Community > Posts By > markerf16

markerf16's photo
Fri 06/27/08 05:35 PM
Good to see you Debbie....

markerf16's photo
Fri 06/27/08 05:28 PM

another misinformation being spread - but I have a head ache... be careful what you believe... :wink:

i was aware it takes 3 months to show up, after 3 months you dont need to re-tested unless you have unprotected sex again.

intereting, the op said hes in love and moving in with this girl, yet is profile says hes looking for a relationship and a soul mate??

Yes thats true.. I just enjoy the forums and also may I add that I did not make this up. Its very real and Im learning more about it every day. Thanks you all:smile:

Could just be that he hasn't changed his profile in 3-4 weeks.

markerf16's photo
Fri 06/27/08 05:23 PM

I just have one question. And please forgive me if it was already asked. As I was not going to sit here and read through 9 pages of responses. BUT if she has been HIV for 20 years now, then how the hell does her child not have it? Oh hell the person she got pregnant by would have it as well. So does that mean he did not know either? OK that was two questions. Sorry.

I would be VERY leary on getting involved. But that is just me, I do have my own children that I need to protect.

But this whole thing does not make sense to me. It is an STD so A child would also get it. And unborn child shares EVERYTHING from there mother at that point.

She had a c section to prevent infection during child birth. Also the risk is very low for female to male infection during sex. Her ex did not get infected during their 4 months of unprotected sex to get pregnant...

markerf16's photo
Fri 06/27/08 05:12 PM

Looks like we may be living together soon. She has a 9 year old daughter who has also really taken to me. She has never gotten AIDS and is told by doctors she is a miracle for having it for 20 years...
so how did she get pregnant? with being so careful not to give it to others? obviously she had unprotected sex while having hiv? something to think about!!!!

Obviously she had unprotected sex with her ex husband for about 4 months. He did not get infected. The doctor said its less then a 4% chance of infection from vaginal intercourse with a man. The infection rate is much higher from male to female. She has never infected a male with unprotected sex.

markerf16's photo
Thu 06/26/08 07:16 AM
Good morning you all. Thanks for the feedback and I wish you all a good day.. :smile:

markerf16's photo
Wed 06/25/08 07:10 PM
Its ok Debbie. I appreciate your views...

markerf16's photo
Wed 06/25/08 07:07 PM
I appreciate all the responses and comments. I understood I would get mixed reactions to this and I fully understand.

markerf16's photo
Wed 06/25/08 06:56 PM
Yes it is true that she may never get aids. Her T cell count stays high because of meds she takes. She is very healthy and just may stay that way but of course there are no guarantees..

markerf16's photo
Wed 06/25/08 06:48 PM
No daughter does not have it. She had a boyfriend at 17 which was a drug user. He had it and gave it to her. Also her ex husband did not get it through unprotected sex. That is reassuring as well. Apparently its not as easily spread from female to male as it is male to female.

markerf16's photo
Wed 06/25/08 06:44 PM
MY heart just went out to her for some reason. I just couldn't abandon such a sweet honest person...

markerf16's photo
Wed 06/25/08 06:41 PM
Looks like we may be living together soon. She has a 9 year old daughter who has also really taken to me. She has never gotten AIDS and is told by doctors she is a miracle for having it for 20 years...

markerf16's photo
Wed 06/25/08 06:37 PM
Hey you all, I met a girl online. After our first date she admitted she liked me but confessed she is HIV Positive and has been for 20 years. She thought I would run like many others have. I told her I could deal with it and it has now after 4 weeks turned into a serious relationship. Any thoughts or comments welcomed...

markerf16's photo
Wed 06/25/08 06:32 PM
Never heard of them... sorry.

markerf16's photo
Wed 06/25/08 06:27 PM
Anything worth having will come with some risks and set backs. Swing the bat and you may just get a home run!

markerf16's photo
Wed 06/25/08 05:13 PM
Nope I am who I am and feel im pretty simple in my search criteria... :smile:

markerf16's photo
Wed 06/25/08 05:02 PM
Well said...drinker

markerf16's photo
Wed 06/25/08 05:00 PM
hello and welcome to you :smile:

markerf16's photo
Wed 06/25/08 03:22 PM
Just wrote this to mine...

With you I always want to be
A song to feel and love to sing
A special moment is your touch
I never felt a love so much
What tomorrow is allowed to bring
Is what our destiny brings for free
Its you and me its meant to be...

markerf16's photo
Wed 06/25/08 02:40 PM
A hammer cause I like to be in control,,, lol

markerf16's photo
Wed 06/18/08 01:58 PM
I have bounced jobs all my life. Longest maybe 6 months. I get bored and tired of my job very easily and when the thrill is gone I either quit or get fired.