ImPrincessInWaiting's photo
Tue 08/17/10 04:36 PM

earthlytaurus76.. hi there.. your comments i find rather interesting.. why exactly do you find 99% of Christian music gay..? What exactly makes them gay..? Don't misunderstand.., I'm not having a go at you.. Just would love to understand your view point , and why you feel as such.. As a lot of Christian music today has gone long ways from the early cheesy ned flanders stuff.. I find today's Christian music very relevant.., especially when God's hand can and does touch soo many hurting, hopeless, and hurting people out there through it.. I as a muso myself have seen God minister to people through so powerfully, and it's so amazing to be a part of.. I've been around music for a very long time, and i love a large variety of music.., i think the quality is up to par with the world music if not better in a lot of cases.. Why? Because Christian music (and i only speak of which, has God's Word as foundation of it all), has power, healing and hope.., not pointless words that come out of a bitter, angry, spiteful, lustful, love deprived, broken and hopeless heart.. As the bible says " as a man sows, that he shall reap".. It goes with music too.. Not to sound super spiritual, however.., the kind of music we sow into our spirits will have a huge effect on how think, feel, handle life issues, and even look at our amazing God.. Just look what music has done to youth of today compared to youth 10-20 years ago... No one cares anymore... No one has any hope.. So as a fellow christian can you elaborate a bit.. thanks heaps..

AMEN! I think there is going be a lot of open eyes and ears when everyone is going to be in heaven. Because, I read that all types of music is going to be celebrated! Which is AWESOME!!!!

ImPrincessInWaiting's photo
Tue 08/17/10 04:30 PM
I think the saying a "good Christian man" is saying someone that has the character and the moral values of Jesus, for example: doesn't cheat on their spouse, treats everyone equally and loves God.

It is very hard to find one guy that has all those things, it is even harder in a small town, which I just moved to. But I am trusting God that if He causes someone to find me, I will be able to do that.