I don't think trust is a male/female thing, it's a human thing, either you have trust issues or you don't. And if you do, you need to work on yourself before you try to get into a relationship. Otherwise, all you're going to do is keep ****ing it up. I have trust issues but it's not because I expect bad things to happen. I go into every relationship as free from baggage as is possible for any person who has been in a previous (bad) relationship. I give every person I date a clear chance to be who they are with hopes we will actually be compatible. So far, each time, I've been betrayed in some way. I think the biggest problem that begins the relationship breakdown is people trying to be someone other than who they truly are in the beginning of a relationship, then 6 months - 1 year down the line they're tired of pretending. Their partner, however, has stayed with them because they enjoy the created persona and believe it to be true. When the person starts incorporating their true self into the relationship, things change and breakdown begins. Yeah I know.. I tend to ramble. Sorry =) |