Community > Posts By > Rufus1234

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Wed 08/15/07 05:27 AM
flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou
bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile

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Wed 08/15/07 05:11 AM
Why Shutterguy, how romantic.......I'm there :wink:

I'd much rather talk about the positives than the negatives so this brings me to;

What keeps a relationship togther?

Love, respect, good on-going open communication, both partners have grounded morals and values, good sex, never go to bed angry and never leave when in an argument......time outs work just as good...........and most of all....never resort to name calling!!! Those are just a few of the things I believe help to make a good relationship........what about the rest of you?

(ducking while having tomatoes thrown at me) :smile:

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Wed 08/15/07 04:57 AM
This is a quote from the first page;

and I quote "women want to be with George Clooney and not Don Rickles"

Excuse me........Don Rickles seems like a really great guy.....he's funny, bald (which I find very sexy) intelligent, fluffy (more to squeeze) and just an all around nice guy.......and by the way, his comedy act is just that an act.........being with George Clooney would be like being with myself........the women would be swarming all over him all the time...when would he have time for me? thanks I stick with bald, cute and fluffy bigsmile

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Wed 08/15/07 04:48 AM
compromise, compromise, compromise, compromise laugh Just kidding.

Well I think compromise is one of let me see the other 3 must be;




How rude your "friend" doesn't tell you what the 4 c's are!

When you find out, let us know :smile:

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Tue 08/14/07 07:23 PM
LexFonteyne, that is way cool if some of the old old old old ones did come back, because I have seen some that would be fun to post to with other peoples. :smile:

yawn Well it's been a long day being up at 2am so it's dreamland for me. Night all!! Sweet dreams to all!! :smile:

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Tue 08/14/07 07:20 PM
Your most welcome Shutterguy bigsmile Do you happen to sell any of your work?

Kingbreeze, that is good to know.......I post to the old ones sometimes but didn't know it could actually come back to life ........what fun!! Ya know censoring is ok to a point.......because I imagine some people could make it so bad it wouldn't be fun anymore.. And I have a pretty warped sense of humor sometimes happy

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Tue 08/14/07 07:10 PM
oh goody, I'm there.........waaaahooooo flowerforyou

When are we leaving? I'm packed. laugh

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Tue 08/14/07 07:08 PM
Hi handsome, :wink:

That is good to know.....and to tell the truth so do I bigsmile

I bet if you read and post to the old ones and so do I then I bet others do what the hey.......might as well!!

I'm loving the people and posts on here! I'm sure glad I found this place bigsmile

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Tue 08/14/07 06:53 PM
Hey uk1971, I know, Shutterguy can come stay at your house :wink:

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Tue 08/14/07 06:52 PM
bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile flowerforyou

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Tue 08/14/07 06:50 PM
How long are these threads kept alive? Do you people still post to old threads? Just wondering :smile:

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Tue 08/14/07 06:48 PM
laugh You guys are tooooooooooooo funny!!

Banana peels huh......never experienced that before...sounds kinky :wink: ....hmmmmmmm, maybe I should try that tactic Mike laugh

Where is my plane ticket LexFonteyne? I'm there!! :wink:

Kojak, men are that straight forward huh? or is it just you?
and that sounds like something that would happen to a barbie woman..........certainly not me!!

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Tue 08/14/07 06:42 PM
Figures!!! I'm from Washington state and must of left all the good ones there bigsmile

Thanks to everyone for the wonderful uplifting and sound advice..........I hear you all and will heed your words and keep them close to me flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

Big bear hugs to all of you!!

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Tue 08/14/07 06:40 PM
help I'm melting, melting bigsmile

Shutterguy you have melted my heart, thank you so much!! flowerforyou

How come guys like you don't live in my area.......I sure wished if there were nice guys like you in my area, they would come out from where ever they are hiding and come give me a hugh squeeze!! bigsmile

I caught your squeeezzzz and here is one back attcha BIG SQUEEEZZZZ to Shutterguy:heart:

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Tue 08/14/07 06:31 PM
eeeeuuuuwww! Shutterguy, can I go with you? That sounds like lots of fun!! bigsmile

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Tue 08/14/07 06:30 PM
AMEN coco!!!

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Tue 08/14/07 06:28 PM
Way to go Jenn drinker

Yeah ya do gotta start some where.

I was a maid once and the job turned into a live in manager position. Although, that didn't last but 6 months cuz I felt like I was in prison........couldn't leave the place unless I found someone to work the desk............yikes happy

More power to you cuz maid work isn't easy!!

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Tue 08/14/07 06:24 PM
Puffins, cool tat :smile:

Yeah, your probably right........although, some men flirt for the sake of fliting don't they.......does it mean their serious about you?

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Tue 08/14/07 06:22 PM
knoxman......I am in awe of you! A 22 yr old guy thinking the way you do. I'm really impressed!! Your momma must be proud!!
I'm proud of you! Your a catch for any size lady bigsmile
I couldn't of said it better myself.

Order up one for knoxman drinker
It's on me :wink:

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Tue 08/14/07 06:15 PM

I don't get it! But if I get your drift.......gee thanks!! That was big of you!ohwell