Asking Out a Waitress
"ask someone else who works there what time she gets off and wait for in the parking lot.......or find out where she hangs and be there..... hummmm not really sure"
That kinda sounds Stakerish |
what liberalism means to me.
Higher Taxes
Higher Gas Prices Economic Depression Less Security A Woman Going thru Menopause who has Her Hand No the Doomsday Button All VERY bad things |
Ugh .Panthers there going to Own us this year (Falcons Fan)
new here
Welcome to JSH Good Hunting
Bush outlaws free speech
Its All About FOX and all the Hot Ladies they got handing out the news E.D.,Gretchen ahhhhh
Dear GOD....
For helping me to Change the things I can Change, and helping me not to fear the ones I can not.
great first dates
oops sorry bro.
great first dates
Thats EASY.....If she easy to talk to laughs at my jokes thats a great date and deserves another.
Thanks Mike I appreciate the Fact you all are so good about answering Questions.....
bonds tied
Knox is Right the Media HATES Bonds but it NO ONES but Barry`s Fault.I am just Glad he will not hold it for very long...A-Rod just hit #500 in 6 or less seasons he will no longer hold the Record no that A-Rod Is a roll Model or anything his walk of shame out of a Toronto Hotel with a Woman that was not his wife is Proof of that.But Everyone from the Babe to Cobb were womanizers and Fans can Forgive that Cheating on the game in a STATS BASED SPORT is another matter....Barry may have NEVER tested Positive but he ADMITTED to a Grand Jury that he Used **the clear** (Accidentally...Sure Barry.) Barry is no Hero, Is no Home Run King and by the grace of God at 25 home runs a Year for A Rod Barry Bonds will be a Speed Bump in Sports History.....
WELLLLLLL when you had my Wife a Brief moments of loneliness are blessings T-minus 5 days till FREEEEEDOME
What was I thinkin'.....LOL
Just let it out do not plug your Nose Air is like Water always looking for an Exit....if you held your nose it could REALLY REALLY hurt
Ok I have A Problem......I just got Divorced most of My friends whom I would invite to this Site are Married and those that are not will only give me Yahoo or Hotmail accounts and it seems thse are not accepted.....I would really like to be Upgraded what do I do??
What was I thinkin'.....LOL
Throws in Derks Bently`s Song "What Was I thinkin" Thats for you babydoll LOL You oughts get a kick out of it LOL |
Your Name Is WHAT?? :-)
I have used RandomX or Random as my screen name for almost three years Why? cause you never really know what your going to get from me and sometimes I have X-tream points of view **wink**
Live Free Or Die Hard
Bush outlaws free speech
GWB you know what I mean LOL...
Bush outlaws free speech
And Yes I did Vote for GEB Twice am I all that thrilled with the Results he has produced? NO! with more free trade agreements (CAFTA)the SPP (Security and Prosperity Partnership) And his getting into bed with Teddy Kennedy on that Amnesty umm I mean Compromise Immigration Reform Act. As a Conservative I am Appalled and Des gusted. But given the Choices I had I erred on the side of my Social Beliefs and did what I had to do.....
Bush outlaws free speech
WTF..."most of the people who served in Vietnam were murderers anyway..." With Comments like that its no wonder America is So divided. Jeebus