Community > Posts By > trillian252

trillian252's photo
Mon 07/19/10 10:54 PM
waving 147

trillian252's photo
Mon 07/19/10 06:42 PM
Trillian is a reference to a character in The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy named Trisha McMillan. She went by Trillian for short. The 25 comes from Shaun Podein who used to play for the Flyers. The extra 2 at the end was just a typo. lol

trillian252's photo
Sun 07/18/10 12:49 AM
Wow - I guess you just haven't met the right kind of woman yet. I know my ex of 10 years would tell you in a heartbeat that I never dictated to him what he could or couldn't do. I'm not saying I was perfect in the relationship - I mean we did break up - but it wasn't because we kept each other from being individuals. I hope you find someone who understands and accepts who you are as a person. flowerforyou

trillian252's photo
Wed 07/14/10 09:34 PM

Dude! Did you get an email from that old pervert too? Creepy I tell ya............smokin

Yes I did and I will never look at a tricycle and Nazi uniform the same again...sick

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

I don't mind it. I can usually figure it out when they ask for pics or want to "chat" right away and I just make it clear to them that that's not what I'm looking for. I can't blame them for trying. :smile:

trillian252's photo
Wed 07/14/10 09:12 PM
my son - through a big gash in the bottom of my stomach after 27 hours of labor and 2 epidurals in Voorhees, NJ at 9:01pm on Groundhog's Day, 2006.

He did not see his shadow as his eyes were covered in goo. lol

trillian252's photo
Wed 07/14/10 08:56 PM
the Marlboro man love

trillian252's photo
Wed 07/14/10 08:53 PM
I love flea markets, garage sales and yard sales. I go almost every weekend from Spring until Fall. Some of the best things I've ever found were a huge upright freezer for $25, a signed limited edition Bernie Parent figure for $1 and my dining room set which they were trying to sell for $40 and when I happened to drive by at the end of the day was sitting in the driveway with a sign that said "free" on it. :banana:

trillian252's photo
Sun 07/11/10 05:50 PM
socks with sandals grumble

trillian252's photo
Sat 07/10/10 11:13 PM
haha My tv time has gone way down since I joined Mingle. These darn forums are too addicting. lol I really need to catch up on my DVR.

trillian252's photo
Sat 07/10/10 11:03 PM
That would require me getting close enough to the bear to realize it was dying - so that's a no for me. lol

trillian252's photo
Sat 07/10/10 11:01 PM
Yeah I watched more than my share of infomercials before I had a house and a son to take care of. They seem to be the only thing on tv at 3am. lol

trillian252's photo
Sat 07/10/10 10:50 PM
I'm usually up until 4 or 5 and I have a 4 year old son who wakes me up in the morning so I function off very little sleep usually but it works for me. I get energized at night - from dusk on I feel like all my senses are heightened.

trillian252's photo
Sat 07/10/10 10:35 PM
hi - insomniac here. waving

it's 1:30 am where i am and the night is still young.

trillian252's photo
Sat 07/10/10 06:32 AM

...In an alternative dimension I would be having a date coming up for Friday night and possibly for Saturday, going out to a bar or just walk around in on the streets by the streetlights and talk about interesting things..basically having a good time.

In this dimension, I'll be still here possibly responding to a post and browsing Ebay to find the right size of fork oil seals for my motorcycle.

Can the alternate me be your date for Friday and Saturday? That sounds sweet and like a lot of fun. flowerforyou

I'm asking myself "will all the NJ turnpike tolls + bridge and 5hrs of driving in a 95 degree weather with thunderstorms and no air conditioning worth the trip?
What do you think? :wink:

Ahhhh...but in the alternate universe it's always a perfect 75 degrees outside and there are not tolls and people are able to teleport between NJ and CT. lol

trillian252's photo
Fri 07/09/10 07:12 PM

...In an alternative dimension I would be having a date coming up for Friday night and possibly for Saturday, going out to a bar or just walk around in on the streets by the streetlights and talk about interesting things..basically having a good time.

In this dimension, I'll be still here possibly responding to a post and browsing Ebay to find the right size of fork oil seals for my motorcycle.

Can the alternate me be your date for Friday and Saturday? That sounds sweet and like a lot of fun. flowerforyou

trillian252's photo
Fri 07/09/10 07:08 PM

Also so many women are raising their kids with basically no help so they don't have time to go out.

I agree. That's the problem I ran into. I haven't been single since I was 23 and now I'm 34 with a 4 year old son. I rarely get time to go out. It's kind of hard to meet a man at the grocery store. lol

trillian252's photo
Tue 07/06/10 07:51 PM
Hi! and Welcome waving :smile:

trillian252's photo
Mon 07/05/10 06:10 PM
I try to bring it up early on - within the first few dates - what the expectations of the other person are as far as being exclusive with that person. Then at least I'm not in the dark I guess.

trillian252's photo
Fri 07/02/10 06:34 PM
Pata does with all her kinky *** pictures she posts pitchfork

trillian252's photo
Wed 06/30/10 07:15 PM

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