no, dont listen to him! old guys need to stick to old womens. I really hope a day doesnt come when I have to compete against some old guy for a girl... that would be embarrasing... for him of course. ;)
Saying what you mean
If someone who gets too drunk to remember what they say or too high too remember what they say, says something hurtful to others and claims not to remember, they are still fully responsible for what they said. It doesn't matter if you don't remember. It still hurt the other person. One of my favorite pet peeves in dealing with drinkers or druggers. They think they should be allowed an out if they state they were high and don't remember. NOT!!!! you both are spot on |
letting go
Ok in my time here on the forums, I see this come up. How do you let go of something or someone? what advice would you give someone? disclaimer: No this isn't something going on with me. Just a general question ![]() jack d works pretty good |
I do, I think the pics people post of themselves is a reflection, in a way, of how you see yourself. You pick and choose them before you post them on for others to see, so the ones you dont like you just dont put on.
So what everyone here sees is kinda the way you see yourself, in a way. |
19/f/uk needing tlc
sry dont answer my stupid question-- drunk and posting
Men lieing about their age
I pass anywhere between 21 and 26 ;) take your picks... no cheating!
single parents
how do single parents get back out into the dating world? where do you go to meet said dates? friend of a friend -- make sure its a good friend tho |
lol what is it with people, you know what cheating and being dishonest is no one needs to tell you, unless you were born yesterday come on.
19/f/uk needing tlc
sry dont mean to throw this thread off topic but what is TLC? thats that band right? with the one eyed chick?
ARE YOU available
![]() ![]() lol but are you warm and cuddly? I think thats what he really wants |
Blessed blessed thats good to hear. I cant hardly keep my mind on one thing for more than a minute |
both games are awesome it just sucks that I suck so much at them. f'in old guys are better than me at it, and kids, and girls too. I can hardly claim myself as a guitar hero! man it just sucks
Bad dating habits
I call of of my guy friends names like "cupcake, sprinkles" or "sugar plum". You should see the reactions on people's faces when we call each other buy "nicknames" in public hahahaha yea me too man lol, I've actually pissed a girl off before cause she found out my buddys nickname by me is "sugar" and she assumed sugar was special for her only. It was special for her, but that doesnt necessarily mean I dont call other people that too lol |
kinda drunk how are you all feeling?
what's the deal?
besides these forums how else are you supposed to meet people on this, much less even let people know you exist?
dude youre pushing your bicep up with your other hand lol Are you kissing it too seriously? lol
What is...
wow so I'm way off the whole semi-serious thing.
What is...
if I were to consider myself semi-serious with a girl then to me it would mean... Exclusive, but I'm not ready to move on to the next level yet. Dont take it personally and dont get pissed! I'm just not ready yet. Hang on.
What turns you on
I like when the girl surprises me with somethin out of the blue, gives me that warm and fuzzy feeling. Like I'm not the only one who tries
casual, I really hate on a first date when the girl gets all dressed up. Not only is it intimidating, for many reasons, but also I'm just not the dress-up kinda guy. Jeans and a tshirt, I might wear a button shirt or somethin but thats as nice as it gets. I definitely cover the whole bill for the night no matter what it is, I'm the lucky guy after all right. Second or third date we can split it. Why do you hate when she dresses up? Just because you don't like to? Do you tell them you only like dressing casually? Yea I've had a few "casual" type dates where the girl shows up in like a really nice dress, heels, the whole bit. And I'm like in jeans and tennisshoes, its just kinda awkward. Like what do you do with that, you cant really go walk in the park, she's got heels on. You cant really go ballroom dancing (not that I would anyway just sayin) cause I'm way underdessed for it, unless you wanna go home with me or meet up later after I change. Yea right? Balance. |