Community > Posts By > silvertongue

silvertongue's photo
Sat 01/02/10 06:33 PM
lovely thoughts

silvertongue's photo
Wed 08/29/07 11:14 AM

Ole Bum then abandon texas, and went to New Orleans to coach the Saints, who at that time were known as the "Aints". He took his prize running back, an i forget the kids name...but he was a big ole guy, who could average 5 yards a run, no matter how many guys you put on him., which means you could get first downs by jus letting him run the ball a couple of times. Ole Bum ran the kid a lot too.

All the Saints fans were in hopes that at long last, with bum an "campbel" i think may have been the kids name, they could have a winning season.

I dont remeber much more, except they (the saints) didnt get a winning season.


silvertongue's photo
Sat 08/25/07 03:43 PM
if an old texan may,

i might add...
the Louisiana flag...hmmmm its got a pelican on it maybe? i forget, its a great state. First capitol of texas was there, in nacadoches (sic? lol). seriously, since it was the last town till san antonio, which was quite a ways in them days, you stopped in there if you needed to go to the court house, cause you werent likely to see one again *smile*.

Curiously, under the nacadoches in texas, is the old capital of the Indian/native tribe from which we get the word texas is buried.

tejas was the spanish spelling of an Indian word that sounded like the spanish pronounce "tejas"..tayhas. it meant "friends". Tejas was a confederation of several tribes that shared resources an such, they stretched from east texas, the red river valley...up into Arkansas.

these peoples came out of such tribes as the caddo, an pawnee.

The way the word came to be the anglo word texas is interesting. in the late 1600s the french, under lasalle i think...crossed the sabien(sic?) looking for the head waters or mouth or some such... of the mississippi.

word of this got back to the spanish in mexico city, who promptly financed the establishment of spanish missions, there in east texas. one was called "san francisco de los tejas" "friends of francis". the used the name the people called themselves "tejas" (confederation or friends) in the official name of the mission.

every thing went crazy after that, then in the 1800s, many outlaws from the united states, and missouri (missouri at the time was a province of spain) jim bowie, and william travis...saw texas as an escape.

anyway...texas was named after a guy named

an it weren't conservatives that took it away from him.

"There are two things i've learned in life; there is a God, an i am not Him."