Community > Posts By > looking4u52

looking4u52's photo
Tue 10/09/07 10:57 AM
I agree with dcrdnk. No matter what you do you can't win.
You can do the exact same thing on one day it is right. The next day it is wrong. You will surely go crazy if you try to figure women out. I am writing this from my padded room. noway yawn laugh explode

looking4u52's photo
Fri 10/05/07 06:58 PM
Personally, I think too much emphasis is put on this dating issue.
I first would just meet the person for a drink or coffee. No pressure, if we click then a date can be scheduled.

After a few formal dates if the person says they are still in the dating mode, I would probably back off until they decided if they wanted to "date" me exclusively.

If you really connect with someone why would they need to keep dating around? That would tell me there really was not much of a connection. I guess it depends on what you are looking for.

Maybe a friend with benefits situation would just be easier. laugh laugh laugh

looking4u52's photo
Fri 10/05/07 01:41 PM
I would think enough would definitely be enough if there is and type of abuse or lying.

looking4u52's photo
Wed 10/03/07 11:30 AM
This is a real dilemma because although it is what is on the inside that counts. The attraction and chemistry you have for the person play a big role in a relationship. I think you have to consider the whole person, but .......

looking4u52's photo
Wed 10/03/07 09:40 AM
I guess difficult part is should I stay or should I go.
If there is no chemistry or attraction it is pretty easy
to move on. But .............

looking4u52's photo
Wed 10/03/07 09:11 AM
TxsGal, sounds like you are right on. If we were all as smart as you maybe relationships would work out for the longer term.
Or is this something people figure out after it is too late?

I must say that the folks on this discussion board have made
some really good points.

So do you think if you had a relationship with the chemistry and
attraction and things fell apart that one should go back and try again with that person, provided the chemistry and attraction still exists?

looking4u52's photo
Tue 10/02/07 05:07 PM
Marriage may not always be the best choice.
As we get older there may be legal and financial
reasons that a marriage certificate may interfere with.

If you plan on having a family than marriage may
be valid to protect the children.

Everything depends on the individual situation.

looking4u52's photo
Tue 10/02/07 01:02 PM
Hi Benz, thank you for your thoughts. I know a couple
who were just friends and then later had the chemistry
develop. They seem to have a great relationship. Things
just don't usually develop in that order.

Anyway, based on the responses I'll keep the facial hair.
At least we can end that part of the discussion. happy

looking4u52's photo
Tue 10/02/07 12:57 PM
Puffins, that was a very thoughtful reply.
I agree it is what is on the inside that counts.
Life can be so confusing. Chemistry and attraction can
seem so shallow. But, is a main ingredient in romantic
relationships. I guess I have been lucky.

looking4u52's photo
Tue 10/02/07 12:18 PM
Well we could change this discussion to should I shave or not?


looking4u52's photo
Tue 10/02/07 12:15 PM
Thank you bgeorge. Actually I would be naked without my goatee.

looking4u52's photo
Tue 10/02/07 12:13 PM
Golden if I shaved my face, maybe that type of girl
would have chemistry for me. Still doesn't mean I would
have chemistry for her.

looking4u52's photo
Tue 10/02/07 12:12 PM
I don't know lot's of relationships end because the
attraction and chemistry is gone. Even though the people
may be compatible. But, maybe you are right people just
don't want to work on the relationship hard enough.

looking4u52's photo
Tue 10/02/07 12:05 PM
laugh yawn noway :tongue: happy

You folks are too funny. The topic had nothing
to do with beards, facial hair, BIG Breasts, etc. bigsmile

looking4u52's photo
Tue 10/02/07 11:50 AM
Any ideas why it is so difficult to find chemistry and attraction that go hand and hand? There are lot's of single attractive people out there. But, making that special connection is rare.

Then if you are lucky enough the have the chemistry how do
you keep remain compatible for the long term?

I am interested in hearing others thought on this subject.

Thank you.blushing

looking4u52's photo
Mon 10/01/07 03:09 PM
Life is crazy at this age. I never thought I would
be dating or looking to date at 52. I guess the choice
is be alone or put yourself out there.

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