Pelt it's just like wrong turn to me pretty decent though. This was a good one. You should check out If A Tree Falls (2010) This does look great!!thanks I bought the back woods butcher movie set at Walmart for 5$ got some good movies on it. Pelt was on there. |
The Conjuring
I'm about to start my pre Halloween ritual..kicking it off with Satan's little helper love this movie!!
The Conjuring
Edited by
Fri 10/25/13 04:50 PM
Maybe it deserves to be re watched because I watched it on FX
And it was probably cut to pieces. I just watched the old midnight movie I liked it had one weird ending though. Oh yeah and EDGE OF THE AXE if you have not seen this one I highly recommend it. |
Pelt it's just like wrong turn to me pretty decent though.
The Conjuring
Lol it would have to be better than seed of Chucky. One of my favorites are the Night of the demons movies especially the third one.
hidden racism continues..
Just cause someone doesn't like Obamas policys don't make them bigoted. How do you explain the supporters of him in the first election. Now changing their minds. If they were racist they would not have voted for him regardless. I really hate bringing this up because it's a rhetorical question and I'm not a liberal Democrat so I always try to not use loaded questions.
Edited by
Fri 10/25/13 03:27 PM
PRO pain state of mind
Obama is a first class idiot.. He's spending billions on fema camps and coffins building underground bunkers buying bullets for DHS and armored cars because he is scared of his own people...his new supposedly secret building in the ozarks, is no longer a secret.. And it's all on the American tax payers money... They think when planet nibiru comes into orbit they The elite...illuminati, are going to be safe while we all die from the pole shift, and extreme weather conditions and whatever else they throw at us...but the reality is.... They just built themselves one big expensive coffin for themselves!!!! Lmmfao.... May they all rot in hell. Comet Ison is here in November in the skies. And will flip around the sun in December, fema region 3 is in high alert for a major catastrophic event on a biblical scale... Obama will kill the US dollar...and Americans will take their guns to the streets...when they do, I will buy my ticket to America and fight along side my western friends to rid this world of the so called elites.. God bless America..... God bless fema region 3 I will be waiting!!!! ![]() Thank you and your right 100% |
Six Feet Under -Feasting On The Blood Of The Insane
spell casters
I've casted some spells bt it didn't work mayb it wsnt actuuali. A Spel..mws sm kinda trash picked up frm hey Dia are real magicians eSp here in nigeriA Yeah your absolutely right. JUJU Is big there. A friend I used to work with from Nigeria was a practicer. |
hidden racism continues..
The only thing I don't like are the Presidents policies and certain members of his administration. I didn't like Bush either. So if people think that makes me a racist just because I disagree? Methinks the term "racist" gets used too much by people who really don't know the definition or use it in a VERY broad way. Well said and put. Thank you I couldn't think of the right words W /O getting pissed. |
Edited by
Fri 10/25/13 12:13 AM
I wander when the RFID chips will come to effect?
The Conjuring
I am sorry u didn't like either of them we must have a dif taste of horror but thanks! And the background is great! The book was better than all the amityville movies The Conjuring was watchable. It just didn't really do anything in the element of surprise for me. I might watch it again so I can get my money worth. I wish someone would put out Chucky Vs. Leprechaun |
The Conjuring
I have been trying to see Lords of Salem. Hopefully it's pretty decent . Halloween night was a good movie I thought it's supposedly based on a true story. But idk good movie none the less. I also enjoyed hatchet 1,2 have not seen the 3rd one yet. I have recently been watching alot of Troma team films.
Nothing seems to amaze me anymore....This fool is on the brink of ruining everything we as Americans value and respect. This is his goal and he won't stop anytime soon.
The Conjuring
Thanks for the recommendations Torgo70 every movie you suggest is great or decent. I appreciate that. Have you ever see Auto mation transfusion? I believe it was made in06
The Conjuring
I finally got to watch the conjuring I thought it sucked big one's. The story was all over the place. I'll stick with B movies after that I watched Dogman the lights, the eves all pretty good movies.
hidden racism continues..
For the record we live in America. Freedom of speech .So if
Someone is racist it's there beliefs. Noone can stop the KU KLUX KLAN At public rallies. Or the BLACK PANTHER PARTY. |