Community > Posts By > DiamondGirlFL

DiamondGirlFL's photo
Mon 09/15/08 04:26 PM
I agree.. :)

DiamondGirlFL's photo
Mon 09/15/08 04:25 PM
My point exactly. Music is to enjoy, not argue over. :)

DiamondGirlFL's photo
Mon 09/15/08 04:23 PM
It was with a friend of my sons, who commented on "old music"..but, you are isnt worth an arguement.I told him when a song/group of today is still around and famous in 20 years, we will

DiamondGirlFL's photo
Mon 09/15/08 04:21 PM
Honestly, I have tried to like it..oh well, I was a teenager in the 1970s'..what can I

DiamondGirlFL's photo
Mon 09/15/08 04:20 PM
I joke about it with my kids as well, turning the dial or changing the cd to classic rock just to annoy, I like it loud and proud..:)

DiamondGirlFL's photo
Mon 09/15/08 04:15 PM
I seem to get into a heated discussion everytime I mention I don't care for hip hop/rap music.It all tends to sound the same. Is that a bad or good thing?

DiamondGirlFL's photo
Mon 09/15/08 04:08 PM
How true..thank goodness my rather out of date computer runs on a wish and a

DiamondGirlFL's photo
Mon 09/15/08 04:07 PM
LOL...Love it!

DiamondGirlFL's photo
Mon 09/15/08 04:05 PM
I am new to commenting and chats..but, decided to jump in, even though I am not too sure if I will sink or swim...

DiamondGirlFL's photo
Mon 08/25/08 01:57 PM
I had an experience where I met a guy on a phone chat line..(don't ask, I don't know why I tried that..) and we decided to meet. He took me to dinner, for a walk on the beach, we had a nice evening. Then, a few days later, my phone rings, I see his work cell phone number on the screen, so expecting him, I answer. It wasnt was a woman, who explained to me she was his wife and she wanted to know who I was. He told me he was separated, in the process of a divorce. All total lies. He proceeded to send me flowers at my job and call me, full of apologizes. All I could think was "why me?".

DiamondGirlFL's photo
Mon 08/25/08 01:51 PM
I havent dated much in the last few years. Part of that was due to health issues, but also because I was unsure of how find someone who was simply a nice guy. I have chatted with what I though were nice guys, only to have them send me unrequested nude photos, etc. The last date I went on was nice, then, of all things, I ended up getting sick and went into the hospital the next day. I think my friend was a little freaked out, and even though he was very sweet, he stopped returning my emails. I got the message. Who wants to start a relationship/friendship like that? I made bad choices throughout my life, had a horrible marriage, and now, I lack self assurance. I don't need someone to rescue me, just be a friend, with no expectations. I know how to be a wonderful friend in return. I feel a little short changed, like life is passing me by. Does that make any sense?

DiamondGirlFL's photo
Mon 12/10/07 07:01 PM
glasses i remember when too, and sometimes that is a little good times, good music, good memories.

DiamondGirlFL's photo
Mon 12/10/07 06:59 PM
glasses And...well, the music simply rocked. How many of todays superstars will still be around and well known in 20 or 30 years?

DiamondGirlFL's photo
Mon 12/10/07 06:57 PM
glasses i was a child of the 60s and 70s, and everything seemed simpler then. my friends and i rode bikes all over, stayed out playing games in the yards and hung out at the local park with no threats or dangers lurking nearby. There was trust then, for the most part. Yes, there was strife in the world, Vietnam was front page news, but it still was a more innocent time, and a time of self discovery, not one of "do it because you saw it on television". There was less copycating and more orginality everywhere.

DiamondGirlFL's photo
Mon 12/10/07 06:52 PM
glasses thanks for saying that. it is nice to hear that a guy actually thinks that way.

DiamondGirlFL's photo
Mon 12/10/07 06:50 PM
glasses it is the same way on this side. extremely attractive men sometimes cannot carry an interesting conversation for very long, unless it is about them and thier accomplishments. i would take an average sweet guy who loves to laugh over that any time!

DiamondGirlFL's photo
Mon 12/10/07 06:48 PM
i wonder the same thing. i know there are nice interesting guys out there, but meeting one who isnt looking for "the perfect woman" is hard to find. i hope that doesnt sound too harsh, it is just how i feel sometimes.glasses

DiamondGirlFL's photo
Thu 07/19/07 08:57 AM
a question worth thinking about....
1)go back in time and make different choices
2)be able to travel anywhere i wanted whenever i wanted
3)find true love with the right person

DiamondGirlFL's photo
Sun 07/08/07 09:36 AM
i love tats on a man...not all over everywhere, but ones that have meaning to him and are in the right places.
i have been looking for one or two for myself, as i have yet
to do that, but have always wanted to.

DiamondGirlFL's photo
Sun 07/08/07 09:31 AM
i am not too sure how to do this...but thought.."why not"
so if you would like to give me any advice or just would
like to say Hello...please do!!