Community > Posts By > TRDD4L

TRDD4L's photo
Tue 06/26/12 12:32 PM
Why most people are single its not because they want to be single but some are afraid to approach the person they are in love with, most times both men & women are shy to express there feelings to each other or may be think that he/she isn't perfect for each other but no one is perfect.

Or maybe you may not posses certain qualities or own the fanciest car or house etc but when you think of it women just want to be loved I've seen some of the most beautiful women with some men that GOD knows how they are together but its not for what they posses or how they look but who they are on the inside & the things they do or say to make each other happy.

People who tend to go for looks or the sexy physique never works when you find someone who you truly love & loves you the same you will adjust yourself the way you awe to be.

If you are a man or woman with a low self esteem well have a drink to loosen up & you'll see the real you @ your best.

TRDD4L's photo
Tue 06/26/12 12:22 PM
Age is not considered a big issue by most people older people tend to date younger people. For me I couldn't care has long as I love that person & that person loves me for me I have no problem. True love is what counts.

TRDD4L's photo
Tue 06/26/12 12:14 PM
Love is having this feeling for that person that no matter what BS you are experiencing they still put up to it each day you see that person they never get old or feel tired of being around them whenever you hear there voice its puts a smiles on your face no matter what the situation maybe. Real love is seeing that person crippled, blind, deaf old or shriveled up & still sees that person beautiful with strong sexual urges.

That's love to me.