Bible Study Anyone?
Are you thirsty, standing in the rain? When we pray to God and ask for something, often we are asking him to answer it a specific way within a specific time frame. And that is an easy way to become frustrated with God. You can feel like he’s not paying attention and not listening to you. But really we’re the ones not paying attention. Just because God doesn’t answer a prayer the way we want, when we want him to, doesn’t mean that he didn’t answer the prayer. He always answers. Sometimes we don’t see it because we are busy looking for something different. When we are thirsty, we might be looking for a glass of water, but miss that God has given us the rain. Sometimes answers to prayer come in ways we wouldn’t have imagined. Watch for God to answer prayers in unexpected ways, and try to notice when He does. Isaiah 65:24 I will answer them before they even call to me While they are still talking about their needs, I will go ahead and answer their prayers! Isaiah 65:24 Within the first chapter or two or three (or so) of the book of Daniel is an explanation of what goes on when we have to wait for prayers to be answered... In that passage of scripture it is explained that God sends the answer immediately, but then there is war in heaven with the angels fighting on our behalf which temporarily prevents (because the enemy puts up resistance) that answer on arriving. (See Daniel...) It also reminds me of a verse in the New Testament that talks about that we do not struggle against flesh and blood, but against powers and principalities if the spiritual realm. mm interesting, I shall take another look at Daniel... ![]() ![]() |
What about this one MusikMan CHRIS TOMLIN "You Are My King" Yup, we play that too. Our worship leader seems to have an infatuation for Chris Tomlin. I've never heard CT's version of the song. He's not the original artist of this one. Good song! love all the songs you guys have suggested so far. ![]() ![]() |
"Freedom to Forgive"
Corinthians 15.21-22 "For since death came through a man, the resurrection of the dead comes also through a man. For as in Adam all die, so in Christ all will be made alive."
The tomb was empty - Jesus is alive and he told us "I am the resurrection and the life" The bible tells us we will be given a new body at the resurrection. How would we be sure of this, except for that Jesus arose. ![]() ![]() |
Be Magnified I have made You too small in my eyes O Lord, forgive me And I have believed in a lie That You were unable to help me But now, O Lord, I see my wrong Heal my heart and show Yourself strong And in my eyes and with my song O Lord, be magnified O Lord, be magnified Chorus: Be magnified, O Lord You are highly exalted And there is nothing You can't do O Lord, my eyes are on You Be magnified O Lord, be magnified. I have leaned on the wisdom of men O Lord, forgive me And I have responded to them Instead of Your light and Your mercy But now, O Lord, I see my wrong Heal my heart and show Yourself strong And in my eyes and with my song O Lord, be magnified O Lord, be magnified Words and music by Lynn DeShazo ©1992 Integrity's Hosanna! Music Lyrics reprinted by permission I first heard this back in 1993-1994. ![]() ![]() |
Bible Study Anyone?
In my youth, my mother tried to get me to read the book of Hebrews. I was not really interested in that old book of the old testament. A few years ago mom was on her death bed and not expected to live for more than a few hours. Eleven days later she was still hanging on. It was on a Sunday morning I got the idea of doing a little church thing for her and myself. She was unresponsive and near the point of passing so I wasn't sure if she even new I was there. I picked up a copy of the bible and said, "okay mom lets go to church". When I opened the bible, of course the page that it first fell open to was the beginning page of the book of Hebrews. I almost went to another passage that I was more familiar with, when I remembered her telling me many times that I should study the book of Hebrews. I said a short prayer and began to read Hebrews to her with hopes that if she was able to hear at all, she would be comforted by hearing one of her favorite Bible passages. As I read on and thought of all of the things, that book was talking about that are going on in the world today, I became more and more blessed. I cried, laughed, and all points in between as I read. Some hours later I realized that I had read the whole book of Hebrews, just as she wanted me to do for so many years growing up. Later that day she passed. At the gathering after her funeral I was telling my uncle about the experience, and that I could not tell if she could hear any of it or not. His immediate response was, "Oh yes, maybe not her body, but her spirit could". I dismissed his comment as just trying to comfort my loss. Later I remembered a near death experience I had gone through many years before. Part of that experience was being able to hear and see what was going on in the room where my body was. I was also able to communicate with spirits and angels on the other side. The spirits that had passed before me were all very joyful that I was with them. I felt as though there was something I needed to come back to do. As I was expressing this to them, they were trying to talk me out of returning to the physical life on earth. When I said the words "Jesus Christ help me", I was instantly back in my physical body. I still do not know nor can I remember exactly what it was I wanted to come back for. Maybe writing this story out was part of it! You bet it was!. Thank you for sharing that. I don't doubt for a moment your mom was aware of your presence in the room. My friend's mother is in the advanced stages of Alzheimers and I have watched her progression over the past 8 years. From her reactions, even though her eyes have been closed for a few years now, and she no longer speaks in full sentences, I know she is aware of her son - she knows his voice and the tone of it. ![]() ![]() |
Bible Study Anyone?
Are you thirsty, standing in the rain? When we pray to God and ask for something, often we are asking him to answer it a specific way within a specific time frame. And that is an easy way to become frustrated with God. You can feel like he’s not paying attention and not listening to you. But really we’re the ones not paying attention. Just because God doesn’t answer a prayer the way we want, when we want him to, doesn’t mean that he didn’t answer the prayer. He always answers. Sometimes we don’t see it because we are busy looking for something different. When we are thirsty, we might be looking for a glass of water, but miss that God has given us the rain. Sometimes answers to prayer come in ways we wouldn’t have imagined. Watch for God to answer prayers in unexpected ways, and try to notice when He does. Isaiah 65:24 I will answer them before they even call to me While they are still talking about their needs, I will go ahead and answer their prayers! Isaiah 65:24 ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Bible Study Anyone?
It posted twice, oops. Notice the hands on the elderly man (representing God) - one is masculine and one feminine. ![]() ![]() |
Bible Study Anyone?
![]() The Prodigal Son - Rembrandt Thanks TM. |
Bible Study Anyone?
![]() The Prodigal Son - Rembrandt |
Bible Study Anyone?
"Why, if species have descended from other species by fine graduation, do we not everywhere see innumerable transitional forms? Why is not all nature in confusion, instead of the species being, as we see them, well defined?" Charles Darwin, Origin of Species The reason we have never found any missing links is quite simple. Darwin's theory of evolution is wrong! ![]() ![]() |
Were Back
Judy Fade2Black is going to the emergency room........she has been up all night in a lot of pain....We don't know anything Judy is thinking either liver or colon... PLEASE PLEASE PRAY PEOPLE Lord please I sooooo humbly come before you to heal your precious child Judy.....Through you Lord God I know all possible...please relieve her pain and don't let it be serious. Please guide her Lord, protect her and give the doctor's wisdom Lord to find it and take care of my precious Judy....In Your Mighty Precious name this I pray. AMEN AMEN Amen to that Debs. ![]() ![]() |
A Blessing from GOD
You guys are really lucky. I have no faith in meeting someone on here, ever. I think 90% of the people that come here are just here to play and entertain themselves and are not sincere about meeting someone. So you guys are lucky... ![]() stick around, there are some really terrific ladies in here. I think they really want to meet someone as well, they are just leery, we all are at first. give it time. Take chances, all success is preceded by many failures usually. Very true Tom. ![]() |
Hi Sam, thank you for sharing. I am glad that you found the story entertaining and moving and understand it for what it is - Fiction. I have not read the book myself. I did search out some reviews, I normally do before selecting a book of that kind as well as discuss it with other christians. I can understand the controversy over the Trinity. Clearly it seems the man does not have a sound understanding, or did not convey it properly. I tend towards the former. Basically, It is something I would read if offered to me, but not something I would actually go out and purchase. This was from a review by Dr. Glenn R. Kreider serves as a professor of theological studies at Dallas Theological Seminary where he received his Ph.D. in 2001: "Jesus, as the God-man, did, and does, possess full and complete deity (Colossians 2:9). Young’s view sounds like kenotic Christology, that Christ gave up His deity when He became human. If He did not retain full deity on earth, He is not fully divine. Second, no other human is like Jesus in being fully divine. No other human has the power of deity as Jesus did. The incarnation of Jesus is one of a kind. And it certainly is not the case that all humans possess the life of God in them, as Papa’s statement implies." That being said, I am glad you enjoyed it for what it was. Welcome to the site and here in this community. God bless ![]() |
Bible Study Anyone?
Hi Debs, "Fishers of men..." - I like the pic you chose with the verse TM. ![]() |
A couple of interesting things a person might learn from the bible. Astronomy and Cosmology Fact The stars are too great in number to count Bible verses Genesis 15:5 Jeremiah 33:22 Hebrews 11:12 Discovered by science 19th Century AD with the advent of powerful telescopes. Prior to this, most thought there were no more than 6,000 stars (what could be seen with the naked eye from all points on the earth). . Meteorology The Jet Stream Bible verses Ecclesiastes 1.6 First discovered by airmen during WW II look here at Intellicast's current graphical representation of the jet stream and you'll see it matches the Bible's description very nicely. Mount Everest, the highest mountain in the world. At its peak it's 29,028 feet. Yet the Jet Stream exists from 32,800 and 164,100 feet. How was the author of Ecclesiastes able to give such an accurate description of the jet stream? ![]() ![]() |
Were Back
Hi Debs, Good to see the coffeehouse back again. When are you going to be moving the new couch in? Some nice big fluffy cushions would be nice too. Just brewed some fresh coffee! ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Bible Study Anyone?
Handling Daily Frustrations
Lysa TerKeurst Proverbs 31 ministries "But the seed on good soil stands for those with a noble and good heart, who hear the word, retain it, and by persevering produce a crop" Luke 8:15 (NIV) Devotion: Recently, I had a conversation with a customer service agent. I use the words "customer service" very loosely. There was not a lot of concern over me being a faithful customer nor any expressions of service. Later on, I started thinking about the woman on the other end of the line. After my call, she probably moved on to the next frustrated customer. And then the next. And then the next. Suddenly, I felt so sorry for her. I decided it wasn’t her desire to not be able to help me. She was truly just following the orders of the higher-ups at her company. I imagined her packing up her things at the end of another long day and heading home. A home where she is having to face her own daily aggravations and frustrations. That's when it hit me. While on the phone, I never pictured her as a person really. To me, she was just a voice on the other end of the phone that was causing me extreme frustration. How might my reaction have been different if I’d stopped to think about her as a woman just like me? …What might it be like to be her, to live her life, and to have to go to her job everyday? I decided God was trying to get my attention to be more aware of those around me, those that He loves dearly. Those that I, sadly, sometimes don't even see. In Luke 8:15 Jesus reminds us, "But the seed on good soil stands for those with a noble and good heart, who hear the word, retain it, and by persevering produce a crop.” I want Jesus’ message to fall on a heart that is humble and fertile enough to: Receive God’s word… Retain God’s instruction, and… Reflect God’s character in both my action and reactions. When I stop to think about this I am challenged. Whether I am talking with a frustrating customer service representative that I don’t know or interacting with those I know and love, I must work towards being a woman who displays godly character. Just like Luke 8:15 encourages, whether I'm having a frustrating conversation or a friendly one, may God’s messages of truth have such an impact on me that my heart remains noble and good. I enjoyed reading this devotional today. It reminds me to stop, and focus on others, not my own frustrations. ![]() ![]() |
Thank you for sharing TM. "Here's all I do to celebrate Christmas. I just stop for a while on that day, and I make special note to thank God for sending His Son Jesus to Earth. I don't give presents, I don't buy a tree, I don't do any of that stuff... none of that brings me any joy mainly because it takes money to have all that junk. If someonme is poor, they can't have the junk that goes with Christmas if celebrated that way. But there is a free gift of salvation involved with Christ the Messiah coming to Earth. Nothing compares to the joy of my salvation. So, I thank God for my salvation. That is my Christmas. And I can I celebrate Christmas all year long and not have to buy even one silly, vain present" - Yes, you can celebrate Christmas all year long. ![]() You have so many gifts you can give that do not need much money, you just gave one by posting those words. ![]() I find the best gifts are those that involve time and giving of oneself. ![]() |
Hmmm... let me see here... According to how the scripture is being twisted above... If a man has had sex with (say) three women, then he has three wives... Sex outside of marriage is fornication... Sex if you or the other person is married is adultery... I guess then that we could say sex with the first woman outside of marriage was fornication... then sex with all the rest was adultery, because by your definition, you were previously... "married..." So, sex with every partner after the first one would then be Adultery.... Ahem...cough, cough... Pack that thing in your pants, and don't bring it out until God says so... basically... like it, or sin... its your choice... many choose to sin... How many of us can choose to overcome? ![]() |
Christian Meeting Place
Edited by
Tue 12/02/08 03:21 AM
And the final one -- Author and lecturer Leo Buscaglia once talked about a contest he was asked to judge. The purpose of the contest was to find the most caring child. The winner was a four year old child whose next door neighbor was an elderly gentleman who had recently lost his wife. Upon seeing the man cry, the little boy went into the old gentleman's yard, climbed onto his lap, and just sat there. When his Mother asked what he had said to the neighbor, the little boy said, "Nothing, I just helped him cry" ............. Out of the mouths of babes.. ![]() ![]() ![]() Thank you for sharing these. ![]() |