what is beautiful
I owe sStar an apology I missed a couple of posts
what is beautiful
Hi Heartbroken
what is beautiful
Star I think it is you that needs to chang trains of thought
love is.....
Caring, Kind, Honest and Yrue, NOT Hateful, or Jealous
what is beautiful
Thanks Star,I needed that
Lass sounds like all but the age group fits you have to decide what is importsnt to you. Me That's still a deal breaker I've just gotten a little more lienent in the upper range, but i still wouldn't go that far. AQ be straight with him and explain your earlier actions. I know from experience telling Yes, it will hurt, it will hurt for a long time but, in the end it is easier for him to move on rather than wait on your reaction.
what is beautiful
Wit as in brains proces not brains that have had their fuses short circuited like yours always seem to be. (John now has to try and requash his animal side)
what is beautiful
Hi menthol. Welcome hope you can get used to the barbs, a few of us hassle across posts. Your moren welcome to pipe in.
what is beautiful
Some might say very dry wit
what is beautiful
Hey I have a sense of humor it's just more tounge in cheek.
what is beautiful
Hmm thiknking... Trying to remember who wrote the sond she don't know she's beautiful (Country artist). Might help Star a bit
what is beautiful
Hmm methinks Star has spent too much time in front of a mirror.
new rule - profile photos
you know Caam we could always give both stare and Kate the benifit of the doubt. They may have a shallow problem themselves.
Nude Sunbathing...
Not exactly a new one
new rule - profile photos
That might just work. cept from what I can see Star has too much hair to be a mullet.
new rule - profile photos
Nope, hybred Teacher and Trek nut add in the Dukes for a bit of color
new rule - profile photos
Star if you check my other profile pics you will see a difference. This is my straight laced one I have on the front. The person I TRY to be.
new rule - profile photos
As I said before I'm usually straight laced but the animal in me can come out.
new rule - profile photos
Hey Star, Didn't you mean the Late 40's ealy 50's? Bet you had fun during those times!!
new rule - profile photos
caam didn't you know she's a throw back living in modern times