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I have Strong Opinions YES. And I stand by the fact I think they way Obama runs this country and passes laws the way he passes them makes him no better than any other Slimy Domestic Terrorist... But I would NOT even think about doing anything stupid? Hell no... Your the one who ASSUMED that crap I would never EVER make a threat AGAINST ANYONE much less the "supposed" POTUS. Clear? Good. I am not assuming anything. « God Help Us All... After this I refuse to call Barry Sorento Hussain Obama President (you are insinuating that you do not recognize the duly elected President of the USA! I asked a clarifying question. Do you recognize President Obama as the duly elected President of the USA, YES or NO???) He has stuck a Knife in the Heart of America As Deep As any Radical Muslim...... I now call Obama`s Presidency Jihad Against the American People (these two statements insinuate that you hold the President of the USA, whom you refuse to call President, guilty of leading a Jihad against the American people!!! Again, simple questions, ARE YOU SERIOUS about that statement? Or are you just trying to impress the gallery with big words???) Won't call the President of the USA, the President of the USA! Insinuating that the President of the USA has committed some sort of act of terrorism worthy of '... any Radical Muslim...' and further insinuating that the Presidency of the USA is '... a Jihad against the American people...' brings one to question whether the person posting such crap has all his marbles, or is just trying to impress the 'girls'!!! The 'are you crazy?' question you asked me, applies perfectly to your comments!!! If you didn't mean it, as you mow seem to imply, and which was the purpose of my questions, we'll just leave it at the fact that you were trying to impress the 'girls', and that there was no meat behind your empty words!!! Is that CLEAR??? GOOD!!! Whatever man....Listen to AM Radio all over the Dial people are angry about this.All I see in your post is "seem to Imply" That`t is what is on YOUR mind not MINE as I said in my mail to you. Putting WORDS in my mouth. Anywho...Im not Crazy Im upset and I think that this could be the beginning of the end for the American way of life. It will never be the same and frankly as it would ANY freedom loving American it scares me. |
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Mon 03/22/10 08:02 AM
BO is just doing what CARE has been trying to do for Decades Jihad thru Legislation. Do I think its Real? Hell yea I think its Obvious instead of a "Holy" war for Hearts and Minds its A "Vote" War so Dems can get everyone on the Government dime so Dems can keep themselves in power in Perpetuity
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Mon 03/22/10 07:56 AM
But as to your FIRST question I respect Democracy but not this "Man" or this "congress" because NEITHER respect the PEOPLE
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I have Strong Opinions YES. And I stand by the fact I think they way Obama runs this country and passes laws the way he passes them makes him no better than any other Slimy Domestic Terrorist... But I would NOT even think about doing anything stupid? Hell no... Your the one who ASSUMED that crap I would never EVER make a threat AGAINST ANYONE much less the "supposed" POTUS. Clear? Good.
It Passed
pooolease......I am no threat its is my opinion I would never threaten an Elected official are u insane?
The LEFT fears TRUTH because there Agenda is Built on LIES....And Beck Exposes the truth.
With his health care holy war, President Obama is sending America at least 10 messages since taking office: 1. I win; you lose. 2. My will; not the will of the people. 3. Government of Obama, by Obama, for Obama; not government of the people, by the people, for the people. 4. Corrupt House rules and autocracy; not play by the rules and democracy. 5. “I’ll tread on you” now steps on “Don’t tread on me.” 6. “I, the president”; not “We, the People.” 7. “All men are created equal” but I am more equal than others. 8. “The dissent of the president” overrules “the consent of the governed.” 9. “Give me tyranny and give me debt” replaces “Give me liberty or give me death.” 10. “That government is best which governs most” supersedes “That government is best which governs least.” Exactly who needs Terrorists when They Have Obama to do their Dirty Work |
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Unless your over 65
Then Democrats say:DIE |
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Mon 03/22/10 05:23 AM
God Help Us All...After this I refuse to call Barry Sorento Hussain Obama President He has stuck a Knife in the Heart of America As Deep As any Radical Muslim......I now call Obama`s Presidency Jihad Against the American People
if 30% of Dr`s retire because of this bill we are dead screwed anyway Democrat or Republican...cause all REMAINING Dr`s will be flooded..
Article I, Section 8, Clause 3: “ [The Congress shall have power] To regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States, and with the Indian tribes; As I have stated before , the 'constitution' is pretty vague and very easy for LAWYERS and POLITICIANS to interpret in whichever ways they wish,,,,,,,It will be an issue for LAW PROFESSIONALS to debate and I am sure they will I think its covered as commerce because healthcare costs are impacting the nation. OThers dont think it is covered because those great men, two hundred years ago, didnt think to mention it SPECIFICALLY....... in the end, I wager, that this time and effort would not have been made for this bill if the actual PROFESSIONALS AND EXPERTS hadnt already made sure it passed constitutional standards,,, that would be about as likely as a constitutional lawyer running for President without having proof that he qualified,,, it isnt TRUMPING the document when it is INCLUDED In the document. It has been used before in on issues of civil rights and child sex offenders(having to register,,is not SPECIFICALLY mentioned in the constitution but it is a federal regulation none the less). It has and will be used, because the fathers couldnt have imagined ALL the situations which may arise in their future. I am glad there is a clause that doesnt affect only those issues significant to the founding fathers but issues that are current as well. We will see how well the clause is argued in this case although I suspect it is already a mute issue. might be mute anyway Now on DRUDGE FLASH: Senate Republicans found a provision in the new House health care bill that likely makes it ineligible for expedited 'reconciliation' procedures in the Senate. Dems refused to meet with GOP and Parliamentarian.... Developing.... No Reconciliation no bill...God Love Scott Brown |
I love Beck ....I think the left fears Beck more than Rush or Hanity because he knows history and Investigates the Present.....
Can a person have too many firearms? NO YES UNSURE I would have to say NO I would have to say yes.. especially when children are around. Its kind of like owning cars,, you can only use one at a time. Wrong I have 2 Hands :D I stand But seriously, other than in the movies, what chance has two hands and two guns if a MILITIA of fifty plus hands and guns are on ones behind? Gurella Warfare........One shot One kill Steal there Ammo...Think the Movie RED DAWN :-) |
Article I, Section 8, Clause 3: “ [The Congress shall have power] To regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States, and with the Indian tribes; As I have stated before , the 'constitution' is pretty vague and very easy for LAWYERS and POLITICIANS to interpret in whichever ways they wish,,,,,,,It will be an issue for LAW PROFESSIONALS to debate and I am sure they will I think its covered as commerce because healthcare costs are impacting the nation. OThers dont think it is covered because those great men, two hundred years ago, didnt think to mention it SPECIFICALLY....... in the end, I wager, that this time and effort would not have been made for this bill if the actual PROFESSIONALS AND EXPERTS hadnt already made sure it passed constitutional standards,,, that would be about as likely as a constitutional lawyer running for President without having proof that he qualified,,, |
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Sun 03/21/10 11:44 AM
Amendment 9 - Construction of Constitution. Ratified 12/15/1791.
The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people. Amendment 10 - Powers of the States and People. Ratified 12/15/1791. Note The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people. Good enough? Credit to QM09 for getting it first |
funny these same tea baggers. did not come out while bush was in office. Good point since the Dippic was running up record deficits right in front of them... ...also they were watching POX for their "news"...ignorances via RW propaganda rules these people....they are not into reality. They just hate that a black man is in the White House...that's their basic problem...they were okay with excessive spending until a black man has to continue the spending to avoid a Depression. The HC bill will set us into the right direction in reducing the deficit and improving HC for Americans...HOW can they (T-baggers) be against that? "Stupid is as stupid does" I guess... Wrong on All Counts but u have no Worries Im sure u will be one of the Guards in the Gulags/FEMA camps they all shove us into...Along with Gary. They Count Medicaid Cuts Twice....Premiums will go UP and the IRS will take all of our disposable cash making all of the middle class the Blood sucking Government Vampires u love so much ...but then again that`s the Idea aint it? To make us all poor? So they can Increase there Voter base? Heh, I can smell POX puss all over that post...the reality is that the GOP are corporate shills...the GOP is a wholly owned subsiderary of BIG business...perpetuating the Corporate Socialisms that have ruined our country. Try CNN for a few weeks then maybe you'd have a clue... You mean The Communist News Network thank you |
soldiers are not all republicans. they realize that obama doing best he can. but for me if i was still in army. i would laid my weapon down. i refuse to fight while some rich conservative goes to college. so what makes conservative life batter then mine. Not all but enough are that I think the Military would "Set things right" If Obama Ran Afoul of the constitution Uh, that would be a traitorous action...but I only came in here to point out that there's no legal precedent for this...what a lame claim all together. More RW nutbaggery... And THE SUPREAMS ...set precedent aaaaand guess who has the 5-4 there at the moment |
WRONG....A soldiers oath is to protect defend and uphold the Constitution of the United States NOT the President
POX/FOX news is the ONLY true NEWS all the Rest are BIAS and do not even try to HIDE it anymore.And it is the MOST watched in AMERICA because they ARE so fair and Balanced
check it out. i,m a liberal. who believes in guns. amazing. but never have enough guns. cause you never know when the government going to come try to take whats mine. i.ll be ready. SHOCK and AWE me and Gary Agree on something... |