Community > Posts By > StillLooking29
I have had many stalkers. The scariest thing is this past winter- I saw foot prints outside my bedroom window in the snow. Creeped me out.BUT I am a little on edge after the being robbed at gun point incident.
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A more friendly pic would help
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I am a professional butt wiper? No, thats not my technical job- but seems to be what I get roped into lately. I am a healthcare worker. Try to save lives daily. Sometimes I think we just annoy people. No one is ever happy to be woken up to be given meds...
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I don't see where men do have it easier than the woman. In many homes they are the breadwinners & then get jumped if they're too tired to go out & do things after the woman has sat around half the day on the PC or phone. Yeah, I was a stay at home mom for years & I always knew my husbands job (carpenter) was harder than me keeping house & taking care of the kids. I was an excellent housekeeper & always had meals on the table. My household duties was nothing compared to him working in the blazing hot sun all day or the freezing cold to make a living. Give the guys a break will ya? I've also worked outside the home & still kept it running with a little help from the family. It's not about the image I portray to men being small. It's the feeling I get when I feel like I am taking care of me & my health. I think every situation/ person is different. In most situations I know of, The women work, cook, clean, take care of the kids- the list goes on and the man just goes to work and MAYBE helps every once in awhile. |
Last summer I was robbed at gun point. They didnt get much. it was more upsetting that I have fear and anxiety about what happened. My sense of safety was taken away.
I did call the cops but they did nothing. I guess because my body wasnt outlined in chalk, it was not top of their priority list. All the stuff was replaceable- I just miss not having to look around and be suspicious of peoples intentions. |
Just be totally honest
nice and totally honest.....if the honesty is qualified/filtered, is it really honest... how about just nice, or honest, one or the other...not both without viewing the profile, can already tell that right off the bat that there are some "wrong" roko I think she meant be honest but not rude. There is a polite way to say things |
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I HAVE dated people with these kinds of attitudes. Thats probably why I have never married! I think everyone deserves a clean slate. Past relationships should not affect present ones. Or at least not negatively. I dont want to suffer for what another woman has done but I have. I always try to make a strong effort not to do that to anyone
![]() As for the women who expect men to make a certain amount of money....I say MAKE YOUR OWN!! I love being an independent woman. I need nothing from a man. I am proud of that and myself. ![]() |
It is a perspective. I used to work in Public Health both in the USA, and in Japan. When someone came down with a dose of STDs, I had to interview them, figure out who they got it from, contact the people it may have been, and get them tested/treated. Many were still children. In Japan there were frequent cases of 12,and 13, year old girls claiming that Marines, or Sailors, had raped them. The guys claimed the gals had consented, and the law said that if they had consented there was no prosecution possible. It became a case of 'he said/she said', and most such cases never went anywhere. Six marines saying the gals consented against one, or two, gals saying they didn't, created enough reasonable doubt to get the guys off. In the southern USA, it was often the parent, or guardian, who had consented for the gal who had the sex with her and gave her the STD. Family Values Ala The Pat Robertson Crowd. Such things as age of consent vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction. Pedophiles can always find a friendly locale. Blame your legislators. ![]() |
Funny things kids say
My sister-in-law still insists on having a "formal" living room with fancy furniture and coffee table books and etc. Apparently one of these books was from an expensive art gallery she had worked at once upon a time. My youngest niece apparently decided since it was an art book that she should add some of her artistic endeavors to it too! When her momma found out what she had done, she called her into the room and pointed to the book and asked the typical "and what is this young lady"? To which my niece replied (so proud of herself she was almost beaming)..."I DRAW DAT"!!! Needless to say there was no punishment forthcoming after that one! ![]() I bet it was the prettiest picture in that book!! ![]() |
Funny things kids say
A few days ago, I was out shopping at Trader Joe's. I was on the side of the aisle, looking for what I needed. This little girl comes up behind me, pushing her miniature cart, and says " HEY, YOU! GET OUTTA MY WAY!" (even though she could have easily gone around me) ![]() Sounds like my lil one........hey, was it? LOL |
Funny things kids say
My little 4 year old was in the shower for the first time by herself and I heard her singing...."It's raining, it's pouring, it's snoring..." Just had to smile. ![]() My other daughter, who is now 7, used to call butterflies..."flutterflies" when she was 2... I love kids! ![]() |
fuzzy teeth
It might be fixable, but if he didn't learn from his momma growing up about basic hygiene, then I'm not gonna be the one to do so. Agreed...thats why I said what are his other issues.....because I am sure they include poor hygiene in general |
fuzzy teeth
At least thats fixable.....what were his other issues???
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It depends upon where the person is. In japan, 12 is the age of consent. In Yemen, people marry three year olds. In much of the American south, there is no age limit for dating/marrying a gal as long as her parents/guardians consent. Personally, I prefer older to younger. There is something to be said for experience, and it is better being with someone who has lived enough to know what the world is really like. Generally, a guy who prefers such young gals generally lacks any skill, or confidence, or equipment, and wants a partner who will be too inexperienced to notice his shortcomings... especially if he is unusually short. A young gal won't have had much to compare shorty against, and won't realize what she is missing. thanks for that info....interesting prospective ![]() |
On Line vs. Real Life
Nice! But I would have to agree. I think people only tell/show you what they want you to know in both real life and online. In real life it is easier to spot the BS....if you have half a brain anyway.
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How the world has changed
Disagree...for me, real life is the way to go. I have no problem getting a date out in the real world...but I am a sexy b!tch ![]() ![]() ![]() yes you are!! ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Are you a thread killer?
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Right now I really wish I could go to vegas for my 30th bday.....but I will be in school this summer so no fun for me
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