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Sun 09/09/18 05:07 AM
Bluegrass",i have spent far less overseas,than what 1 american woman cost myself in an divorce.You sound very biased & racist to say the least with your comment of sticking to look for american women.And yes,since im searching an certain overseas area,and Mingle infrastructure is outdated,i keep the philippines location locked in near where i reside when im visiting overseas.Go feed your birds now,and rant & rave upon somebody else,somewhere else.
I do believe they can work.But it takes dedication.This also means,that either of you would go to the ends of the earth for each other.I traveled 8k to marry the lady i felt was the one,and i did,in fact marry her.But when i was violated by her other family members,she did not go to the ends of the earth for me,and there was several examples of this,of which i then knew the dedication and love wasnt mutual,so i had to leave & seperate.