Project Blue Beam ?
Ever hear of it ??? Most people would say it's just crazy talk. But if you're a critical thinker it all makes sense. check it out >>> In a related story . . . From USA Today: "YouTube to curb recommending conspiracy videos" Video network YouTube responded to critics who have long called on the Google company to clean up its recommendation engine and not offer conspiracy videos in suggested plays.
In a blog post posted Friday, YouTube said it will begin to reduce recommending "borderline content and content that could misinform users in harmful ways – such as videos promoting a phony miracle cure for a serious illness, claiming the earth is flat, or making blatantly false claims about historic events like 9/11." Remember Friends, Our beliefs are PURELY a choice... 'I think that chair will hold me when I sit.' Does it? We could BELIEVE it will not & never use it. No matter how sophisticated you think your religious or scientific beliefs are, you would be honest if you pursue some fact checking. ![]() Which brings me to my biggest concern; the exclusion of content from YouTube & others. Are we really going that far backwards as to CENSOR ?!?!?! This (global) society is becoming more & more speech & thought controlled by the second... and THAT is terrifying! It's even disturbing to think these comments will be saved for 'future incrimination'? BTW, technology is pretty far beyond what we are 'allowed' to know about generally. Project Blue Beam has PLENTY of factual basis. (My quick rant. I didn't take time to site sources, Sorry.) it's all about that information control... those who control the flow of information control the world.. it's a 6 to 8 year gap of technological lag release |
hail Dionysus
Project Blue Beam ?
the reason they won't is because as of right now the status quo is security to the nations involved. I can only see it being done in a power grab situation.
Project Blue Beam ?
it is basically plans for a false flag attack on a planet level. a false flag attack is when the uniforms and flag of one group are used to attack another group that are not part of the identified uniform or flag
it's rather easy to do buy they won't. |
I believe everyone is a spirit but with a shell...
such as our body's for use of our spirit... and when our body dies our spirits do not ... now anything can happen from there ... some believe in their kind of heaven ... some believe they come back ... can be just their spirits... to stay in touch with the... body spirit of another ... some say we can come back... becouse we did not learn a lesson in this life we... where suppose to ... there are all kinds of thoughts people have ... but I do believe a spirit is in our living body's... this spirit helps us be all we can in this life ... before our time on this temporary planet... we call home ... runs out ... I believe our thought of heaven ...our are own ... and pray that is where you want to go ... when it is your time ... and hope we are not disappointed to me the universe is our home ... and the universe makes those choices for us ... these are my own thought of life and the universe... and as for a God or Gods ... I give them... the a benefit of doubt ... and I do believe in miracles ... and believe we need more of them... to help our earth survive... your thoughts... how about a little twist? now imagine you as your own soul, the clothes you have on as your physical body... Now imagine going shopping for new clothes. many are convinced that the only way to take off this body is to die.., but like you do before going to sleep just take the clothes off and change.. |
actually there is ways around this and to remove the calsification from around your pituitary gland.
using/borrowing this
a blip in the expanse that is nothingness, there a moment but now gone forever.
but even a blip has consequence for me I see things as a matter of being sound vibrations together we have an experience like coming to the realization of the saying what is within shall be outside the micro and the macro that we are but a spec but giants to those within our bodies. |
pretty much same as urs....i yearn for death,now that all friends,family passed body is becoming a painful prison i wish to escape.i look forward to ""rejoicing with my dead,reborn-released loved ones"";crossing over-parting the veil..... look into "le petit mort" and "momento mori" bringing into account of self choice to let that part of us go serving our greater no longer. |
Im into the spirit theory and passing into either a new body or passing over into another density or dimension.I don't believe or follow any faith or belive in heaven or hell.Like Déjà vu is very interesting to me and dreaming can sometimes feel so real.But the feeling of Déjà vu,like your at a place that you know you haven't been to before in your lifetime but your can feel a connection to the location gets my mind ticking over.I believe our brains can go up to telepathy and more.
Tips hat Good subject thanks for posting it up! RESPAWN, last save activated |
Higher Dimensions
Anyone know how? all depends on your poison some use alcohol, drugs , jumping out of plans , bungy jumping , rocket riden , meditating , orgasms ,u.f.o. hitch hiking ,grenade juggling , sword swallowing , etc etc etc all depends on the person and sometimes , some use more then one best wishes on your hunt oh and death , but no one i know has come back to tell me about that one <shrug> so its just hear say I die just a little bit each morning if just for a few vanishing moments, like a vague day dream on passing winds. |
So what other religions are actually here and represented?
I'm a Shaman Nagual, so who else is around? |