Community > Posts By > ghostrider998
Why can't I find a nice guy?
I'm bored of feeling my self can I feel you chrissy
Need Suggestions, Advice
You need find the federal labor laws and read all the fine print and then get an appointment with a atturney, around here they don't charge for the first hour and you can get ALOT of free legal advice in an hour if you have all your ducks in a row when you go see one.
I only see two way out of this situation. Your friend is screwed and just gonna have to bend over and take in the a** or get a lawyer and sue the guy for $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ bucks |
women do they tell the truth
I like you, your kewl
NEED A MAN WITH A WIRE HANGER IN HIS PANTS (or something as long as that -- to hang my sheets to dry!) I think I might, I think I can help you out. |
women do they tell the truth
That was some great popcorn, You should have a BUDWISER too it makes the popcorn even better.
women do they tell the truth
thanks heart
Long time ago I was dating this chick that was useing a few drugs. She really loved me, but I have to leave after one day I droped her off to buy some more and the next thing I know she's running back to my truck screaming and theres three bad a** mexicans shooting holes in my truck, good thing they were to high to shoot streat.
women do they tell the truth
↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM Popcorn can I have some too? |
if you sent someone
B or C, depends on what mood im in.
women do they tell the truth
Na they just streach the truth into a nimposible to understandable words.
SINGLE or TAKEN? - part 16
I need some desert, I like it juicy and hot
I'm hot and horrny 2 nite!
Why can't I find a nice guy?
I like nice guys....... Cause then I can mold them..... Into the bad guys I love!!!! HHmmm I don't like molding |
Why can't I find a nice guy?
One moment let me fire up the grill I'll make you a nice juicy steak and a backed potatoe. You like grilled peppers?
Why can't I find a nice guy?
The only way I want a nice guy is if he's freaking hot and can cook. Otherwise, away with them! Bring on the azzholes, what I usually date.... I don't know what you call freaking hot, but I can cook up a mean chocolate fudge cake. |
Why can't I find a nice guy?
MY NICE GUY APPLICATION: To Chrissy.To begin I'm gentle and caring, a lover not a fighter, a good listener, will do anything for a friend, and when it comes to that time in a relationship I'll give you an everlasting pleasure that only a nice guy can give you. Ghost, that is very nice. I have to be honest. This thread was started as a joke. The fact that it's reached nine pages makes it even funnier. I hope you have a great time playing in the forums. I'm not in the market for a nice guy or otherwise. I'm very busy finding myself though. LOL Again, have fun and enjoy this thread. wow...someone sharing something real..only to be told this was all a in point of nice guys finishing fact...not evening finishing at all..cause they are not even in the race.. Rocco, if you actually read the thread from the beginning, I state very clearly it was a homage to another thread about nice guys. I only re-stated it to make sure he understood. I thought I was being considerate. So are you now saying that nice guys can't ready therefore finish last or are not in the race. Because that's discrimination. smoke and mirrors, lies and deceit...get the f*c out the kitchen if you can't stand the i said, all is fair in love & war and those that aren't privy to this will get eat dog, and yes, nice guys are not even in the race..the poor lad that responded, do you think he is in the race to win your affection...hell no, why - cause this is all a joke to you, for him, I strongly suspect it was not; therefore, he is not even in the race...need I make the dots closer so that you can make the connection. Roko Roco I think you could use a beer and a smoke and just chill out, this poor lad wasn't born yesterdsy, By the way nice guys RULE!!, Nice guy still her if any one still looking. |
HHHMMMMM Let me think about that???? Nice guy gets the hot belly dancer that wants to cuddled and carressed and love and hugged and kissed and loved and hugged
if everything was free... |