Community > Posts By > floh

floh's photo
Wed 05/07/08 05:04 PM
sick noway sick noway sick noway sick noway

floh's photo
Wed 05/07/08 05:03 PM
I just hope everyone's ok, there's a couple of peeps from JSH that live or work in the area the tornado touched down.ohwell

floh's photo
Wed 05/07/08 04:53 PM
noway ...first this morning we almost get hit by lightning putting money in the outside registers (which are all in metal housings), then it stinkin rains all day...then throughout the afternoon one tornado warning after another, one actually touched down in the city...then of course roads are starting to flood...noway

gotta love Oklahomagrumble

floh's photo
Wed 05/07/08 02:16 PM
poppin in to say hi ((((all))))flowerforyou

better get off now...bad storm...screen flickering

floh's photo
Wed 05/07/08 01:57 PM

floh's photo
Tue 05/06/08 08:13 PM
...and there i got run over by a thread again...grumble

floh's photo
Tue 05/06/08 08:10 PM
nite allyawn

floh's photo
Tue 05/06/08 08:07 PM

floh's photo
Tue 05/06/08 08:03 PM

floh's photo
Tue 05/06/08 07:50 PM
anytime sweets:wink:

floh's photo
Tue 05/06/08 07:47 PM

noway ooo... now who got hurt?

there is no names..... but tanya's shoulder is always open for crying souls.... and i just had enough! (gals always welcome to cry on my shoulder) but I am so sick and tired of guys that say come here let me love you.... oh you are so beautiful blah blah blah blah..... and then when we come.... you back the f*ck off.... stop it.... if you aren't ready..... DO NOT TELL PPL THAT YOU LOVE THEM EVEN IF ITS AS FRIENDS!!!!

got it? good.
While threats are normally music to my ears and I tend to keep my wit and sarcasm sharpened to the hilt, I will choose instead to give a simple rebuttal.

How can you throw threats at the guys when the women are no different. Let's open everyone's eyes tonight. For all your complaining, there are women on this very site who are promiscuous, who are attracted to men who look, speak and act just like their father, who have serious issues with trust, self-esteem, and control, and who are looking for someone who will allow them to sit on their ass and be pampered the rest of their lives.

And they bring all that plus all the problems of previous relationships into this arena and unload it on guys. And I say all of this from personal experience, not speculation. But despite the fact that I am just a little sick and tired myself, I am still here because I tend to give each new encounter the benefit of the doubt. 75% of the women here CANNOT make that claim.

So while I applaud you for sticking up for your fellow sisters and respect the fact that you seem to have it together, you can do us all a favor by being quiet, getting off the soapbox, and teaching them all to be just like you....whatever that is.

oh did not jut say thatnoway

besides, when it comes down to it, she'd stick up for guys as well as the girls, just depends on who dunnit...girlieflowerforyou

floh's photo
Tue 05/06/08 07:36 PM

...but they LOVE you...laugh

little do they know, you are the only one for me :wink:


love, love, is all you needblushing

floh's photo
Tue 05/06/08 07:35 PM
...but they LOVE you...laugh

floh's photo
Tue 05/06/08 06:31 PM
I DO live paycheck to paycheck...and i AM a lot happier...

floh's photo
Tue 05/06/08 06:14 PM
i got a lovely pair...and i LIKE 'em bigsmile

floh's photo
Tue 05/06/08 06:12 PM

floh's photo
Tue 05/06/08 06:08 PM
nope...used to walk through the woods in the dark...glasses

floh's photo
Tue 05/06/08 06:07 PM
oh my holy crap...i sooooooooo knew you were gonna say THAT laugh


floh's photo
Tue 05/06/08 05:22 PM
I do remember some of these...laugh

floh's photo
Tue 05/06/08 05:00 PM
all depends...

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