Community > Posts By > twospirit163000
WHO is still Active from WA?
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Tue 03/30/10 07:25 PM
Just what the topic says, oh and where from? Seattle, WA here. " I am very " active" & I am enrolled member of the COLVILLE CONFEDERATED TRIBES in Omak,WARshingon 98841 home of the OMAK STAMPEDE & World Famous Suicide Race ( Always Second Weekend In August) |
" SOME ONE SHOULD START A NEW MILITIA OH YES! " WAR"SHINGTON VERSION OF THE NEW MOVEMENT ALL KINDS OF THREADS THAT GO SO BIG ON OTHER PARTS OF THE STATE. WE HAVE WESTERN WARSHINGTON VS EASTERN WARSHINGTON GAME OF POLITICS We have these so- called idiots who say Warshington rules after all we are the APPLE CAPITAL OF THE WORLD, **** we are the Vine yard capital of the world we ain't a " Apple State " we are the rotten core of the APPLES we are the vine yards getting real big on wine or at least in Yakima & Walla walla but hell we are the CASINO CAPITAL OF THE WORLD with LAS Vegas style gambling there is alot of orchards have been removed, to be replaced with vine yards lol what is your opinion?
DON'T ASK, DON'T TELL policy "As Two Spirit Native American & Gay male i issue the statement this is the gay rights agenda it is our domestic agenda in the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender Commmunity we need to discuss - "DON'T ASK, DON'T TELL" policy head of the interim steps & offered full support i wanna criticize the Obama Administration for not taken up our agenda in 2009 as having taken to long. I am disappointed the people in the Washington State LGBT forum did not speak up there must be no Lesbian or Gay military service members passed by Congress in 1993 it is law mandating the discharge of Lesbian, gay , or bisexual service members it's time to step to the table to have a open dialogue i over whelmingly support lifting the ban the LGBT Community need to put pressure on the United States Congress to speak on behalf of our Gay liberation movement we have the power to force the American politicians we need to force the gay agenda if you don't listen to us we will vote you out of office this November 2010 i am here with a simple message: I'm here with you in that fight for social change " I also appreciate that many of you don't believe progress has some fast enough i want to be honest about that."Even as we take extraorinary challenges as a Nation, we cannot & will not put aside issue of basic equality- When are we going to get this done? there is a back lash on us as homophobic rears it's ugly head but the greatest threat today comes from the fundamental of the right- wing the "white - right to try to get rid of me because i was considered a " RADICIAL" to speaking truth to power since i have critics because i addressed the " DON'T ASK, DON'T TELL" Military policy as they called me " fag" of the character assassination was alive i had to defend my position but i would absolutely defend my right to say it i am sharing a gay awareness i think it's important that you stand up for yourself .'' (TO BE CONTINUED)...
Hello there i am a Native American i'm gonna be going to the Spokane Pride Parade and Rainbow Festival at the heart of Riverfront park Gondola Meadows is a beautiful area on June 12th 2010