Community > Posts By > justcheckitout

justcheckitout's photo
Wed 08/18/10 08:44 PM
Edited by justcheckitout on Wed 08/18/10 08:45 PM
Man who stand on toilet only high on pot...
Ha ha.... Was the lid open or closed?

justcheckitout's photo
Wed 07/14/10 12:21 AM
Melody, Just posted a new pic tell me what you think? And to answer your question, Distance is not a problem and you're right LDR's can be fun.

justcheckitout's photo
Tue 07/13/10 11:24 PM
Thank you MelodyGirl. To bad your in Cali. I was there in 29 Palms for about a year. Great place to live always sunny in Cali.

justcheckitout's photo
Tue 07/13/10 11:14 PM
I just moved back to the Atlanta area and man things have changed. I was in the Marines for several years and just returned home. I'm just looking to hang out and meet new friends. Maybe someone could show me around to all the new local hot spots. I guess you could say a tour guide or sorts.