Community > Posts By > MattHelm1969
Yeah i'm not here to pay to gab and chatter like women
i'm here to find a lover i've done all suggested, resetting even registering new account, all settings step by step nothing but supposed female profiles somehow matching me without me even seeing them before let alone matching them and 99% from way beyond my postal code range settings. even those from my same city never reply and i doubt, by their spelling and language even geography like Calgary, Halifax or Calgary, Newfoundland even real. Why am i getting matched to files i've never matched too. I even got matched to a woman i blocked. I get email messages, 'she wants to meet you reply to her now', out of these several not a single has ever responded at all, let alone to 'meet'. those from very same town i am never even reply to MY overtures either there is some good news for real men here google, yahoo and microsoft have all completed their online fraud investigations for the US State Dept and FBI and concluded 99.9% fraud, sites and 'female profiles' they offer free access for you to check photos, akas and email addresses and contribute to some sites even reward you for contributing to evidence just don't forget to sign up for the 'class action lawsuit' if promised personally the private Google confirming the federal FBI has convinced my experience here the ONLY confirm scams here ZERO confirm date as i'm not the kind of mangina to pay a hook-up site for gossip y'all take care good luck ![]() |
filter not working
Edited by
Sat 04/22/17 10:46 PM
markcephus i did all that still no joy
I've done as explained by customer service link by link setting by setting, upgraded to premium gold and upgraded to priority preference for one month STILL receiving messages ONLY from those I've excluded blocked out, texas etc when i am 100km only calgary and MATCH2 not only keeps sending me emails saying i MATCHED with someone I've never even seen let alone 'matched' before but emails insisting i should 'reply to immediately' someone who 'wants to meet me' NOT A SINGLE OF THESE FEMALE PROFILES EVER RESPONDS SAVE TO GIVE A WEBPAGE EMAIL ADDY OR REQUEST YOUR OWN As for MY searches and matches, say Calgary, again NOT A SINGLE ONE OF THE WOMEN SUPPOSEDLY FROM CALGARY AREA HAS EVER RESPONDED INCLUDING THOSE MATCHED INCLUDING THOSE WHO MATCHED ME I'VE NEVER SEEN THEM I'M EVEN GETTING EMPTY PROFILES NO PHOTO, NO INFO i prepaid for 3 month plan, what kind of refund can i get? ![]() ps...i haven't found a single female account whether you claim they matched me i or i tried to contact them that has filled in ANY of the profile questions you insist we must fill up i feel like i'm being encouraged to risk everything here and they gals if exist absolutely nothing but advantage "i'll tell you later" "hi" i can't count how many hours i've wasted here as if victim of some big practical joke, save costing me real money and giving out personal feelings/preferences for nothing |
Look at the profile of the man who claims to have. His home town is listed as "by the Wallmart". Look at the profile of the mexican looking woman who also states in her statement that she is NOT here to email or date, just for the forums. And her address is "Some town in mid California?" Look at the profile of the next woman claiming she's met "many" others. If someone from Toronto can not meet ANYONE, how is it that she from "Wasilla ,alaska, United States" has MET so many? I've only been a fully paid gold member for a week now, but was on previously longer. I have thirty some 'Matches' no less, NONE of which even live in the same PROVINCE even then, NONE of whom have ever replied to me save the scammer pornstar/wannabe. In fact, when I complained and felt happy not to cancel because i was led through steps to confirm that i had indeed set my settings correctly to 'filter' contact by only those within 100mi of me, ever since i have ONLY received contact from people in Texas, LA, Missouri, Florida etc while i live in Calgary. And since one week passed, I have received NOTHING at all from anyone, let alone responses from Customer Service about all this. They said it might be some sort of 'bug', no idea when a fix might be out. But if you do a search on the internet, you find NO-ONE has gotten a date here. And again, EVERY SINGLE PERSON YOU FIND WHO CLAIMS TO HAVE DATED ON ONE OF THESE SITES NOT ONLY REFUSES TO PROVE IT BY REVEALING THEIR REAL NAMES AS THEY CLAIM ON THEIR FACEBOOKS, EVEN WHEN SUPPOSEDLY MARRIED, THEY ALL ALSO HAVE RIDICULOUS LOCATIONS "Wasilla ,alaska, United States" "Next to the Wall-mart in a Washington town" "some town in central Mexico" 70 years old though born in 1965 and so on. You try to contact these people on the internet and their file no longer exists. Worse, you get the 'rubes' here who you can see are guys looking here who repeat this bs to sucker in more guys to waste money and time and expose themselves to extortion and blackmail. Oh yeah, if you hadn't checked on you-tube, as soon as you dial their phone or skype or im line, they ghost your devices, not only camera, catching you jacking off or just picking your nose, but also your audio 'anytime'. People have had conversations recorded in meetings all by this "innocent" 'you should be happy just to speak in a forum'. So PLEASE, tell EVERY GUY you can, especially those who are telling others "i know because someone told me so" I came here because the internet monitoring sites said this place had not been 'proven fraud' yet, and of course try to be an optimist, hold out hope. But right now, no. I've seen the same frauds you have, profiles of once famous actresses. I reported a porn star known to have been involved not only in extortion, stalking, harassment and assault but men's suicides too, and NOTHING. She has no doubt dished her own pics that would have to link to her webcam video, which itself is a crime because if you don't notice, they have no right to ask for your credit card information, you are giving away your info for nothing. her professional name is Michellexoxo or Michelle Shotte or Madsen or a thousand other variants i myself have seen, she'll pop up as an asian, then after weeks of you waiting to get a date, she'll admit "hey lover its me, hahahaha" there are women, and i guess some men pretending to be women, here who even if not scamming and stealing identity, just like to play games with guys just like the women who just like to make a forum and keep guys paying for it just to tease I WOULD LOVE TO SEE PROOF SOMEONE HERE IS ACTUALLY DATING SOMEONE ELSE FROM HERE, PLEASE, PROVE IT TO ME. ANYONE FROM CALGARY, ALBERTA CANADA, JUST CONTACT ME, WE'LL MEET FOR COFFEE JUST TAKE A PHOTO OF EACH-OTHER AND POST IT TO PROVE IT IS EVEN POSSIBLE HERE YEAH? You would think services like Mingle2 would outright pay people who met to prove they had as commercials. Yes, no, anyone? ![]() |
I had contacted and received specific assistance from customer care to make sure i had indeed made my settings correctly to ensure ONLY those within 100mi of me would contact let alone match me.
Instead of solving the problem, now it is ALL i have received since. ONLY those from too far away and matching me when i've never matched them, even seen them before. And its been over a week now and absolutely none of those 'local', whether they matched me or i matched them, ever respond. This even without the message 'account removed'. Anyone? ![]() |
mile from home filter
no same as you
in fact when i contacted customer support to get confirmed assistance to make sure i set up my profile to screen ONLY for locals NOW I ONLY GET FOREIGNERS. and NONE of the local women have ever contacted/replied to me more than once same as the other sites declared frauds scams how about you? ![]() |