Community > Posts By > TadpoleAddy
Has anyone else noticed...?
You'd think someone would warn them though.
"So, does all that hair on your face make you man, or are you just upside down?" ![]() |
Has anyone else noticed...?
I'm not putting gays and lesbians into a section of the population that is "outside the normal", Fear. I happen to be a lesbian, and I was asking about lesbians because I don't go looking around dating sites for men. Therefore I have no idea whether the vast majority on those sites are attractive or not. When you have whole sites that are made up by almost entirely attractive people with a few less than attractive ones, you do get a little suspicious.
Furthermore, what's up with those weird guys who label themselves as "woman seeking woman" when they clearly are NOT a transgender person? Do they just think they'll get hits from bi girls, that they will somehow magically seduce lesbians, or do you think that they just forgot to change the drop down menu? Mysteries of the internet... |
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Brooklyn? Better get us some "cawfee" then.
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Only when I run down old grannies.
How many doorknobs does your home have? |
How fares the profile?
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Thank you very much!
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Has anyone else noticed...?
Oldsage, I'm not judging anyone or being negative. I'm asking questions about lesbian dating and wondering why so many girls are forced to resort to online dating instead of being able to go out into their own communities to date people.
There's nothing negative about it, especially since I'm now a part of this site and I intend to find a girlfriend for myself (whether through online dating or involving myself in the community more.) And I WAS writing personally, just so you know. The only time I don't write personally is when I'm roleplaying. But even then, I inject a bit of my personality into my characters. As for the "tough" thing, it's mostly just talk. My friends know I'm just messing around and pretending to be mean, but I've got a big smile on my face the entire time. I just find it hard to trust people, and fairly recently let my friends hug me without me shrugging them off. I just never liked people being close to me as I was always really conscious about personal space. Not to mention I had a high body temperature, martial arts training, and a resting heart rate of 140bpm which all made me feel extremely anxious about letting people get that close. After I got on the thyroid meds and everything slowed down, I felt a lot better and way more open to the touchy feely stuff. It's funny though, because for all the tough stuff I talk, my friends tend to come to me if they have problems or secrets they want to share. And like I said in my profile, they jump behind me when there's trouble. If one of them gets told that they are going to be beaten up by some bitchy chick, they'll stay quite close to me for the rest of the day. As for the chicken incident? My friend had never been around chickens, which run at you when you have food. So she thought they were all coming to attack her, so she hid behind me, clutching my jumper while she squealed. Doesn't matter what it is. My "tough" honesty, calmness and humour even in bad situations is what my friends like about me. If someone they care about has just died, I tend to say "Oh well. I'm hungry. Suck it up and let's get something to eat." And it makes them laugh, even though if someone else did it they'd be pissed off. For some reason, they just trust me to be like that. I guess it's like being that rock that they can cling to, because I haven't changed even though everything else has. I act as the strong and silent type, but I'm really a softie on the inside. I just try not to show it. I pretend I don't like it when people hug me, but secretly I do. (When it's the right person.) =] |
How fares the profile?
There we go. Smiley pictures are now up. Along with my fuzzy wuzzy kitty and baby self.
How fares the profile?
I'm no thug - it's just my job to beat them up. =]
All the ones I had of me doing smiley things were too blurry, which is a bit of a shame. Plus, I have a horrible smile. I look like a vampire. Oh, wait...I think I do have one on Facebook. I'll grab that from there and stick it up. |
Has anyone else noticed...?
...How am I putting on a tough act? I'm just wondering why so many of the supposedly attractive girls find it hard to get dates, when society says that they are the ones that are supposed to have the most.
Hell, if I could, I'd be collecting them. But all the girls I like seem to be overseas. =[ |
How fares the profile?
I'm alright. Yeah, I'm joining in. I've posted a few of my poems and I'm playing "Ask A Silly Question, Get A Silly Answer" on the other forum.
Because God wanted tiny little beasts to steal my chicken wings.
![]() Have you ever heard a cat fart? |
-Takes a bow.- Personally, this is my favourite of all the poems I've ever written.
How fares the profile?
Hey. How's it going?
Has anyone else noticed...?
Edited by
Sat 02/13/10 02:31 AM
It seems kind of strange to me that upon trolling around on multiple lesbian dating sites, I found that so many of the attractive girls are single. You're made to think by the general community that internet dating is for people who fit into the categories of ugly, losers who can't get dates face to face, serial killers and rapists, self obsessed lunatics, and fake profiles made by the dating site themselves. It almost shocks me that this isn't always the case, and it's sort of sad. I think a lot of these people are probably lovely girls; it just makes me wonder WHY. What do you all think?
- Is it because we girls aren't trained to approach other women so we're forced to look online in fear of being rejected? - Are you afraid of dating someone in your home town because you aren't completely out? - Are people in your town conservative/homophobic? - Is your town so small that the Gay Population = You ? - Are lesbians where you are just not your type? If so, what IS your type? - Do you just live in a remote area and can't connect with the people around you? - Do you have a hard time convincing people that you ARE in fact a lesbian even though you aren't butch and wearing flannelet shirts? - Are people just scared to approach you in lesbian bars/events because of the fact you are attractive? Or is there some other reason that you think so many of these girls are having a hard time finding a person to date? Are we just too picky? I'd love to hear some other opinions on this. |
I stand upon this lush green earth To wait for what will come The tendrils creeping softly now To greet the morning sun. The mist she is my sister My brother is the sea My family are the raindrops That fall softly around me. Dewdrops upon the sails Condensation on the oar I stand and watch the morning tide As I have done before. It's hard for me to think now It was so long ago That I was standing by your side Sailing tidal flow. I remember that spot you took me When upon we reached the land You showed me that great waterfall And softly held my hand. It was morning too, that day With mist upon the water We did not speak a word; just stood A pirate and his daughter. Silence is as silence does A time set to reflect We sat beneath the waterfall And took time to connect. But that never lasted long That precious memory Blocked out by the blood I've spilled Upon the seven seas. Just like the mist over waterfalls, My memories are not whole. They fade and flicker on a whim, Like whispers of a soul. Upon this wooden deck I stand Staring at the sea Father I'll soon be with you My necklace now hangs free. It's time to dance the hempen jig In chains of iron wrought They'll strangle me here upon the gallows Until my breath is naught. |
Edited by
Sat 02/13/10 02:16 AM
Yes, and we bite their heads off with our mouth pincers when we're done.
Why do cheeseburgers enjoy sticking to my lips? |
How fares the profile?
Um...Dirka dirka Muhammad Jihad?
I have no clue what you just said. |
I'm an Aussie, and personally I love SOME types of French and English accents, as well as Irish and Spanish. European chicks. -Drools.-
My accent is horrible though. I sound like a bloke. |