Community > Posts By > Sweet_and_Sassy

Sweet_and_Sassy's photo
Wed 08/27/08 10:02 AM

Sweet_and_Sassy's photo
Mon 08/25/08 01:55 PM

The Withering Of A Flutter

When you have a broken heart
And it no longer pitter pats,
Where are the butterflies
That used to feel like bats?
The love I used to feel
You took away from me,
Now we'll never know my dear
If we were meant to be.

My heart feels so alone
It longs for no other,
There is no longer pitter pats
Just a withering flutter.
Time stood still that day
When reality had to set in,
Now I just sit back and wonder
Where do I begin?

I long for a flock of butterflies
To take over my heart,
So I can feel that fluttering again
When love does take part.
The withering of a flutter
Is a heart, no longer beating,
But the joy of a new love
Is the best kind of greeting.

tears flowers

Sweet_and_Sassy's photo
Sat 08/16/08 10:10 AM
Great Attitude!

Sweet_and_Sassy's photo
Thu 08/14/08 07:48 AM

Thanks Suze and Cat...Neosporin was already taken...
I don't think Neosporin will accomplish as much as you.

Sweet_and_Sassy's photo
Thu 08/14/08 07:46 AM

Thank you flame and Erica...true but sad.
You have a special way of writing what so many of us feel. flowers

And I got into yours, knowing these are the feelings you feel. One of many...

See how you are! flowerforyou

Sweet_and_Sassy's photo
Thu 08/14/08 07:41 AM

Thank you flame and Erica...true but sad.
You have a special way of writing what so many of us feel. flowers

Sweet_and_Sassy's photo
Thu 08/14/08 07:40 AM

Let Me Be Your Ointment

When you are suffering from pain
And the feeling hurts so bad,
Let me be your ointment, my dear
To heal what you have.
If you suffer a broken heart
Or misery from the split,
Let me be the rope that pulls you
From that bottomless pit.

If you need rescued from drowning
In the tears of your sorrow,
Let me be your soothsayer
So you can see tomorrow.
But if you have a cut or scrape
These I cannot heal,
But I will do the best I can
With your heart, I steal.

Very nice...:heart:

Sweet_and_Sassy's photo
Mon 08/11/08 08:57 AM

Sweet_and_Sassy's photo
Sun 08/10/08 08:46 PM
You have already lived so much that has been good, you have to know that more good is happening to you on a daily basis. Enjoy today and look forward to tomorrow.

Beautifully written, as always.flowerforyou

Sweet_and_Sassy's photo
Wed 08/06/08 02:42 PM

Unto Me...

Unto me...
You're on my favorites list,
Let it be...
A life of eternal bliss.

Unto me...
You know who you are,
You'll always be...
That bright shining star.

Unto me...
An angel I will always have,
Come to me...
And let's follow that path.

Unto me...
Is my bright guiding light,
She will see...
As we embrace through the night.

Beautiful flowerforyou

Sweet_and_Sassy's photo
Tue 08/05/08 12:19 AM
Just add a little spice to life and you have the perfect reciepe! :banana:

Sweet_and_Sassy's photo
Tue 08/05/08 12:08 AM

Take Me As I Am

No, I'm not Daddy Warbucks
And probably never will be,
I'm just a simple man living life
I'm just me...

No, I'm not a prince charming
But I get by, you see,
Because God's not finished yet
I'm just me...

No, I'm not Arnold Scharzenegger
Or as strong as the sea,
But I can carry my own weight
I'm just me...

No, I'm no Einstein or Hemingway
Although I would like to be,
But, I get by with what I have
I'm just me...

I do know I care a lot
With love, I will hold close to thee,
I am just a simple man
I'm just me...

I don't know who you are
Or whomever you will be,
Take me as I am, because
I'm just me...

Gee....sounds perfect to me flowerforyou

Sweet_and_Sassy's photo
Sat 08/02/08 09:15 PM

and it is all good! Hi missy

Sweet_and_Sassy's photo
Sat 08/02/08 09:07 PM
Of course there is

Sweet_and_Sassy's photo
Sat 08/02/08 02:38 PM
good story...also if you hop around too much you spill your coffee.....flowerforyou

Do you have time to sit and have some coffee with me?

Sweet_and_Sassy's photo
Sat 08/02/08 02:36 PM

Thanks everyone for all of your support and wonderful comments...

Thank you Susan...I know you saved this one.

Thanks Angel my always the words that are so beautifully expressed.

Thanks Pam(pkd)...Patience is great once that one special person comes along and makes it all worth while.

Thanks Cat...yes, I am fine. I was staying up so I could sleep while everyone else is awake.

Thanks Pam(pkh) will be a moment I so look forward too of not being let go.

Silly Wolf...I did not mean up as in awake...I meant you have been so happy for so long and now you seem unhappy...I hope your heart smiles again soon.

Sweet_and_Sassy's photo
Sat 08/02/08 02:33 PM

tender and sweet,you will find that angel

I'm sure she's out there floating around somewhere.

Thanks missbama...glad you liked it.
you know that she is out there and I don't think she is floating she is probably standing right in front of a virtual way of course

Sweet_and_Sassy's photo
Fri 08/01/08 08:11 AM

I've Been Down That Road Before

Been played the fool a many a time
Down the road of lost love,
My heart just follows along the path
Until it gets used up.
When the steam runs out of hope
Down the avenue of despair,
What you thought was meant to be
Now, just doesn't seem fair.

If you don't want to stick around
Then let my heart down easy,
I'm getting quite used to it
Till I'm so far knee deep.
I've been down that road before
It's like coming to a dead end,
You find love, it leaves you
Your heart can't make amends.

I'm so used to these streets
That send me in directions of pain,
That I know what to expect
When there's no love to gain.
Love is supposed to be a two way street
Where two hearts collide,
I'm waiting for that accident to happen
Where two hearts will abide.

flowerforyou flowerforyou flowers flowerforyou flowerforyou
Cheer up sound so down

Sweet_and_Sassy's photo
Fri 08/01/08 08:10 AM

Tender Are The Lonely Of Heart

When you are lonesome
And you feel lost without love,
Your world seems ending
With all you've given of.
What does it take
To keep someone true to heart,
Where you can spend eternity
Without it blowing apart.

Tender are the lonely of heart
Who would like someone just to hold,
Who they could wrap their arms around
And protect them from the cold.
Someone to kiss and give a hug
Or tell them a sweet sentiment,
To hold them for all eternity
Until it was time they went.

I've been without love for so long
The loneliness never evades,
It seems like that never ending love
Will ever prevade.
My heart would gladly open up
For someone who will truly accept,
Because inside of this man
There's plenty of love I have left.

You have been up for so everything okay?

Sweet_and_Sassy's photo
Thu 07/31/08 12:18 PM
I hope the visions fade away for you knowing that all involved are okay....