Topic: Obama Wants Marines To Wear Girly Hats! | |
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Fri 10/25/13 12:00 AM
A change to the Marine Corps' uniform hats could leave hard-nosed Leathernecks looking a lot less macho.
According to the New York Post, President Obama's plan to create a "unisex" look for the Corps has officials on the verge of swapping out the Marines' iconic caps with a new hat that some have derided as so "girly" that they would make the French blush. "We don't even have enough funding to buy bullets, and the DoD is pushing to spend $8 million on covers that look like women's hats!" one senior Marine source fumed to The Post. "The Marines deserve better. It makes them look ridiculous." The thin new hats have a feminine line that some officials think would make them look just as good on female marines as on males - in keeping with the Obama directive. They have been dubbed the "Dan Daly" hat, after a sergeant from Long Island who won the Medal of Honor in World War I. But some Marines love the old hat, which has been in use since 1922 and think the new hat is a glorified "porter's cap." This is not the first hat controversy for the military. During his tenure as Army chief of staff, Eric Shinseki, who is the current Veterans Affairs secretary, implemented the wearing of a black beret for all Army personnel. Prior to that policy, only U.S. Army Rangers could wear the black beret. After Shinseki's directive, Rangers moved to a tan beret. The Fuhrer just has to screw everything up. |
A retired female gunnery sergeant has blasted the Obama Administration’s plan to create a "unisex" look for the Marine Corps by swapping out the Marines' iconic hats with a new hat that some have derided as "girly," telling Megyn Kelly Thursday that the uniform change is appalling, and risks masculinizing female soldiers.
The proposed uniform change for the Marines would be the first major change in over 90 years, and retired Gunnery Sgt. Jessie Jane Duff of the organizing committee for Concerned Veterans for America said on “The Kelly File” that she feels that the Department of Defense should be worrying about other things. “I’m appalled that the Department of Defense finds that gender neutral uniforms is their priority right now," Duff said. "Meanwhile we aren’t able to pay the death benefits of our marines and soldiers killed on the battlefield last week during the shutdown.” While the proposed move has been criticized for supposedly feminizing male soldiers, Duff felt that the move damages the unique identity of the female soldiers. “Women need a distinct identity. We are the fewer and the prouder, why would you want us to blend in with the men?” Additionally, Duff told Megyn Kelly that the move actually risks masculinizing women. “I really do think that this is about masculinizing the women. We have had standards changed left and right with this administration," she said. "We are looking at women in the infantry, we are looking at women doing male physical fitness tests at some point. We are looking at women becoming men.” Most members of the military hate the Fuhrer. He has had more junior and senior officers resign then any other President in history. Hell, a lot of enlisted non officers are leaving too. They have no respect for this inexperienced self proclaimed Fuhrer who puts them in jeopardy and constantly puts them in harms way because of his stupidity. FUBO! We have lost some great heroes because of you, you arrogant SOB! |
Nothing seems to amaze me anymore....This fool is on the brink of ruining everything we as Americans value and respect. This is his goal and he won't stop anytime soon.
Nothing seems to amaze me anymore....This fool is on the brink of ruining everything we as Americans value and respect. This is his goal and he won't stop anytime soon. Barry already has! It will take over 20 years to undo and fix the damage this piece of $hit and card carrying member of NAMBLA has done so far while in office. |
I wander when the RFID chips will come to effect?
Edited by
Fri 10/25/13 12:13 AM
Barry is obviously intimidated by the looks of the special Forces!
Poor Guy! |
Obama is a first class idiot.. He's spending billions on fema camps and coffins building underground bunkers buying bullets for DHS and armored cars because he is scared of his own people...his new supposedly secret building in the ozarks, is no longer a secret.. And it's all on the American tax payers money... They think when planet nibiru comes into orbit they The elite...illuminati, are going to be safe while we all die from the pole shift, and extreme weather conditions and whatever else they throw at us...but the reality is.... They just built themselves one big expensive coffin for themselves!!!! Lmmfao.... May they all rot in hell. Comet Ison is here in November in the skies. And will flip around the sun in December, fema region 3 is in high alert for a major catastrophic event on a biblical scale... Obama will kill the US dollar...and Americans will take their guns to the streets...when they do, I will buy my ticket to America and fight along side my western friends to rid this world of the so called elites.. God bless America..... God bless fema region 3 I will be waiting!!!!
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Obama is a first class idiot.. He's spending billions on fema camps and coffins building underground bunkers buying bullets for DHS and armored cars because he is scared of his own people...his new supposedly secret building in the ozarks, is no longer a secret.. And it's all on the American tax payers money... They think when planet nibiru comes into orbit they The elite...illuminati, are going to be safe while we all die from the pole shift, and extreme weather conditions and whatever else they throw at us...but the reality is.... They just built themselves one big expensive coffin for themselves!!!! Lmmfao.... May they all rot in hell. Comet Ison is here in November in the skies. And will flip around the sun in December, fema region 3 is in high alert for a major catastrophic event on a biblical scale... Obama will kill the US dollar...and Americans will take their guns to the streets...when they do, I will buy my ticket to America and fight along side my western friends to rid this world of the so called elites.. God bless America..... God bless fema region 3 I will be waiting!!!! ![]() Thank you and your right 100% |