Community > Posts By > achavasiliev
How to catch a man .....
I gotta tell u the best way to catch a man is to make him feel useful and handy and never forget to show that you appreciate his effort.
The best way to get rid of a man is to let him know he's useless, esp. by comparing him with other men. Really hits him where it hurts. |
where? how? when?
Everyone loves a wheelie I'm going to ask her to meet me at the motocross track, at a time when there's 10 minutes to the end of a competition in which I'm one of the contestants. Well obviously I already asked the competitors, who are all my friends BTW, to let me win. After winning I'm gonna slowly approach her on my bike in my helmet and everything. Then I'll shout: "Hey, ur date just beat all the guys to meet you."
Bring a Word
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Sat 10/07/17 01:02 AM
'Idiosyncrasy' 'cause it sounds awesome when an Italian says that. 'accoutrements' also cool but with Russian accent.
Are you a frugal person ?
Frugality is a quality I admire in people. Things to buy are generally fall into 3 categories: Things I absolutely need like food, shelter, and basic clthing; things I need like education; and things I want like going to a nice spa every week.
I always categorize things to spend money on first, Make a budget, and put some money aside for saving. Always saving is the part I always stick to. If I find out I can't save money in a month I plan to work more hours that month. |
It was recently brought to my attention that even mainstream science recognizes cats, dogs, and other animals can see frequencies humans can't. After reading about it a little bit, it makes sense scientifically in a separate way from spiritually. It's simple really: the scientific explanation is that cats and dogs can see UV light and a few other rays, which human retinas don't have the ability to see. It was previously believed that all mammals had similar eyes to humans, incapable of seeing UV rays, but scientific evidence suggests many mammals can. A study conducted a few years ago by biologists at City University London, UK provided evidence for this differential in sight between species. According to Pet MD: "Have you ever felt that your cat or dog can see something you don't? Well, you may be right, according to a new study. Cats, dogs, and other mammals are thought to see in ultraviolet light, which opens up a whole different world than the one we see, the study explains. UV light is the wave length beyond the visible light from red to violet that humans can see. Humans have a lens that blocks UV from reaching the retina. It was previously thought that most mammals have lenses similar to humans. Scientists studied the lenses of dead mammals, including cats, dogs, monkeys, pandas, hedgehogs, and ferrets. By researching how much light passes through the lens to reach the retina, they concluded that some mammals previously thought not to be able to see UV actually can." However, I believe there is something more to this phenomena that delves into the metaphysical realm. My little sister and I have had experiences where our cats see things that aren't there. They bat at the air with their paws, meow, hiss, and make strange noises at things that we can't see. The most profound time it occurred was right after my grandfather passed. Our cat named Double Stuff was batting at the air, meowing very strangely, and chasing something around the room, trying to jump at it in the air, looking at this thing on the ceiling. It was almost as if some spirit or entity was floating around on the ceiling and only the cat could see it. There was no different UV light in my room when the cat did this: so why would the cat only at that time try to chase some invisible things? Then a few weeks ago, my sister experienced seeing "shadow people," a phenomena commonly reported by people who suffer from sleep paralysis. As she saw these shadow entities around the house at night (given that it wasn't an illusion), the cat started acting strange and scared. It meowed, hissed, did the same things it did before but in a scared way, not bewildered and interested. Do you feel like some other entities exist around us, just as ultraviolet rays exist around us that we can't perceive, and only certain animals are, perhaps even only sometimes, aware of them? I certainly do from my experience. I haven't seen anything unusual in my life that has been engraved in my memory and I could label it as paranormal maybe that's because I'm not looking for unusual things to relate them to other dimentions whatsoever. Pets also have brains like us that can fool them into percieving weird stuff or make them do strange things. Thay can be affected by drugs as well so no doing drugs around pets yea they might see or hear things that we don't, like a tiny mosquito flying around or these light beams that you said but I don't remotely recokon their perception of paranormal entities. |
nuclear war and you .....
honest there's not much we could do about it except for wishing that it won't hit where you live.
friend zone
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Fri 10/06/17 03:19 PM
friends like female friends or males too? I'd like to make a few friends here as well no matter male or female.
dear soulmate : a missive
What's for dinner tonight?
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Fri 10/06/17 07:11 AM
i don eat much at night my dinner is more of fruit and snacks. Sometimes i might grab a pizza or something on my way back from the track and i haven been to the track today.
Any dog lovers?
i love dogs but hav never had one. Dont really have the time to take care of one proporly and u know dogs need attention.
Can love be real to a woman?
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Fri 10/06/17 06:50 AM
You mean being homosexual? That's OK. Sexual orientation is something that might change during one's lifetime. You could be homosexual, heterosexual, or bisexual at times. Personally I might find it exciting to go through all over this continuum.
I think yes there exist parallel universes I mean why there should've been just one big bang! Also I always wonder what this dark matter could be! Galaxies are picking up speed regularly moving away from each other faster and faster and it's been theorized that it could be due to the dark matter or energy. Maybe dark matter is actually the parallel universes that cannot be perceived by us and now and then a new universe is born and adds to this dark matter. Who knows?!
This is from another reply that also has significance to this OP: My 'belief' in God stands with my understanding of The Universe and the reality in which I exist. Do you recall Crom, the God of Conan the Barbarian (Crom exists but does not interfere). God is the essence of life in the Universe that exists in opposite of natural decay. God is also the essence of decay. This is the same essence that exists in the Chaos and the Order of the Universe. God is not a puppeteer at the individual level. All parts of the Universe are pieces of the whole. God is however, aware of everything because being the Universe and everything is within the Universe any awareness is the Universe aware. Existence is a series of random chaotic events set in motion at the instant of creation. The God part is the essence that became aware and affected a change - Religion says "Let There Be Light". Science says Big Bang. God is the Essence of both in that the Universe changed from static to not static. Over time, chaos created understanding within the Universe (God) and it became aware of itself and that it has definition. The essence of the Universe is energy. Matter is made up of energy. Life is a form of energy. Over time, Every thing in the Universe, living or not will convert back to its baseline form, which is energy. Some forms of energy are released back into the Universe rapidly and some take eons to be released. As we die. Our "Soul" (Life Essence) is released back into the Universe. That energy merges with the baseline energy of the Universe. In a way, it can be likened to going back to God. Energy cannot be created or destroyed in this Universe because the Universe is made of energy. Even our bodies will someday be returned to the energy of the Universe as the matter converts back to energy. The Universe recycles the energy as it exists. The energy that was once "me" is merged with the energy of the Universe (God) and is reborn to a new form/forms of matter. Not in whole but in part. Sorta like pouring a glass of water into the ocean. The water that was once in the glass is never fully recaptured back into the glass no matter how hard you try. Given the age and expanse of the Universe these time periods can be fathomed as eternity. While eternity is relative to the observer since the Universe is the Essence of everything it is the Alpha and the Omega. Alpha being the first spark of energy created and Omega being the final spark of energy at the end. God (The Universe) is not based on human concepts like salvation, divine or damned. Human concepts are based on our impression of the nature of the Universe as we see it. As we learn to understand the Universe better, we in turn understand ourselves. Since we are the Universe, our understanding is the Universe also understanding. The Universe is diverse. The Universe is huge. Chances are very good that there are life forms in this Universe that understand better than us. Those life forms might present to us as divine intervention releasing concepts to help us understand ourselves and our part in the whole. We call these divine interventions religion sometimes. This is because we haven't actually figured out what is evident around us. We are still trying to understand. Its possible that other forms of life are not clouded by reasoning. That a plant, a bacterium, an insect or another animal may understand what we can't understand because we have made it complicated by intelligence. We have isolated our Universal Harmony with reason and questions. Some religions mark Knowledge as the "forbidden fruit". Some religions tell us to seek harmony with God. In a way, it is correct. The Knowledge is a need for understanding. The Question must be asked and answered. Harmony is the act of no longer needing confirmation of truths. It is alignment. Religions ask us to "believe" but restrict our levels of belief to the parameters those specific religions set. Reality requires no justification. The Universe requires no justification. It is all right there in the open for all to experience. The unity is there. The harmony is there. We just can't experience it because WE are making it complicated. Well-put. God as it is in religions is a quick and sloppy answer to the unknown. |
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Thu 10/05/17 11:35 AM
I do based on personal experiences i have had plus researching on parapsychology/psyhical research how about you? Good for u as long as it makes u happy and satisfies ur thrist for living forever. I really wish it was true so i could believe in it and probably those who first came up with the idea felt the same way. It's totally natural to grow the tendency to believe in things based on our desires and built-in insticts. All living organisms do their best to survive and human beings are not an exception but humans are different since they're self-conscious. They can think, imagine, solve complicated problems, or reach conclusions. The only solution so far that helped humans survive the bitter truth of being gone forever is life after death. Soon humans will come up with a new solution, that I'm sure of, that's a pity though that it probably won't be in our time. |
That's interesting. I ask myself this question sometimes except for Mr. it's Ms.
We ask this question sometimes but what do we mean by that? Are we looking for him/her or are you waiting for him/her to come to you? Have we ever met someone and said to ourselves, 'That's gotta be him/her' and then got disappointed by what we found out about him/her? Does this question make us remain idealistic about love, who is right, soulmates, dates? Is the question part of the problem or the solution? 'Right'? Am I even clear about the right person or is that just a vague childish concept in my head? and finally am I the right person, too? |
I think so! When you respect someone, you kind of admire them for a quality that they have or something that they do in other words when you respect a quality in someone, so in a way you respect them, too. However, ideally we respect people just because they're humans.
i see so there's no way to get the website to notify you on that. Thank you eric22t.
1. I don want to seem rude when someone addresses me on a message board by not responding to them. The problem is I can't constantly check the forums I left a comment on to see who said what. Is there a way to get notifications when people quote you?
2. Is there a way to search similar topics in forums to avoid post a repetitive one? Obviously I don't mean reading all pages to see if it has already posted by someone else. |
no but would really like to ride my bike on it.
Would kind of bike do you own ? I want a ninja bike someday it's a kx100. I'm saving up for a ktm250. |
believe or not believe
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Tue 10/03/17 02:40 PM
well in casual dating there wont be a second chance. In marriage i can think of giving a second chance but definitely that would be it. There wont be a third time.
If you're talking about a different person, you learn your lessons and move on. This is the least you could do after a failure. i don c why u should change into a freak in your next relationships after someone has broken your heart once. |