Community > Posts By > wendynhouston

wendynhouston's photo
Sun 06/15/08 06:32 PM
bigsmile Ok so he called me out. I went to Walmart to pick up a few things and he had to go shopping himself. I told him he wouldn't come down to the one on my side of town. I was wrong he showed up and I have to say I haven't laughed so hard while shopping in ages. After he got done buying what he needed to, we met up at a local amusement area. We played in the waterfountain, talked, and just watched the water and boats out there. After almost 4 hours, he had to leave. I must say I had a blast!!! Guess only time will tell now.... crossing my fingersbigsmile

wendynhouston's photo
Sun 06/15/08 07:57 AM

sings "soo much cooler online" laugh laugh

laugh laugh I love Brad Paisley!! That songs rings sooooo true for some people. Cracks me up thinking of the several guys that lied about their height.

** Sorry offtopic **

wendynhouston's photo
Sun 06/15/08 07:51 AM

wendynhouston's photo
Sun 06/15/08 07:14 AM
Thanks for all the advice.

Yesterday evening, he was headed out to the race track and after I commented about something he said, he said I could meet him up there. It was last minute and he had already had plans to go out there so I declined. However, I've hinted around about meeting at other times, so hopefully he realizes I'm interested. If not I'll have to suck it up and be straight forward. It's just hared to do when you are shy at first.

wendynhouston's photo
Sat 06/14/08 07:47 PM

Hurry back... Indiana is great. My grandfather lived in Bloomington. The people there are AWESOME, just didn't like the 28 degrees in February.

wendynhouston's photo
Sat 06/14/08 06:41 PM

hi Wendy flowerforyou

Hi James

wendynhouston's photo
Sat 06/14/08 06:39 PM

wendynhouston's photo
Sat 06/14/08 06:39 PM

Not really. But would you move here if it was?

(Crap - ended it with a linking verb again. ohwell )

No Montana I wouldn't just for lower gas prices. But if you could guarantee me a teaching job in first or second grade, I would. Seems like it's nearly impossible to get one here in my area.

wendynhouston's photo
Sat 06/14/08 06:36 PM

I really liked one who seemed very interested. We emailed all the time for a few days. Talked on the phone for over 2hrs. (but he called me with a restricted phone number, mind you so I could never call him...grumble ) and now...Nothing.

Sounds like he's got something else at home or close by.
Could be intimidated by a woman who is attractive, intelligent, and Spirit Filled.

I agree he's got something closer to home.

wendynhouston's photo
Sat 06/14/08 06:31 PM
Queen of Hearts... from Alice and Wonderland

wendynhouston's photo
Sat 06/14/08 06:30 PM



wendynhouston's photo
Sat 06/14/08 05:15 PM
It rained here Thursday evening. I was playing ball with my dog but when it started raining he went for shelter under the covered porch. sad no one wanted to play in the rain with me

wendynhouston's photo
Sat 06/14/08 12:26 PM

Hey if you have a connection and want to meet, ask him if he's open to it!!

You never know until you try and life is certainly too short to not take some risks!!

(hey, just do as I say and not as I do ok? I'll live vicariously through you, deal???? laugh )

I know what you mean. I usually give people advice that I should be taking myself.

wendynhouston's photo
Sat 06/14/08 12:25 PM

Well I starting talking to this guy about a week ago. We sent emails about a few times then starting IMing each other. I don't usually give my phone number out, but for some reason I felt like I should. So since then we've talked every night, except for last night. It felt weird not talking to him, but I couldn't bring myself to call, even though I have called him in the past. I know he hasn't met another off the site I met him on, even though he's been online for several months. I'm not sure if he's ever met anyone from online before.

My question is - do I wait for him to bring up meeting or do I ask him to meet? I don't wanna miss out on something but I don't wanna seem too pushy either.

He lives like 20 minutes away.

How far away is he?

wendynhouston's photo
Sat 06/14/08 12:10 PM
Well I starting talking to this guy about a week ago. We sent emails about a few times then starting IMing each other. I don't usually give my phone number out, but for some reason I felt like I should. So since then we've talked every night, except for last night. It felt weird not talking to him, but I couldn't bring myself to call, even though I have called him in the past. I know he hasn't met another off the site I met him on, even though he's been online for several months. I'm not sure if he's ever met anyone from online before.

My question is - do I wait for him to bring up meeting or do I ask him to meet? I don't wanna miss out on something but I don't wanna seem too pushy either.

wendynhouston's photo
Fri 06/13/08 06:45 PM

I know exactly how you are feeling! Hanging on to a little hope and don't let a few (ok maybe a little more than a few) bad apples ruin it for the few good guys left.

wendynhouston's photo
Tue 06/10/08 05:45 AM
I'm ME... no one else is like me

wendynhouston's photo
Tue 06/10/08 05:44 AM

I just wanted to pop on and say hi to my friends on here real quick this morning. I've been pretty scarce on this site I know. Things have happened to me and unfortunately I don't think this site is really the place for me anymore. I've been basically bombed by 2 women in 3 months time BOTH saying they liked me and end up finding out, they like another guy too and both ended up with the other. Makes me feel like second best. I see how they are and want to stay away. Feelings were hurt and I really don't need it in my life anymore. I'm a REAL guy with REAL feelings and they may think I'm quote "hardcore" but, inside, I'm a real gentle and sweet guy who just wants to be loved. I'm over it and have moved on and have better things to do and worry about so I look at it as a learning experience.....don't do the online dating thing anymore....which I don't think I'm going to do so. It's caused people a lot of heartache and stress and I don't need to go through it. I'll look in on my REAL friends on here from time to time.... I hope all of your dreams come true.....I really do..... I love you guys so much and it's going to be hard to go but, like I said, I'll drop in from time to time. Love you guys......

Here's my two cents.. you can take it or leave it. I haven't come across you while I've been online, but I've only recently really started to post anything. Everyone gets burned no matter if you are "hardcore" or someone that shows their emotions. About a week ago, I got the raw end of the deal while chatting with someone from on here, because of some of my beliefs. It's happened before with others, but you know what, it's me and I'm not changing for anyone. If they don't like it tough, they can move on and I'll find someone else that understands and appreciates me for who I am. I just thank God that it didn't come down to us meeting and finding out then that he was different than he seemed on the phone. Never settle for anything less than you deserve!!

Fly do what makes you happy. If staying away from online dating is going to do it, then by all means don't do the online dating. But just remember, you can get burned anywhere you meet a girl.

wendynhouston's photo
Sun 06/08/08 09:33 PM
My ex would after me if I was going to eat my food over and over. Even if I was in the process of taking a bite, he would ask. Another thing was he would reach for food off my plate. I can't stand that people reaching onto my plate. It's different if I'm done eating and say here you want the rest or if I say you wanna try some and give him a bite.

wendynhouston's photo
Sat 06/07/08 06:08 PM

yeah but i want 38dd' i can enjoy them all to myself

good luck finding thatdrinker even i don't make the cutembarassed
anything more than a mouthful is a waste

i have heard that many timeslaugh i wonder if the army pays for reductionslaugh laugh laugh

My ex has 40FF's they made great pillows.
wow if she was on top and those smacked you in the face they would knock you out lol

laugh laugh laugh

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