Community > Posts By > ezguy

ezguy's photo
Sat 08/04/07 12:02 PM
ya, there are so many 'truths' and absolute truth seems to be the one in question. I'd like to submit an absolute truth in the form of mathematics.

N + 0 = N
N * 1 = N

I think everyone can agree that both of those equations are true. Does that make it an absolute truth? To me, the funny part is that mathematics is an artifical language that represents only concepts but nothing really real.

ezguy's photo
Fri 08/03/07 01:02 PM
nice answer. I like it. Yes, I can accept experience as my own personal pointer to truth. But, thats personal bigsmile
And I agree it depends upon the context of what and why you're proving and that determines what is needed to accept a particular proof of truth.

I think I read too much into the original question: How do you know if something is true?

ezguy's photo
Fri 08/03/07 12:33 PM
kater, I liked the analogy. flowerforyou
Voil, I'd like to respond for the sake of debate bigsmile

What makes you assume the dog is hungry or thirsty or wants a treat? Perhaps it just wants to be near the master. You mention the basic needs: food, shelter, water but you left out to belong. All beings feel a need to belong.
I'm not affraid to die. In a twisted kind of way, I look forward to it. (Side note: I think I'm gonna live to 150.)

Just as the dog can smell his master on the other side of the door, perhaps we too have some sense of the 'other side'. And it is that feeling, not fear that makes us have faith in life here after.

ezguy's photo
Fri 08/03/07 12:17 PM
I take that as a yes vote for 'its all based on faith'. bigsmile

ezguy's photo
Fri 08/03/07 11:28 AM
so i take it, a mere mortal can not prove any truth. its all based on faith?

ezguy's photo
Thu 08/02/07 10:02 PM
From the original post:
How do you know if something is true?
How many different ways are there to know?
Which ways appeal to you the most?
First of all, it always depends on what the definition of 'is' is. In the day to day sence, its true if it works everytime.
Of course, what works for me, might not work for you. So, my truth might not be your truth.

I think there are only two ways to know what you know. direct/indirect experience and reasoning or deductive logic.

I suppose, direct experience is my preferred method of experiencing truth but, I rely on whatever is available.

As for the other 6 pages of replies, I believe practically everything everybody wrote. But the truth is, I'm gullible.
So, how does one know its true?

If the proof is in the pudding. Make mine chocolate.

ezguy's photo
Sat 07/28/07 08:50 PM
I thought the bible had a story about women being married outside of their faith. The way I remember it, the ladies were told to live a good christian life and let their husbands worship their own god. And any conversion would be done by example not by prodding.

ezguy's photo
Wed 07/25/07 10:53 PM
I didn't mean 'you' as in you in particular wench flowerforyou I meant the hypothetical you, of course bigsmile

ezguy's photo
Wed 07/25/07 09:32 PM
"Without two sides would conflict arise? Yes, in the sense one can argue with themselves. " - wench

If you are in conflict or battling with your self, the one is like two. There is you, the one fighting and
your self, the one you are fighting with bigsmile
Which is really you? Or are there 2 of you?

Ya, I think we make everything a struggle in our own minds.

How we define ourselves reminds me of a scene from fight club: "you're not how much money you've got in the bank. You're not your job. You're not your family, and you're not who you tell yourself.... You're not your name.... You're not your problems.... You're not your age.... You are not your hopes."
~Chuck Palahniuk, Fight Club, Chapter 18

Thinking about it, if I could I'd like to charge admission bigsmile

ezguy's photo
Mon 07/23/07 08:51 AM
I think the question should be shirt or no shirt bigsmile
Up until recently all I wore were T-shirts, shorts or sweats (mostly). Obviously a formal occassion requires formal attire.
Going to the mall, the park, the zoo.... IMO t-shirt is acceptable. For work it depends on the dress code.

T-shirts are great because they can make a statement about who you are, what you like, who you are with. Such as the classic

I'm with


ezguy's photo
Sun 07/22/07 08:58 PM
i'm just asking if there has to be two sides. A winner and a loser?

ezguy's photo
Sun 07/22/07 02:08 PM
you got it! bigsmile


ezguy's photo
Sun 07/22/07 01:38 PM
is battle an option? I'm a lover not a fighter bigsmile

ezguy's photo
Sun 07/22/07 01:28 PM
strawberry rolling papers?

ezguy's photo
Sun 07/22/07 01:25 PM
heh, I'd like to buy a vowel please. bigsmile

Ok, just guessing - Lou Ferigno?

ezguy's photo
Sun 07/22/07 01:24 PM
Divitto = My Cousin Vinny = Marisa Tormei

ezguy's photo
Sun 07/22/07 01:23 PM
did anyone mention...

The Penis Whisperer

ezguy's photo
Sun 07/22/07 01:22 PM


ezguy's photo
Sun 07/22/07 01:21 PM
cya drinker

ezguy's photo
Sun 07/22/07 01:21 PM

Daily Show or Colbert Report?

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