God's name is "Jealous"
One does not compare the creator with the creation. God's "jealousy" can NOT be compared with our own. For this comparision, there surely is no frame of reference, for we are only the creation. True. It is a different kind of jealousy as was explained by Laura when looking at the translation of words. God is jealous FOR us, not jealous of us. |
What's it like?
The reasons I attend the church I belong to are many. The Senior teaching Pastor has a heart for God and for the Body of Christ. The church leadership as a whole is caring and committed to sharing God's love in the world. They support various ministries at home and abroad. I believe it is good for Christians to attend a local church if they are able to do so. I also understand there are times in one's spiritual walk when this may not be possible. The lessons (sermons) each week are informative and help us to grow in our faith. This is not a local church for me at the moment, but it will be when I move into the area in the coming months. I am looking forward to being involved in some of the many small groups and bible studies at that time. Hi Britty, thank you for sharing. ![]() I've not been a regular member of any one church fellowship for quite awhile. It's only recently that I've opened up enough to hear and heed that still small voice convicting me to honor my faith in the Lord and seek fellowship on a regular basis. I'm excited about it because although I am still looking, I believe the Holy Spirit will lead me to where the Lord wants me to be. ![]() I believe He will also. I think it can be a good thing during that time of not being in a regular church membership to spend some time alone with God. I also find working in the garden a pleasant time for spending time with the Lord. Taking care of the plants, pruning and weeding reminds me of how the Lord looks after His creation. I found a small church gathering one sunday morning on top of a mountain in New Hampshire. I thought that was kind of cool! ![]() |
I believe Quakers are a pacifist group.
Nazi ideology developed on the road prepared for it by Lanz and other devotees of Neo-Paganism. One of the most important Nazi ideologues, Alfred Rosenberg, thought that Christianity could not provide the spiritual energy needed by the new Germany being established by Hitler, and declared openly that the German people must return to their ancient pagan religion. According to Rosenberg, when the Nazis came to power, religious symbols in churches should be removed and replaced by swastikas, a copy of Hitler's book " Mein Kampf " (My Struggle) and swords symbolizing German invincibility. Hitler adopted the views of Rosenberg but, thinking it would cause too much of a reaction among the people, he did not put this new theory of German religion into effect. As to the causes of war, I believe they can be due to politics, economics or security. The Romans under Julius Caesar spread their empire far and wide bringing back loot and riches which were lavished on the nobility. Julius Caesar won such great influences that the month Quintilis was renamed Julius in his honour. His very person was declared sacred, and statues of him were placed in temples. So I believe ego can and has been a cause for many great and terrible wars, Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini being only two examples of extremely egotistical characters. |
Bible Study Anyone?
When Moses ascended Mount Sinai to receive the Ten Commandments (Exodus 19:20), the Israelites were left alone for 40 days and 40 nights (Exodus 24:18). The people thought that he would not return and asked Aaron to make other gods for them. They built an altar in front of the golden calf and celebrated a “festival to the Lord”. There were two phases of their idolatory. The first being a departure from the Lord by leaning on man: Moses. The calf was the second idol. They wanted to lower the standard to something they could feel and touch by making their own version of God. God showed the Israelites that within His heart burns the jealousy of the loving parent who sees the possibilities and potential of His children, but is heartbroken for them when those things are not realized or wasted. God cares. He loves and He alone saves. "You are not your own; you have been bought with a price." (1 Corinthians 6:19-20) "Little children, keep yourselves from idols." (1 John 5:21) ![]() ![]() |
Were Back
Brenda was almost halfway to the top of the tremendous granite cliff.
She was standing on a ledge where she was taking a breather during this, Her first rock climb. As she rested there, the safety rope snapped Against her eye and knocked out her contact lens. "Great", she thought. "Here I am on a rock ledge, hundreds of feet from the bottom and Hundreds of feet to the top of this cliff, and now my sight is blurry." She looked and looked, hoping that somehow it had landed on the ledge. But it just wasn't there. She felt the panic rising in her, so she began praying. She prayed for Calm and she prayed that she may find her contact lens. When she got to the top, a friend examined her eye and her clothing for The lens, but it was not to be found. Although she was calm now that she Was at the top, she was saddened b because she could not clearly see Across the range of mountains. She thought of the bible verse "The eyes Of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth." She thought, "Lord, You can see all these mountains. You know every Stone and leaf, and you know exactly where my contact lens is. Please Help me." Later, when they had hiked down the trail to the bottom of the cliff They met another party of climbers just starting up the face of the Cliff. One of them shouted out, "Hey, you guys! Anybody lose a contact Lens?" Well, that would be startling enough, but you Know why the climber saw it? An ant was moving slowly across a twig on The face of the rock, carrying it! The story doesn't end there. Brenda's father is a cartoonist. When she Told him the incredible story of the ant, the prayer, and the contact Lens, he drew a cartoon of an ant lugging that contact lens with the Caption, "Lord, I don't know why you want me to carry this thing. I Can’t eat it, and it's awfully heavy. But if this is what you want me to Do, I'll carry it for you." I think it would do all of us some good to say, "God, I don't know why You want me to carry this load. I can see no good in it and it's awfully Heavy. But, if you want me to carry it, I will." God doesn't call the qualified, He qualifies the called. Yes, I do love GOD. He is my source of existence and my Savior. He keeps Me functioning each and every day. Without Him, I am nothing, but with Him....I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me. (Phil. 4:13) ![]() ![]() |
My dear God will never forsake those that love him. Trust in him and know that he is God. He knows your needs and even though you may stumble he will never let you fall!!! Amen. ![]() |
God's name is "Jealous"
Human jealousy Whereas God's "jealousy" is primarily restricted to a jealousy over the worship of idols that competes with His love to prevent a dedicated relationship with Him, jealousy between people takes on quite a number of forms. Two different Hebrew words are used to describe human jealousy. The Hebrew verb qânâ' (Strong's H7065)9 refers to a passionate jealousy or envy.10 The Hebrew noun qin'âh (Strong's H7068)11 takes on a wide range of meanings from sexual passion (or jealousy) to a zeal for God to anger or envy.12 The exact meaning (and the English translation is usually determined from the context. Human vs. godly jealousy The differences between the words describing human vs. godly jealousy are profound. For example, the jealousy that keeps one out of heaven is defined as "an envious and contentious rivalry, jealousy" (Thayer's Greek Dictionary). God does not envy an human being or anything that any human being possesses. God has no rivals. The apostle Paul indicates that there is a godly form of jealousy.13 The main reason why atheists think that God should not be jealous is that, as an English word, "jealousy" has virtually universal negative connotations. In the original languages in which the Bible is written, Hebrew and Greek, the words translated as "jealousy" in English do not always have negative connotations. In fact, the Greek word often translated "jealous" is zēlos, from which we get the English word "zealous," referring more to zeal and ardor rather than jealousy. Thanks Laura for sharing that. It makes me think of a typical scenario between a mother and teenage daughter. They may have had a close and loving relationship until one day the girl is involved with a boy, and instead of concentrating on things that will help her succeed in life, she is wasting her time in dangerous pursuits, heavy drug or alcohol use. I am sure if the mother complains bitterly and tries to punish the girl there will be accusations of "You are just jealous". Is it jealousy and if it is, is it a negative thing but rather an emotion born out of love and desire for the well being of a child that is deeply loved? |
![]() lovely pic winx. ![]() |
Were Back
Me too. Glad to see it in its rightful place. Hope everyone is doing good this evening. ![]() |
I will Be glad to lift that in prayer for you. Welcome here. ![]() ![]() |
I have to agree with Beauty. This is what happens when sin runs your life. You make excuses to sin and sex is the number one. Doesn't anyone believe that making love or having sex is a very beautiful thing and a very sacred act that should be held high and to do that is to honor God. Why wouldn't you want to have a ceremony to let others know of your intentions and your committment. Why, because you really don't want a committment, you see things down the road, well if I don't like her or him I can just get out. Boy is this so far from the truth. Want to know of great marriages look in the bible, they were never easy. Today we would have took off running from these circumstances, it is so easy to run much more difficult to stay and work it out. And who is being glorified here, come on people wake up to the truth. What part of the bible are you trying to change to fit your wants and desires. You know it's not about finding the right woman or man it's about being the right woman or man. Get close to the living God and honor Him, first. Very well put K8487. Putting God first helps us to prepare for sharing a life with another. ![]() ![]() For me, Aquilla and Priscilla are a good example. |
Bible Study Anyone?
Verses on Patience Seems to me the faster we go, the less patient we become. God anticipates our every need and every situation we face in life. His Word is full of answers for our needs. Let's look at some verses, (patiently), on patience. All of the verses are from the New Century Version (NCV). Numbers 14:18 'The LORD doesn't become angry quickly, but he has great love. He forgives sin and law breaking. Ruth 3:18 Naomi answered, "Ruth, my daughter, wait here until you see what happens. Boaz will not rest until he has finished doing what he should do today." 1 Samuel 12:16 "Now stand still and see the great thing the LORD will do before your eyes. Psalm 37:7 Wait and trust the LORD. Don't be upset when others get rich or when someone else's plans succeed. Psalm 4:4 When you are angry, do not sin. Think about these things quietly as you go to bed. Selah Psalm 37:34 Wait for the LORD's help and follow him. He will honor you and give you the land, and you will see the wicked sent away. Psalm 40:1 I waited patiently for the LORD. He turned to me and heard my cry. Isaiah 25:9 At that time people will say, "Our God is doing this! We have waited for him, and he has come to save us. This is the LORD. We waited for him, so we will rejoice and be happy when he saves us." James 5:11 We say they are happy because they did not give up. You have heard about Job's patience, and you know the Lord's purpose for him in the end. You know the Lord is full of mercy and is kind. Psalm 86:15 But Lord, you are a God who shows mercy and is kind. You don't become angry quickly. You have great love and faithfulness. Psalm 130:5-6 I wait for the LORD to help me, and I trust his word. I wait for the Lord to help me more than night watchmen wait for the dawn, more than night watchmen wait for the dawn. Ecclesiastes 7:8 It is better to finish something than to start it. It is better to be patient than to be proud. Colossians 1:11 God will strengthen you with his own great power so that you will not give up when troubles come, but you will be patient. Hebrews 6:12 We do not want you to become lazy. Be like those who through faith and patience will receive what God has promised. James 1:2-4 My brothers and sisters, when you have many kinds of troubles, you should be full of joy, 3 because you know that these troubles test your faith, and this will give you patience. 4 Let your patience show itself perfectly in what you do. Then you will be perfect and complete and will have everything you need. ________________________________________ Lord, forgive us for going to fast to slow down for you. Forgive us for being short-fused. Help us to be patient in all that we do. In Jesus' name, Amen. |
Christian Meeting Place
Be not ye therefore like unto them: for your Father knoweth what things ye need, before ye ask him. Matthew 6:8 I hope everyone is enjoying their weekend. ![]() ![]() |
Christian Poetry...
We’ve shared our lives these many years. You’ve held my hand; you’ve held my heart. So many blessings, so few tears Yet for a moment, we must part. The memories you’ve given me Are times I’ve shared with my best friend I’ll hold them, love. right here they’ll be Until we share our lives again. T.C. Ring ![]() ![]() |
Highway to heaven
Hi QS, I am just catching on some of the posts in the last few days. I shall have to check out this article some more. Hope you had a wonderful Christmas and New Year. ![]() ![]() |
Christian Poetry...
Emily Bronte
POEM No coward soul is mine, No trembler in the worlds storm-troubled sphere: I see Heavens glories shine, And faith shines equal, arming me from fear. O God within my breast. Almighty, ever-present Deity! Life -- that in me has rest, As I -- Undying Life -- have power in Thee! Vain are the thousand creeds That move mens hearts: unutterably vain; Worthless as withered weeds, Or idlest froth amid the boundless main, To waken doubt in one Holding so fast by Thine infinity; So surely anchored on The steadfast Rock of immortality. With wide-embracing love Thy Spirit animates eternal years, Pervades and broods above, Changes, sustains, dissolves, creates, and rears. Though earth and man were gone, And suns and universes ceased to be, And Thou wert left alone, Every existence would exist in Thee. There is not room for Death, Nor atom that his might could render void: Thou -- Thou art Being and Breath, And what Thou art may never be destroyed. ![]() ![]() |
Christian Poetry...
Love's Deity
Classic Poem by John Donne I long to talk with some old lover's ghost, Who died before the god of love was born. I cannot think that he, who then loved most, Sunk so low as to love one which did scorn. But since this god produced a destiny, And that vice-nature, custom, lets it be, I must love her that loves not me. Sure, they which made him god, meant not so much, Nor he in his young godhead practised it. But when an even flame two hearts did touch, His office was indulgently to fit Actives to passives. Correspondency Only his subject was; it cannot be Love, till I love her, who loves me. But every modern god will now extend His vast prerogative as far as Jove. To rage, to lust, to write to, to commend, All is the purlieu of the god of love. O ! were we waken'd by this tyranny To ungod this child again, it could not be I should love her, who loves not me. Rebel and atheist too, why murmur I, As though I felt the worst that love could do? Love might make me leave loving, or might try A deeper plague, to make her love me too; Which, since she loves before, I'm loth to see. Falsehood is worse than hate; and that must be, If she whom I love, should love me. ![]() ![]() |
What's it like?
The reasons I attend the church I belong to are many. The Senior teaching Pastor has a heart for God and for the Body of Christ. The church leadership as a whole is caring and committed to sharing God's love in the world. They support various ministries at home and abroad. I believe it is good for Christians to attend a local church if they are able to do so. I also understand there are times in one's spiritual walk when this may not be possible. The lessons (sermons) each week are informative and help us to grow in our faith. This is not a local church for me at the moment, but it will be when I move into the area in the coming months. I am looking forward to being involved in some of the many small groups and bible studies at that time. |
That's a lovely song Beauty, and I like the names you chose for your son, as well as the name you chose for a baby girl. ![]() |
Is it possible
to find a committed Christian woman who is also interesting and sensual? It seems that the women I am talking to are either non-Christian and sensual, Christian but too carnal, or committed Christian and seem only interested in quoting Bible verses. They are out there. As K8487 said, there may be a reason why you have not met that special someone yet. |