Community > Posts By > RandomX

RandomX's photo
Sun 03/21/10 09:07 AM

Can a person have too many firearms?


I would have to say NO

I would have to say yes.. especially when children are around. Its kind of like owning cars,, you can only use one at a time.

Wrong I have 2 Hands :D

RandomX's photo
Sun 03/21/10 09:03 AM

funny these same tea baggers. did not come out while bush was in office.

Good point since the Dippic was running up record deficits right in front of them...

...also they were watching POX for their "news"...ignorances via RW propaganda rules these people....they are not into reality. They just hate that a black man is in the White House...that's their basic problem...they were okay with excessive spending until a black man has to continue the spending to avoid a Depression. The HC bill will set us into the right direction in reducing the deficit and improving HC for Americans...HOW can they (T-baggers) be against that? "Stupid is as stupid does" I guess...

Wrong on All Counts but u have no Worries Im sure u will be one of the Guards in the Gulags/FEMA camps they all shove us into...Along with Gary. They Count Medicaid Cuts Twice....Premiums will go UP and the IRS will take all of our disposable cash making all of the middle class the Blood sucking Government Vampires u love so much ...but then again that`s the Idea aint it? To make us all poor? So they can Increase there Voter base?

RandomX's photo
Sun 03/21/10 08:57 AM

republicans or rich folks start wars. but to much of a coward to fight in them. case and point George w bush. and Cheney. both avoided the Vietnam war. cause there cowards.

Blah Blah Blah Republicans are Cowards Blah blah blah get new Martial Gray.

Absentee Ballots have Shown MOST Military personnel ARE conservative so to call our Men and women Cowards really sad

RandomX's photo
Sun 03/21/10 08:53 AM

soldiers are not all republicans. they realize that obama doing best he can. but for me if i was still in army. i would laid my weapon down. i refuse to fight while some rich conservative goes to college. so what makes conservative life batter then mine.

Not all but enough are that I think the Military would "Set things right" If Obama Ran Afoul of the constitution

RandomX's photo
Sun 03/21/10 08:48 AM

think different between a republican and a democratize. democrats care for the poor. republicans care about their rich buddies. republicans love starting wars. but not to good at fighting in them. as i can see. only one republican in senate now has fough in a war. john McCain.

Rich people create Jobs(So Poor people can be Middle class)......What do poor people do but Suck the government dry? Lets just be INTELLECTUALLY honest shall we? So who do we take care of The PRODUCERS or the CONSUMERS? I say producers because thru out HISTORY producers are the one that have made our country GREAT

RandomX's photo
Sun 03/21/10 08:42 AM

that's being kind of cold hearted don't you think. most of those poor fought to make our country free. so now you republicans want war, but to much of a coward to fight in them. as i recall. i use to be republicans while in army. but i seen how republicans hide behind there mommas. when comes time to fight.

I served as well and I hope if Obama goes to far that Soldiers stop Obeying his orders on the grounds that his orders (if he is going for the Socialist utopia I think he is)are Unconstitutional

RandomX's photo
Sun 03/21/10 08:38 AM
Yes we lost and now Sadly Americans will Learn next time a Politician says we need CHANGE ask him what type.....Or did he just mean CHANGE was all middle class Americans would have in there pockets by 2012 and his end of term?? One wonders

RandomX's photo
Sun 03/21/10 08:35 AM
Your just as Raciest for thinking a few Idiots taint a whole Movement

RandomX's photo
Sun 03/21/10 08:33 AM
We all Die....It`s Inevitable

RandomX's photo
Sun 03/21/10 08:30 AM
Flamer...Ban him please....for ALL our sakes

RandomX's photo
Sun 03/21/10 08:29 AM
Hell Bent On Achieving Balance in a Liberal slanted Education system...thank u very much

RandomX's photo
Sun 03/21/10 08:25 AM
So Quick to use the race card to cover the Whole movement. Your wrong we are MAD AMERICANS.....

RandomX's photo
Sun 03/21/10 08:22 AM
This does not increase COVERAGE it gives a "Gift" to the Insurance Industry by making INSURANCE MANDATORY to Purchase...It increases the power of the IRS they can take ur TAX RETURN in fines if they DEEM u have enough money to buy health care yet not be on Medicaid Its a bad Bill and will Lead to an Authoritarian Dictatorship with Obama being the head Dic

RandomX's photo
Sun 03/21/10 08:16 AM
Isolated un-acceptable Behavior..... But I do not care. I want to know why Dems want to Commit political Suicide to get this bill passed ...whats in it?

RandomX's photo
Sun 10/25/09 07:29 AM
Tend to think it is fact Regardless if a persons sex.... My ex cheated 7 yrs in. I did not but after such a long time together things can be come less focused and the other side of the fence could look greener....brokenheart

RandomX's photo
Sun 10/25/09 07:24 AM
Not sure ....but who ever figures it out is going to be an awfully rich mo fo LOL

RandomX's photo
Wed 01/28/09 10:28 PM
Edited by RandomX on Wed 01/28/09 10:33 PM
But as a Parting shot(before bed time) its AMAZING that the same Phil Gramm you Kool-aid Drinkers are Roasting WARNED about this Crisis in WINTER of 2000.

And the reason I like Palin she is Closer to the People SHE IS one of the people than BHO and the rest of the Backseat Riden Jet Flyin Lib Elite well ever try to put in office A Mom who made a Difference by JOINING the process on the state level INSTEAD of community organizing like the Messiah and just causing MORE problems

RandomX's photo
Wed 01/28/09 10:01 PM

The Republican Party is full of Un-Americans.
They want to tell Americans what they want despite the results of the Elections.
They are trying to control the will of the people in favor of Large Corporations.
They have to go.
Vote them out one by one if necessary.
Two years gives us another chance to be rid of a few more.
Give your vote to a third Party rather than the Republicans....

The Republican Party is full of Un-Americans.

LOL there were more Dems Against it than Repubs who supported it Un-American HA HA HA HA For not supporting a Stim...I mean Porkulus bill most of this bill will not even take effect for 4-8 years Keep Drinking that Kool-aid Fanta...Conservatism in 2010-2012

Extreme conservatism is dying a slow painful death because people are learning what it really means. It means that the religious run the country with no respect for those unlike them, it means that the well to do get cart blanch to support those like themselves and to hell with all others, it means that ideology is the call of the day with no regards to the price everyone pays, it means that America becomes pasteurized so the powerful all fit one mold, etc....

Until conservatives make the changes with the times they will be the underdogs.

Thats not what Conservatism is.....Faith is A PART of it but not its whole...please....Regan was not a Zelot

RandomX's photo
Wed 01/28/09 09:52 PM
Edited by RandomX on Wed 01/28/09 09:56 PM

The United States was only in a “mental recession” and that it had become a “nation of whiners.”

Phil Gramm.
His wife was a lobbyist for Enron and helped him add provisions to a bill that deregulated the home loan industry. Making it easier for people who couldn't afford a home to get one.

Clinton did that with the Repeal of the Glass Stigel act and Carter before him allowed it by in-acting the community re-investment act so try not get your info from the Huffington post and Dailykos whoa

And I think Gramm was right this recession was created by the left wing media...they kept yelling bad economy as one of the lady lefties (dragoness I think) pointed out u say a lie enough times and it becomes true and yes we are a nation of whiners back in the old days people were tougher all we do is cry about crap instead of takeing care of business

RandomX's photo
Wed 01/28/09 09:39 PM

The Republican Party is full of Un-Americans.
They want to tell Americans what they want despite the results of the Elections.
They are trying to control the will of the people in favor of Large Corporations.
They have to go.
Vote them out one by one if necessary.
Two years gives us another chance to be rid of a few more.
Give your vote to a third Party rather than the Republicans....

The Republican Party is full of Un-Americans.

LOL there were more Dems Against it than Repubs who supported it Un-American HA HA HA HA For not supporting a Stim...I mean Porkulus bill most of this bill will not even take effect for 4-8 years Keep Drinking that Kool-aid Fanta...Conservatism in 2010-2012

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