butane tank
I think as a auxilery tank it would be fine. I have a couple friends that used them for auxilery tanks with no problems. You will only be running a little over a hundred pounds. Just purge it good first, even without the smell, I would purge it.
butane tank
Would be cheaper to buy a compressor unless you are just looking for extra storage. You can add it to an existing tank for extra storage. Trying to modifiy it to a compressor would not be worth the expense in my opinion.
Just did the unlock the car door thing and it actually worked.
It Is The End Of The World!
That is the main reason I always overfill the rear axle of my car. Always have gel replacement available. Just slide under there and grab you a handful. Best used with black hair...LOL
Democrat or Republican?
I have not been impressed with anyone in goverment in a long time. Our picks are rather limited in my opinion. It seems they will promise anything to get elected then break that promise. They just take a chance on what promise they think will get them the most votes. Personally I am tired of the whole mess. I am near 60, I have seen the lost of so much freedom over my lifetime. I have not voted in the last 12 years. Not seen one candidate that I would want over the other. I would vote for the man, if a good man every run for office.