Just dropping the thread in here, who knows what could happen
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Define Atheism
Do you consider someone an Atheist when: They are an Anti-Theist (Against theism in general) or They simply lack faith in any kind of belief that is unfounded by evidence. I describe myself as an Atheist because I am against the idea of organized religion. However that may just be me. Any thoughts? I can't remember who said it but: "Atheism is a Religion in the same way that 'bald' is a hair-colour" |
Who's into Photography?
Edited by
Wed 02/03/10 04:11 PM
O_O may i add you as my contacts? i love love love your photographs.. Hey, of course! More the merrier ![]() What about you? Are you much of a togger yourself? I've only been really at it for about 6 months now - think I'm -just- starting to get to grips with it as a hobby :) M x |
Unusually Blunt - part 2
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Tue 02/02/10 05:27 PM
Are you where you thought you'd be at this point in your life? Hell no, and I love it ![]() Have you ever just dropped everything and changed your entire life? |
All quiet on the UK front
Scotland here.. i didnt even reakise there was a uk bit. Happening people? The activity seems to come and go - Nothing for days then a flurry of posts all of a sudden. We're out there though :) |
T's Randomness Room - part 2
![]() ![]() *hugs* Sucks when that happens Just thought I'd pop my head back in here lest you all think I'd forgotten you :p If you are in the forest and a tree falls on you does it make a sound? If a man stands in a forest and speaks his mind - so that no woman hears - is he still wrong? ![]() |
Edited by
Sun 01/31/10 11:32 PM
I used to [think I was shy], but I've wised up now
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365 + 8
Nothing got accomplished with healthcare. It just seems like a pattern forming that what this administration is trying isn't working with the facts we have(not WHAT IF'S) It's tough to get things done when everywhere you turn your political 'opponents' are busy slandering you as a person, and throwing largely meaningless mud whilst moving to block every effort for change you bring. He got -some- healthcare through. That's incredible given the childish, malignant and frankly quite offensive natures of the opposition. Now, having run out of personal slants to stop him getting his measures through, you'll turn to pointing out that he -can't- be a good leader, because he hasn't got some of his measures completely through? Give me a break. That is totally absurd. Maybe you should focus a little more on the fact that the Democrats, with huge majorities, couldn't get the job done. I'm tired of hearing people complaining about Republican obstruction when its totally meaningless. The Democrats couldn't agree.. That is the problem. Obstruction within their ranks.... Everything wrong with American government was on public display... and the Democrats have no one to blame but themselves.. Democrats just don't get angry enough to steam-roll their policy through eh? Cutting sarcasm aside, I'll have to agree with you - they're not helping themselves - each of them has an idea of what would be 'best' for the country and they debate it endlessly. I'd still rather see that than meaningless, popularist mud-flinging though. |
365 + 8
Nothing got accomplished with healthcare. It just seems like a pattern forming that what this administration is trying isn't working with the facts we have(not WHAT IF'S) It's tough to get things done when everywhere you turn your political 'opponents' are busy slandering you as a person, and throwing largely meaningless mud whilst moving to block every effort for change you bring. He got -some- healthcare through. That's incredible given the childish, malignant and frankly quite offensive natures of the opposition. Now, having run out of personal slants to stop him getting his measures through, you'll turn to pointing out that he -can't- be a good leader, because he hasn't got some of his measures completely through? Give me a break. |
Rush's Open Letter to Obama
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Sun 01/31/10 08:50 AM
so⋅cial⋅ism –noun 1. a theory or system of social organization that advocates the vesting of the ownership and control of the means of production and distribution, of capital, land, etc., in the community as a whole. 2. procedure or practice in accordance with this theory. ( Government involvement in banks and auto industry, redistrubution of money through taxation and social programs, etc.) Just my opinion^ Good point, and well made. Government involvement in the banks was necessary to keep the US economy afloat - and besides the bailout was Bush's thing. As for the motor industry - forcing GM into bankruptcy was counter-socialist as regards the above definition - the only other option other than bankruptcy was government monetary aid - as it happens GM pulled a neat trick - bankruptcy of some it's minor subsidiaries resulting in minimal job-loss or disruption (as compared to the scale of disruption Government intervention would've caused - think 3-400% of the job-losses we've seen plus major scaling back in spending) plus it very specifically left the companies concerned in the free market and outside of crippling government oversight. As for healthcare - I can see how people come to call it socialist, but isn't that a good thing in this case? Plus, working the maths you get better care (I'll revise that to 'wider-reaching' or 'less-class-ist' if toys get thrown out of prams), for less investment per head. Also, I am apologising now for my argumentative nature - I'm really not trying to call anyone stupid. I live for intelligent debate and I'll never descend into personal slants or slights. "Insight is knowing you were wrong once, True enlightenment is knowing you will be wrong again, and again." - anon Keep it coming! ![]() <<edit - horrible, horrible misquote :s>> |
Rush's Open Letter to Obama
As someone outside the whole media circus that is modern America - I'd like you to clarify just exactly -where- Obama has failed?
You make points in your open letter about his failure to lead the way - but you provide no examples of how and when this has hurt America. Also, if you're arguing that he's pushing against the general vein of common thought you should know even Obama is farr, farr too right-wing to get elected in Britain - so before you go slandering and throwing mud you ought to take a step back and look at what the rest of the world thinks. Most of Europe are behind USA taking a step to the left - have you noticed how suddenly France is back on-side? Who held up Copenhagen? Kyoto was held up (at least in part) by the Bush administration refusing to commit to, frankly, negligible cuts in emissions. Copenhagen was held up by the Chinese, with one of the loudest voices condemning their stubborn stance coming from the US. Now, I'm not saying that Obama is going to solve all the world's problems and I'm certainly not saying he's perfect - but he is helping America. As for your not-so-subtle allusion to Obama's administration being Socialist and/or Communist. Wow. I'd also like to bring a wee note of attention to your mention that America is a country based on Liberty, Free markets and faith. Faith? Need I dig out the innumerable quotes from your founding fathers that show they very specifically wanted faith to play no part in the running of the country? Need I dig out and display the secular nature of your constitution? The UK is a country based on Faith - you really want to be like us? I'm fed up with the unsubstantiated mud-slinging masquerading as political comment in America (yes, I am looking at you, Fox). Lastly I apologise if I'm sounding angry and confrontational, but I'm angry and confrontational so that's how it comes across. M |
Looking back on the year what ONE memory stands out to you the most in a positive way? Passing my Air Transport Pilot's Licence - I've wanted it for as long as I can remember and in December I -finally- nailed it ![]() |
Truly Goth
*** fallnstar, an ELEGANT goth hardly qualifies for a Gorh at all!!! But falls nicely into the category of 'hot' ![]() |
All quiet on the UK front
Why would you want to leave? This place is THE bestest. ![]() The bestest? Well, I've not seen much out there that's better so in leu of more information I shall agree with you ![]() |
All quiet on the UK front
*waves* Evening. You're right, us brits do seem to keep our heads down a fair bit around here (I may be the exception that proves the rule a little...) But welcome nonetheless and don't be afriad to stick it to the ex-colonials - there's some loverly people on here ![]() M Does that mean we will be seeing a lot more of you? That would be good, so come on, you have a long way to go to 10,000 posts. ![]() Why I think it just might ![]() You'll want rid of me lonnng before I get to 10k :p M |
Who's into Photography?
O_O the rose is astonishing @_@ Hey thanks - It's completely outside what I usually do (aircraft, Scenary, Macro stuff). ![]() I always post my stuff as free to download on Flickr and if you want a print you can get it dirt cheap: http://www.flickr.com/photos/mikebert4/3694007372/ |
T's Randomness Room - part 2
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Yup. Head hurty :( But Morning all nonetheless! ![]() |
All quiet on the UK front
Evening. You're right, us brits do seem to keep our heads down a fair bit around here (I may be the exception that proves the rule a little...) But welcome nonetheless and don't be afriad to stick it to the ex-colonials - there's some loverly people on here ![]() M |
Richard Dawkins' The God Delusion
It's pretty measured compared to some of his lectures and earlier essays. |
On that last comment, you get a couple more, my man. Though, the topless picture drops you a point at least :p I'd go with a 6/10 peace. NO HOMO make that 5 ![]() |