The Painless Birth
A woman went into labor after a hard pregnancy. On the way to the hospital she called her husband at work and said "Meet me at the hospital" When the husband got there his wife was already in immense pain and because he loved her he couldn't bear to watch it. He told the doctor he would do ANYTHING to ease his wife's pain. The doctor told him about an experimental machine that could transfer his wife's pain to to him, the father without even touching him. He immediately conceded. The doctor started to transfer the pain and the husband sat unaffected. "Turn it up, Doc. I don't feel." The doctor continued to turn up the intensity until the wife felt no pain at all. The husband never felt a thing. On their way home from the hospital they joked about the machine and talked about their new daughter. When they arrived at the house they made a startling discovery: the mailman was dead on the doorstep.