Community > Posts By > PacificStar48
You can post your gender preference on your profile if you so chose but I don't know if any specific forums that are gender segregated.
While I don't follow all forums I have not seen any instances where members are allowed to be personally attacked for their choices about their private life. Site rules clearly ban it. |
Buying a house
Buying a house is not always a great financial plan for someone who will want something different in less than seven years or at least one third the course of the mortgage.
If you think living in a little house sounds dreamy now it could sound like a real nightmare if you need a different location or space because your needs change and there is no market for your little home. Renting anything if you you don't have substantial resources can put you on the fast track to bankruptcy. Not the best way to start a relationship. If you could be depending on shakey employment or family support to carry a mortgage can often have disasterous results if your relationship status changes too. Especially when pregnancy often becomes a factor. While I strongly agree with the advice about having a highly reputable/skilled inspector having an independent knowledgeable real estate contract/financing lawyer look at the contract you are signing so it is as much in your favor as the sellers or the banks is also very important. |
What are your thoughts?
I think you are going to have a hard time getting legit responses.
Probably get you a lot of grief, or ignored, for putting up so many pictures and remarks about your children and the crack about them having a Mom. Get real unless you plan that they are going to have no contact ever there will be some kind of stepmother relation ship. There is just too Mich scattered text. Organize it into thought paragraphs. |
It depends on the picture.
Do you want to attract a dog lover? And risk scaring off anyone who is not. Also depends on if your picture portrays you as a responsible pet owner. May also depend on the breed of the dog. Some are popular; some are not. And yes you need to be in the photo to post it. |
Dealing with sick children
Over the recent holiday weekend I was wondering if younger first time parents are getting any training with how to cope with sick kids.
Being a single parent I think a few things are essential because good bad or otherwise the buck stops with us. Maybe you don't want some people involved in your parenting efforts; especially how to cope with the lovely little miserable things that we don't get a lot of sympathy about doing it as a solo act but I think a few things could make it easier. First is probably thinking ahead and doing some things that prepare you toccope |
Open Season on Media Pawns
Watching a chilling murder of what appears to be a frail senior caught off guard to posted to online declaration.
Makes me pause. Always thought I was relatively safe but now I wonder. Do you ever think about the "risk" of being caught in a situation where you are a pawn for media seeking crazies? Are there places you avoid or only go in groups? |
Edited by
Mon 04/17/17 05:16 PM
I was thinking about this after observing some couples this weekend.
In various situations and locations. What I saw was all people have different thresholds of what they will and can't tolerate. Knowing your own truths going into a relationship will have a lot to do with what you will be able to look past and what will drive you right over the edge sooner or later. What is always more obvious in family settings is if you really don't like how someone's parents or siblings behave in a few years ahead that is likely what you are looking forward too. It is easy to let stuff pass in the flush of passion or even relief of finally escaping "singledom" which Still has great stigma and is harder than surviving as a more or less functioning partnership. This seems to be particularly true when family pressure is applied but I doubt that is the only pressure. Sadly many children are often stuck in broken relationships when it is well past in their best interest. Or never was in the first place. What was glaringly obvious to me was how ineffectual many people are at communicating by words or actions how they felt about things to others were doing. Specifically re-enforceing the behavior they wanted with praise, respect, hospitality, and attention. And making poor behavior clearly known as unacceptable by saying so FIRST on a discreet level and if necessary in a more public way. If possible by not making a big drama out of it. Some people sole goal is to be as obnoxious as they can get away with. And when people keep peace at all costs they actually make themselves part of the problem. Or doing it round about by talking behind the "offenders" back so they "hear it" later; usually when it is bundled with other beefs and to late to do better. This is particularly unfair to children but happens a lot. What was really obvious that negative re-enforcement almost always made the behavior worse. As did what is sometimes misunderstood as positive re-enforcement when people laugh at, ignore, or even temporarily endure poor behavior and later never tell the offender why they ate excluded. . |
Compatibility at your age?
Hello I'm looking for a compactable man like you... Awww Shucks. ![]() Have you taken the test yet? there you go, Duttoneer.. you got a match.. you're compactable! :D I think she must have a 'crush' on me. Yes Dear Duttoneer be sure and wear a permanent press shirt. Lol |
Edited by
Mon 04/17/17 02:19 PM
Before you get your boxers in a knot I would tell the same thing to any kid; including my own.
I would just lock his behind down until he thought his hair was grey because the only thing more life threatening than pretending to be a banger is getting caught by a banger who won't think it is funny. |
Saying one thing and illustrating something else. Should be in class or working on school work. Or working rather than playing on your parents computer; more than likely. Do NOT look stated age. Tats (maybe fake but a waste of whoever is supporting you in school money). Throwing punk gang signs. Looks like a wanna-a-be that would be bad news. Violating site rules posting email in your profile. Yup definitely a minus six even with the good lead shot and semi literate text. |
Compatibility at your age?
Do not believe there is a perfect mate but if someone was easygoing enough to get in the high 80s I would think they would have little problem sustaining a relationship.
Requesting email
The often repeated thought is of it is too good to be true it probably isn't.
Real people have ordinary jobs. Ordinary looks. And the ordinary problems we all have. They have likes and dislikes. deadlines at least work hours. budgets, bills, and blues. Someone can't fake the good life all the time if they are real but they shouldn't sound like a trainwreck either. If their dream persona sounds just to close to your perfect it is probably because you have put it out there somewhere on the web and they have done their homework how to get to you. |
Requesting email
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Mon 04/17/17 11:09 AM
If they get a gmail or other email it pretty much leads to any other public information on the web about you.
Including your full legal name and Alias's, phone number, address, and a satellite view of your home. Which means if the questionable "they" you are chatting up wants to they can in real time know when you are and are not home by counting the cars in your driveway. AND Know when/where you are by tracking your phone GPS. Very helpful if they want to sell said information or they want to rob you while you are out. Particularly unsettling if you have beloved pets or children and unarmed babysitters or aged family members at home. And you do not get to decide if they want to know where you went to school, held a license, owned property, been arrested, and are single, divorced, or cohabitated with someone. Personally I want to at least lay eyes on that "they" before I give someone that kind of access for as little as a buck that can be charged on a credit card. I have used Mingleland for 15+ years and never been hacked by anyone who I have followed their recommended protocols. My experience is Good people are patient and respect good common sense. They are glad to chat over time and then meet in a safe public place. Yea some People will fudge and use "dated" or "flattering" maybe even studio airbrushed photos but the basic information matches what they tell you over time. The "bad" people always come up with some "crisis" mild or otherwise to get you on the phone or just give up when you catch them in a small lie. Since many scammers work from scripts they have on targets you could actually have several people "charming" you. |
Review please
Not getting messages or replies. Badly written profile, unattractive, something else?
Thanks Answer: Impatience Guess I'd rather not spend 7 years on a dating site like you have. Only have to read how people respond to REQUESTED advice to see why they struggle socially. For the record many who still post on this site do it out of kindness because they either choose to be single or have actually successfully found significant others or spouses here. |
Review please
Edited by
Mon 04/17/17 10:17 AM
sorry another duplicate post.
Review please
Not getting messages or replies. Badly written profile, unattractive, something else?
Thanks Answer: Impatience That you say you work for the county could suggest you are either incarcerated or a welfare worker neither endearing. ![]() Guess it is a "slang" thing that doesn't compute to some but saying you "work for the county" in some circles, particularly poor, or anyone one public assistance, or anyone who is jailed ( and is seeking online via contraband phones) or under house arrest or extended probation and parole and can not get a job says they work for the county. Is it particularly flattering to legit county employees that such slang exists or the unknowing inadvertently use it? No But don't hang the messenger if you don't want the message. Especially since this is a free site and we have many poor who would steer clear or might want to steer clear of someone using such self descriptors. I find for some a prisoner or or someone on public assistance actually has an allure. To each their own. |
Review please
Edited by
Mon 04/17/17 10:13 AM
Duplicate post
You want a wife, you have my deepest sympathy. Read the profile and "she's the one to likely need the sympathy. Roflmbo |
looking for a good friend
Better luck if you post in your local forum even if you have to start one. Of course there are always people from Delhi which is common in multiple areas of USA.
Profile pic no no's...
Edited by
Mon 04/17/17 05:45 AM
Several comments about kids.
If you are a single parent that is significant information. When I had kids in the home I almost exclusively dated single dads. And once mine were out of the "little" stage I usually dated those with like age and gender. Now I am a grandma I have a pick of a couple of those because yea they are part of who I am. I could see if in every shot the kids are front and center a potential date saying holy cow where am I going to fit in but I think that is way more honest than the ones that try to hide they have kids. |