Don't date bad spellers.....
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Mon 07/14/08 08:10 AM
In this dating enviorment where all the beggining comunacation is done with e-mails and the written word I have heard many people say they one of the ways they "weed" out possiable matches is by thier spelling.(or lack of it) As someone that has had dyslexia all his life I can tell you that many of us will never be able to spell. I for instance use the spell check as much as I can but I will still do not know the proper spelling of the word "write" and "right" I know how the concepts are diffrent. It would just be too combersum to look up the deffinetion of al these words every time I wrote an e-mail. Nearly impossable when using a live chat or the a forum like this because of the speed at which these things move.
I am trying to say that judging people on spelling is a big mistake. Here are just some of the people you would have missed out on dating.... Orlando Bloom Danny Glover Jay Leno Keanu Reeves Ansel Adams Pablo Picaso Tommy Hilfiger Muhammad Ali Nolan Ryan Henry Ford William Hewlett Alexander Graham Bell Thomas Edison Albert Einstein Cher John Lennon Bob Weir John F Kennedy Hans Christian Andersen Agatha Christie F Scott Fitzgerald Just to name a few. So please give those of us that can't spell a chance. (as a little side experiment would anyone that still thinks that they will not date bad spellers put out your reason why you feel that way. Thank you) |
Franklin and the Jews.
first franklin was never president. (besides the other horrendous ideas in this article) Explain Dude . Just trying to point out that Franklin was never president so that would mean that the other information in the article was also suspect. I just wasn't sure when each persons words began. I don't think it helps anyone in this day and age to be putting forth ridiculous ideas like the ones raised in the artical. |
Franklin and the Jews.
im not sure of what franklin is a father of did he invent the bottle warmer was he irish i havent done a whole lot of research or anything i guess i could say my experience with some jewish people was that we learned some things from one another i respect their family values He invented the Fire Department, the Library, the Lightning rod, the battery, the basic ideas behind electricity, the farmers almanac, and so on. |
Franklin and the Jews.
first franklin was never president. (besides the other horrendous ideas in this article) |
Soldier Sues Army (religion)
If we see this religion giving a violent reply over and over again then they can't say it is just somebody else. Just a bad seed. The effect of this Christian was to drum a voice for reason out of the military. The tactic is to use violent and threatening "warriors" up front so that a majority of Christians can claim that they are all about love. If this was really true their wouldn't be any stories like this one. Let alone incident after incident. Its time to see this violent and mean spirited belief system for what it really is. |
Biblical Creation
or a flood eat human world |
Biblical Creation
What I don't understand is why is evolution the only scientific thing that gets you going? Why not meterology also.
here in the Bible it says the Ostrich.. 39:14 Which leaveth her eggs in the earth, and warmeth them in dust, 39:15 And forgetteth that the foot may crush them, or that the wild beast may break them. 39:16 She is hardened against her young ones, as though they were not her's: her labour is in vain without fear; 39:17 Because God hath deprived her of wisdom, neither hath he imparted to her understanding. Job 39 Why doesn't someone get on the Zoologists that believe the Ostrich is a great mother that takes care of the Egg and even watches the hatching until it can run with the others. Who is going to make sure that this direct teaching that is counter to Gods word will be stopped? |
Why is it?
Cost Rica does not have an Army and they do just fine. In fact for that part of the world they may be doing the best. They can spend that money on things that mater (like health care) So a country does not NEED an army to exist. |
That was Nazi Germany and Nazi controlled Europe, not America! We have never enslaved or treated Jews and homosexuals like that here in America. No mass round-ups, concentration camps or gas chambers here, and I doubt any homosexuals in America can say they have experienced what happened during the holocaust. . We did however legally treat Black slaves like I described earlier. Once again I see another debater from your side resorting to insults for lack of a better argument. Debate the topic not the poster! We were debating the pros and cons of changing marriage laws not your opinion of me. I wasn't trying to insult you. I was just pointing out ahead of time that you were going to say we are only talking about America. If you are a Homosexual and you know your History I am sure they do not just feel this threat in America alone. They feel in danger all over the world. The ones that live here are doing their small part to try and make the world a better place for Homosexuals. They have a much longer and wider history then how they have been treated here. |
you might try thinking about gaining back the freedom's we've already lost before trying to bestow new freedom's on any basis. I am a huge supporter of gay rights. But this statement really scares me. Everybody should be fighting to get back what these idiots have taken away. (I don't know if this has been pointed out but a majority of people under the age of 40 think that Gay marriage is fine. Just like the last generation would have never elected a black president, the future generation will not think anything of this issue. The fight is already won) Show a link. Dont just make claims. Prove it! Then, even if true, (doubt it) how would that make it any different? Even if you get a bunch of kids to fall for the unbased propaganda that they have been fed since birth by TV and schools, the facts still dont support their beliefs! Facts are facts, and thats why almost every state is seeking an amendment added to their State Constitutions. Even the Federal gov wont touch it! Won? Won what? The BSA won the law battle, but the GLBT has probably managed to destroy a great institution by suing them rather have the balls to start their own similar organization. Who won? Nobody, everyone lost. BSA lost, GLBT lost, and America's children lost! Calif,- The Calif supreme court overturned laws which were voted in by the people of Calif. Who won? Definitely not the people of Calif! Yet its on the ballot again and predictions are DOMA will become part of their States Constitution this fall. Even if the GLBT manages to get it passed, (long-shot) I dont see any winners. Definitely not the Calif tax-payers who will be burdened by marriages on paper only, domestic problems filling the courts, and Health/drug treatment programs drawing huge amounts from their State budget. Even if married in Calif, the marriages will not be recognized once they cross the state line! So who has won? All the things you mention are called the terrany of the majority. Just because the Majority of people think that slavery is a good idea that does not mean they can in slave people. The minority in that situation has rights that cannot be taken away by any majority. When I talk about winning I mean that today you and people like you will argue over this and say it is wrong. However the next generation has already bought into equal everything for Homosexuals. There are even Churches that are starting to ordain Gay Ministers. We have woman preachers today that people in the past said was a sin, we know that slavery is wrong even though the Bible was used to back it just 150 yrs ago. Society changes, the church changes, even the interpretation of the Bible changes. It doesn't take a genius (or Nostradamus's) to see that the future society will accept homosexuality and so will the Church. Peace in truth Weak argument! Being gay and being of a different race have nothing in common. I have yet to hear of homosexuals being slaves, but I have heard of Homosexual slave owners. The gay community often uses this argument to gain support from others, but it has no validity! Its a propaganda technique! Just because people dont want the sanctity of marriage between a man and woman belittled, or their children exposed to the immorality of homosexuality as a norm of society, does not make a homosexual black or relate any commonality to slavery. Homosexuals aren't treated less than animals. Homosexuals families aren't separated and sold off to different owners. Homosexuals aren't forced to work in hot humid fields from daylight to dark. Homosexuals aren't chased down with dogs when they run away. Homosexuals aren't whipped for trying to learn or talking back. Homosexuals aren't hung for looking at a white woman. All that is not, has not ever been legal for another person to do to Homosexuals. I dont now, or have ever seen how y'all get a comparison between being gay, and being a slave or black. ![]() ![]() I think you probably look at things from your small point of view, not looking at all of history or looking to other places in the world, so I do not know if this will have any impact on you. When Hitler was in control those exact things happened to Homosexuals. They were slaves often worked to death. Watched over by dogs and treated like cattle in every way. It was legal to do all those things to homosexuals. |
you might try thinking about gaining back the freedom's we've already lost before trying to bestow new freedom's on any basis. I am a huge supporter of gay rights. But this statement really scares me. Everybody should be fighting to get back what these idiots have taken away. (I don't know if this has been pointed out but a majority of people under the age of 40 think that Gay marriage is fine. Just like the last generation would have never elected a black president, the future generation will not think anything of this issue. The fight is already won) Show a link. Dont just make claims. Prove it! Then, even if true, (doubt it) how would that make it any different? Even if you get a bunch of kids to fall for the unbased propaganda that they have been fed since birth by TV and schools, the facts still dont support their beliefs! Facts are facts, and thats why almost every state is seeking an amendment added to their State Constitutions. Even the Federal gov wont touch it! Won? Won what? The BSA won the law battle, but the GLBT has probably managed to destroy a great institution by suing them rather have the balls to start their own similar organization. Who won? Nobody, everyone lost. BSA lost, GLBT lost, and America's children lost! Calif,- The Calif supreme court overturned laws which were voted in by the people of Calif. Who won? Definitely not the people of Calif! Yet its on the ballot again and predictions are DOMA will become part of their States Constitution this fall. Even if the GLBT manages to get it passed, (long-shot) I dont see any winners. Definitely not the Calif tax-payers who will be burdened by marriages on paper only, domestic problems filling the courts, and Health/drug treatment programs drawing huge amounts from their State budget. Even if married in Calif, the marriages will not be recognized once they cross the state line! So who has won? All the things you mention are called the terrany of the majority. Just because the Majority of people think that slavery is a good idea that does not mean they can in slave people. The minority in that situation has rights that cannot be taken away by any majority. When I talk about winning I mean that today you and people like you will argue over this and say it is wrong. However the next generation has already bought into equal everything for Homosexuals. There are even Churches that are starting to ordain Gay Ministers. We have woman preachers today that people in the past said was a sin, we know that slavery is wrong even though the Bible was used to back it just 150 yrs ago. Society changes, the church changes, even the interpretation of the Bible changes. It doesn't take a genius (or Nostradamus's) to see that the future society will accept homosexuality and so will the Church. Peace in truth |
How Many? - But WHY?
I did have one straw that almost broke it... I already had questions about the reality of the Bible. Then one Sunday I had read the morning paper and on the front page they talked about this man that had passed away. He was a civic leader. Had been a tireless advocate for the poor and sick. He was virtually everywhere helping people and making our state a better place to live. He was also Gay. I go to Church and as the preacher starts his sermon he mentions this guy and then says the man is in HELL now because he was Gay. Man was I mad. I felt like standing up in front of those 400 people and giving that man a piece of my mind. Telling him what a disgrace he was to talk that way about someone. Instead I just stood up. Turned my back on him. Walked out of the Church and did not return. How can anyone look at the life of the man that did so much for society and then look at the preacher so sure in his righteousness and say that the first man is the sinner and the second man is the saint. In my world the truth is easy to see. |
Edited by
Tue 06/10/08 08:59 AM
Rabbit the Patriot act is #1.Blessings..Miles ![]() you really think that?!?! I would have pegged you for someone scared of a Gov't with too much power. On rereading this I think that is what you are saying OOPS... |
Edited by
Tue 06/10/08 08:57 AM
you might try thinking about gaining back the freedom's we've already lost before trying to bestow new freedom's on any basis. I am a huge supporter of gay rights. But this statement really scares me. Everybody should be fighting to get back what these idiots have taken away. (I don't know if this has been pointed out but a majority of people under the age of 40 think that Gay marriage is fine. Just like the last generation would have never elected a black president, the future generation will not think anything of this issue. The fight is already won) |
pt 3 "Our Unbelief"
there is no such thing as "sin" or "original sin", god the immortal, gave humans the mortals, the ability to choose..that was "god-given", its a test, not a sin...we are free to choose the path towards discovery of the unknown (god) or the controlled (man-made). What you would call faith is merely choosing the path towards the unknown and hoping it leads us towards a better understanding of god's will... Note that I didnt say god's will FOR US..that is a totally selfish, self centered ideal, (like saying god sent his only son to die for OUR sins)..god is not here to serve, god is not here to be served, god is here to be understood and emulated..the devine made manifest within the mortal. Since god is in all of its creations, then how can there be sin, unless god himself is sinful..? Nice input. Very cool to think about. They would rather believe in crazy ideas like being held responsible for some guy eating fruit way back when, then to look into the simple truths you point out here. peace in truth. ![]() |
no yes |
Be Like John
I choose to live at this moment. ![]() I've actually been choosing to die, but it isn't working. ![]() If there was a merciful God that is how we would know. |
Be Like John
I heard this story a long time ago before the Net even. You should probably point out that it isn't yours or that it is a parable or something. |
Well then here is a time after Jesus Timothy 1 2:12 But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence. 2:13 For Adam was first formed, then Eve. 2:14 And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression. 2:15 Notwithstanding she shall be saved in childbearing, It really surprises me that you woman would speak up at all. It looks like God makes it clear in the Bible it is not your place. look at the whole new testiment as a whole, don't pick and choose. you should also do full cross research before making a conclusion. there are some churches that don't allow women to lead anything but children and other women. then there are some who do. that is why the church split. over the small stupid details. the passage you chose was talking about in worship. not in life in general. I think you are a reasonable person. I hope you find your way free of that Church. Peace in Truth. ![]() |
Well then here is a time after Jesus Timothy 1 2:12 But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence. 2:13 For Adam was first formed, then Eve. 2:14 And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression. 2:15 Notwithstanding she shall be saved in childbearing, It really surprises me that you woman would speak up at all. It looks like God makes it clear in the Bible it is not your place. |