Community > Posts By > countrysoul64
Depression support
here is to you all
![]() I've suffered form depression since i was going through my divorce -- the docs ran me through so many tests (I was blacking out) and have diagnosed me now with post traumatic stress dissorder -- so no it doesn't have ot come from being in a "military war". I've tried to go off my pills and I just shut myself into the closet so to say. The thought of living on meds the rest of my life doesn't thrill me but when I can't get my meds because I can't afford to go to the doc ALL THE TIME it isn't fair either to some of us! WEll just wanted to say kudos to you all for living the one day at a time and making it through wiht what we all get thrown at us day by day {{{HUGS}}} |
why is it
You just better be careful!!!! I got my daughter on here and now I worry about her safety and the safety of my granddaughter too UHG
Just really watch out and everything with this nut!! |
another newby
hey Donna -- welcome
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why is it
don't want to ruffle feathers but just to let oyu know -- many times I leave my computer on and leave myself in a site while I'm off running ..... this will show others that I'm online BUT infact I'm not on the computer
Just wanted to let you know that they might not really be there. Don't be too hard OK HAve a great day --- off ot work I go :) this time I'm shutting down my computer heehee |
Now this is FUN!
Now i have ot run to work UHG inventory and all is making EVERYONE crazy then the customers ontop of it -- can I call in sick for the next week ![]() |
now give me movies like -- while you were sleeping, ghost writer, premanission (spelling) those type I LOVE!! heehee
grudge was another one i just had ot keep peaking at and gave me the creeps big time -- my kids LOVE scary movies UHG |
I hate scary movies!!! I can't watch them for the most part. the kids and me a few years ago were talking how no one sits and watches mvies together -- they would always go in their rooms wiht their friends and watch SOOOO my son brings home Texas Chain Saw Masacre and starts to watch it in the living room .... not far into it (we are talking shortly after arriving at the house) I go to the computer so I don't watch any more ..... then the screaming and all and bone chilling part of the guy being drug down stairs with a hook (I just saw the hook but knew what was going on) I finally said I had to go out ... so needless to say the kids went into my sons room to finish watching the movie so mom didn't have to leave UHG I know I know I'm pathetic (by the way it was only a 2 bedroom trailer so now where to go to get away from it YIKES!!!)
deleting my account
she started to but being a modem run (yeah the old way haahaa) she gets fustrated on how long it takes ot get from one page ot another at times. She works over nights as a CNA and sleeps most of the day, or at least tries to during the week -- week ends no day care and I work most weekends.
Anyway yeah I'm trying -- think she would like it. |
Ghost Car
too funny -- of ocurse I'd been out of there before I even sat down HAAHAAA
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deleting my account
WOW I'm glad you decided to stay -- I'm so sick of people who think they are so great and can push others around!! My daughter is 5'4" and close ot 300lbs, she is always goig through so much. I'm trying ot get her to sign on here and meet people to talk with. So far she has only met loosers big time in her life and has a baby now (1 year old) -- daddy left her when she was 8 months along so she has been with me since. She is very rough around the egdes says her piece but likes to have fun --- I REALLY have ot get her on this!!!!!!!!!!!!
ANYWAY I'm glad oyu are sticking it out on here!! I personally haven't met too many people but I'm hoping ot just for chit chat and friendships! BJ |
Full Moon????
when is the full moon cause I'm calling into work sick for two days then HAAHAAA. I couldn't believe the mouth going off on one of the topics and wow I work with the public and they are grouchy on any day I can't handle a full moon too!!! YIKES!
Does anyone know?
you have ot let go - no matter how hard it is. Can you picture this going on the rest of your life? If htis is how it is now -- it most likely wont change. People think they can change the other person even in sneaky ways but it always back fires.
Let her go!! This is for your own good and no it wont be easy but you have friends and family to help out in those times of needs!! Hang in there!! BJ |
Hello everyone I am new!
hello and good luck on your search
Don't Stay Away To Long
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I've thought about the yard sale and have gotten a few totes together even so far ..... I've asked my kids to help me out with it ( like i said time is so far form my friend these days!!!).
I'm just going ot keep utsying at it and just say a good prayer that it all comes together before winter hits!! Wish I was carpentry inclined so I could build things and makeshift things for in the rafters and such -- OK so I wish I was a body builder too to lift things up there HAAHAAA A wheel barrel -- a few 2x10x12 might get the totes of books down stairs HAAHAAHAAA my hutches hmmmmmm guess I'll make my living room in the garage cause NO way can I move them suckers!!!!!!!! |
men of few words....
darn a 4 or at least paragraph was just lost talking ot everyone on this GRRRRRRRRRRRR
ok so sum up of what i wrote: keep being yourself but don't turn away new possiblities as there might be some one out there who lives some where that oyu never thought would interest you and it did -- same with them -- reloccation is in the line of "never say never" as I put it. Every one has their reasons and their rights -- not saying it matches your etiquette ... just saying people are different and handle things differently. I myself have a hard time answering some one who right off the bat wants more then to JUST BE FRIENDS as I have that on my profile. That scares me and makes it sound "desperate" attitudes on how one write might sound perfectly normal ot one but ot the other pushes them away .... SO if oyu aren't getting responses back then they are ones who you DON'T want to hear form anyway as they would not be a match for your personality. Don't take it personal as we are all different! That is the main thing to think about this ..... all these morals, personalities, wants, needs all on one sight WOW not even a handful will see eye to eye -- just too many out there. No offense to you young ones -- mainly girls --- you all are so young yet and want more from your life then say a guy at your age bracket -- for the most part. Geese I'm a grandmother and most guy in my age group have kids as young as my oldest granddaughter!! Just hang in there and keep being yourself and keep your standards high!! No one should change for something else just ot find some one! It would never work out.....have ot be who you are to live a happy life OK all have a great day!!!!!!!!!!! Bj done preachin' now and back to work on the basement YUCK! |
I have totes and boxes of books that I'll never read ... atlases from WAY back and I can't even lift them up to get to the stuff (two big hutches) to mvoe eveyrthing else haahaa. Oh geeze. most I'd regret REAL bad (OK NOT the atlases!!)
Also trying ot re-finish a night stand with drawers that my grandfather made his mom back when he was in high school and I'm just not getting too far with that eithr -- like plywood on the back and sa hard ot sand -- wouldn't be bad if I was painting it but I'd really like to put a nice stained finish on it .... just not sure if it is going to be possible or not. Alot has to do wiht lifting I guess and building things ot put things on and not having the tools for it all (not a money making job I'm at --- just scarpaing by from week to week!) Thanks for the lift though |
Oh geeze here i go dumping out my frustration!! I moved from the farm -- a huge 4 bedroom I'm in this teeny tiny 3 bedroom house. Basement leaks water during the rain, garage is full and my car (just a cavalier!!) litterally has about 4 inches to spare for room from front to back -- imagine how my garage is PACKED full, the hosue is PACKED full. I'm trying ot throw things out and give things away ... but these are hierlooms and history from back in the generations and and and Christmas decorations and and kids furniture and I don't have the strength (litterally) to move some of this stuff!! Yeah it is just me here and my daughter who is a weakling.
I'm going ot go insane in all of this so much clutter and I can't think straight!! No time for garage sale (work and babysitting take that up UHG) and darkness makes it worse UHG Ok so now I'm done dumping -- why did I even go on here hmmm see I HAVE GONE INSANE!!!!!!!!! down to the dungeon again I guess |
I have had a few bruises and a few bumps from trees in my life but can't recall one of htem being a shestnut tree though -- guess i hit pretty hard form that one!