and here I thought nobody even read these posts!!! LMAO thanks for all the input, and a couple of you made great points in your replies. As I say, good luck to all. At least I now have confirmed, I'm not the only one out there wondering WTF
I knew that after my divorce I would need some time, and definitely want some time before even thinking about dating again. Three years later, after very few dates, I guess mostly because of my own personal prefereences and shyness, I have yet to meet but one quality person. I really didn't think with all the lonely people out there, it would justly take this long. I have discovered that women, unfortunately, just like men, are very particular about looks more than personality. Does anyone look at a picture, of a person, maybe just someone in the grocery store or here on this site, and think to themselves "wow, he /she isn't a 10, but they seem to be having fun and might be great to get to now---what can it hurt". So I ask you, am I wrong? Is it supposed to be this tough? Can anyone just get past the looks and find out what else lies beneath. I understand that most of the time, its looks that attract and bring us into wanting to know a person---after all, its the very first impression and no one knows anything about another person until they spend time together....but seriously, is there another way I am missing? Last thought----whats wrong with me? Reality self-imposed is that I am not a 10, hell I'd be lucky to be a 7, but there is just so much more, and no one gives that chance. Any comments are welcome! Good luck to all.