid in an automobile accident so I wouldn't mind seeing him as president. Palin was offered a spot in senate after the administration lost the election. She likes to speak now so that works out well for her and probably not for the Republican Pary but oh well.
Tarantino is just a great film producer with a good sense of humor. Inglorious Bastards did win more awards but Kill Bill has a better story I think.
I never said that I was a liberal, you just assume I am because I'm saying Obama will win. I'm an Independent with moderate views. I think we should do what it takes to suite the people and whatever works best. The fact is that Republicans are traditional and mostly religious people that rely the economy to big businesses and a free enterprise system. Liberals are mostly the city people from the northeast or the west coast. They like high taxes and are more open to ideas. In my mind they are less religious and believe in seperation from church and state. There's a lot more to it but the fact is that young people are now starting to vote. Social networking and blogs from the internet give everyone the opportunity to become more knowledgable about certain issues in politics. Media is also a concern for Republicans and more than people think. Television networks and shows mostly support Liberals. In the 2008 presidential election, the hype was around the Clinton and Obama primary. There was more negative talk about Mcain and he didn't do a great job of presenting himself. You can say what you want about Obama but he has made himself very presentable for a president and people know his name. That's what voting is about. I honestly believe though that the people don't want another Bush in presidency. This fear and small issues that Republicans don't agree with is the reason that Obama will win the next election.