5 times in the face and he lives? hmm. if i shot someone five times in the face there would not be much left of it, stuck on the wall behind where he was standing.he was very lucky that she obviously was using the pixxie model self defense weapon and not something big.
I hope he sues her a$$ off. How dare she protect her kids! (Pure sarcasm. Something libs would back.) Next time, he might try to find an anti-gunner to rob, rape or kill. |
Dating vs marrying
There is a thread about dating other races. Well, would you go one farther and marry a different race? As for me, yes. Certainly would!.... if I didn't suffer from an allergic condition called " dontwannagetmarriedagain" arrhea |
The PERFECT someone?
Edited by
Sun 01/06/13 09:59 AM
please describe that mythical perfect person you have always looked for and no one will ever measure up to, which is why you are single. lol. mine is a cute, RICH, Asian who speaks 5 languages and holds doctorates, and BDSLs... small breasts and perfect legs. Did i mention she is half my age? Oh and she likes to share me with her even cuter friend.
Dating vs marrying
Edited by
Sun 01/06/13 09:54 AM
i wouldent marry someone of my race actually/ lol, wouldent be my fist choice.
now ill meet the perfect white woman and be a liar. |
“They had been harassed enough they have been embarrassed more than enough.”
Cops claiming they were harassed...too funny. ![]() |
wish i had a good profile pic to post on here so i could park the cat sniper. You have two that are fine. Use those? |
wish i had a good profile pic to post on here so i could park the cat sniper.
Edited by
Sat 01/05/13 04:54 PM
I am empty. no thoughts. THOUGHTLESS??? hmmm
oh, here is one... need to get more firewood. |
help with gun control
exactly. the RIGHT to keep and bear arms is there for a reason, and it has little to do with Duck hunting. It is for Defense. Of ones self, ones family, and fellow citizens.
Edited by
Sat 01/05/13 06:23 AM
its about time that someone recognized cops as dangerous to your health. hmmm. when they can be armed and i cant, thats a police state by definition. besides, we dont know the rest of the story... were they acting like jack booted thugs at the time? It would not be be the first time.
help with gun control
Edited by
Sat 01/05/13 06:10 AM
The goal of gun control should be to keep the control of guns away from people who should not have it. As one who advocates Peace on Earth, I believe the entire world should be a "gun free zone." While the goal may not seem all that realistic to some, There are nevertheless efforts under way already. What's good for the goose is good for the gander, so… https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/eliminate-armed-guards-president-vice-president-and-their-families-and-establish-gun-free-zones/6RDGkxLK Maybe we should all join the effort to keep guns away from the people who have demonstrated by incompetence, immaturity and/or malevolence that they should not even have access to them under any circumstances. I once wrote a post somewhere about a coming global revolution where everyone around the world would scream as in a single thunderous voice, "ENOUGH!!"... http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=IJhWVf4e4-s …and the world would suddenly stop, and be still and quiet such that a dropping pin could be heard for miles, as all the Earth awaited our next order. That order would never be forthcoming, as the Peace on Earth we now enjoyed was all we ever wanted, and the order was already being obeyed without ever having been uttered. The Peace Revolution starts here and now. Which side are you on? |
help with gun control
i was thinking that all gun stores sell trigger locks... why not make it manditory to have a trigger lock on all firearms not in use by the owner at the moment... maybe punishment if your weapon was left unlocked and was used in the commision of a crime could be something like a 10 year revokation of the right to bare arms and a huge fine? its just a thought |
I like my hot lil asian women, They are happy if the roof dont leak, if there is food and if i dont beat them. I have pretty much written off white women, they all seem to want me to have an ATM machine taped to my back. mabe its American women, or mabe its just the ones i meet. dunnow.
What is with ladies and their profiles "non smoker" non smoker,, what happened to the good old days when everyone smoked,, Humphrey Bogart smoked two packs a day yet he is the most popular leading idol and Casablanca is the highest rated move ever made.Granted he died at age 56 of throat cancer, So much has changed, I remeber when i was you young you could say to to someone hey can i bum a fag and it meant can i borrow a cigarette. Think of all those old movies and gentlemen in front of a firing squad and their last request was never a big steak or sex with a luscious woman, rather they just asked for a cigarette.. My piece on smoking,,,,, answer: it stinks, is unhealthy, and basically a bad habit with no benefits. We know this now.. unlike before when we were wallowing in our own ignorance.... and everyones smoke. |
Hi, was on another but similar thread and someone bragged on how he slept with Lesbians. Being around the block I have met both Lesbians and Bisexual women. But seriously if a Lady goes that way is there anything any guy can do to change her. I say NO! WHY WOULD YOU WANT TO? lol |
Rocket stove mass heater
basicly i looked on the internet until i had enough info to build it. of course the next one will be better...I want to incorporate a combustion air intake with a pre heater,also a loop for hot water in the next one.
what does it for you???
-concrete smeared on her face from working on a stone wall all day.
-when she has a better idea than i do on how to remodel a customers house... -legs. |
Rocket stove mass heater
anyone seen one? I just built one in my house, 90+ efficency wood stove.
What are you grateful for?
hmmm. Air, constant gravitational pull, moderate temperature, and hot women.