Finding the Right Person
Its good for me to work daily on my relationship with God. After my soul mate passed away it took God to fill the emptiness. I was surprised how much I was dependent on her. Dependent on God took on a new meaning for me. Since her passing away was not immediate but over a period of time and I really had to take care of her during her last remaining days with me; It did some maturing on me. I was glad I had my mother's help who had two husbands to pass away on her. My relationship with my mother improved as she gave me some good pointers. I remember her saying, "You poor dear. Who is going to take care of you now?" Sure was a wake up call. I sure lost a good friend when I lost my wife but it let me know that it was time to develop other friendships. I found that no one can fill the emptiness like God can. God can give you a reason for living and I sure needed one after she left. One thing about having a relationship with God is that you don't have to worry about him ever leaving you. He is a wonderful friend to have when you are down. He is a wonderful friend to have when you are up. ![]() Sorry for your loss! ![]() God cares and will always be there |
Finding the Right Person
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Fri 07/30/10 08:49 PM
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Fri 07/30/10 03:40 PM
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Fri 07/30/10 03:10 PM
If you live with partner and you seem to fight all the time I would just like to hopefully open up your eyes to a startling truth. fights over the littlest things? dumb fights over nothing in the morning? These are just some of the small consequences of living together and not being married to your partner. God designed us to be with a life partner and when we live a life without the consent of God's covenant we are missing the blessing that is bestowed on 2 people people under God's covenant for marriage. When we live under God's covenant not only for marriage but for life, we gain favor with God thus things in our life tend to go more smoothly. However we serve a merciful and graceful God who blesses even those who reject him. So many go one with life and live with their partner oblivious of the spiritual realm and windows to darkness they are opening. Demon's can work thru people, events, thoughts, feelings, lusts, media, tv, among many other aspects of life. And i can tell you first had he will utilize them any way he can. So if you and your dating partner are thinking about moving in together and aren't married, I more than highly suggest tieing the knot first. I personally had to suffer the consequences of "shacking up" with someone, and also being unequally yoked.
Welcome ![]() Your theory is the same psychological test format for " Personality Disorders: Camouflage Clusters." Many suffer from it - but the sad news is, those that represent their true personality from the gate are dismissed for being "too much; too strong; too jaded; set in their ways", etc. In contrast, many people who camouflage their personality to “catch” a partner can withhold their true colors for years. Just use common sense and watch for red flags. BTW, have fun in the forums! ![]() |
sounds about right bro
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Tue 07/27/10 07:28 AM
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Sun 07/25/10 08:22 PM
this is my interpretation of how relationships start. When you meet a person you meet their representative. This is my interpretation of the personality we take on to suit the others' interest:) But there are genuine matches of personality in these cases this doesn't apply. So you know that representative for a period of months until a trial comes your way. Then the real person comes out and you find out who they really are.LOL. Its then when the realization of is this gonna last or not. Is this someone i can see myself with in the future. I believe their would be more meaningful long lasting relationships if people would just mutually be themselves and leave out the representative.